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dr. frink one

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  • Replies 21.2k
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if you never got arrested for painting

1. your either a snitch

2. you dont really paint

3. in some cases you can be extremly lucky.....


but if you crush its bound to happen at some point

graff pisses people off lol


1. your a idiot I dont think MSK would have snitches running around in their crew.

2. He really paints

3. Not getting caught the whole point of being discrete, which is what he is doing

4. He doesn't have to worry about flicks cause people post them up for him.

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first off guy i didnt call this guy a snitch or anyone in his crew

secound i know damn well he paints

third i dont think he was being discrete esspecially if your face is all over youtube any graff website/video and you twitter where you just painted to the masses


im sure if you or me went to jail for painting we would not even get close to the response this guy does i didnt make it a mission to become a house hold name yall are talking bout him like the news talks about lindsay lohan ahahahahhahahahahahha

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