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Knitbats: Tease your hair, volume and shit...


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Hey Im not pimpin myself out here am I? Haha


and I know what burgundy hair means... one part of being a slut [burgundy hair, smokes cigs, fake lesbian-ism, tanning bed tan, haha, I saw that link before.. good stuff]. But sorry, its more of a reddish pink.






Thanks Sugar, by the way.

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im sorry, excuse my horny slander....i have been locked in this house all day....i re arranged my room twice....u could fuckin eat off the floor in my apartment....and i just thought that seeing a nie pretty girls face (exspecially one who is a knightbat) would lighten up my day and make the hours i have spent online today worth it......^:)^

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Osama Bin Laden.


But seriously.. okay that wasnt even funny because jokes about bin Laden have gotten so damn passe that comment just made my ears bleed.


Im bored, and on AIM, and not trying to go to bed, and was attempting to pm someone my sn so i'd possibly be less bored.

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Originally posted by gatita

Osama Bin Laden.


But seriously.. okay that wasnt even funny because jokes about bin Laden have gotten so damn passe that comment just made my ears bleed.


Im bored, and on AIM, and not trying to go to bed, and was attempting to pm someone my sn so i'd possibly be less bored.




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keep it up deto, you'll feel a lot better once you are over that shit


I know what it's like to get off some hardcore shit, It's not easy at first but it sounds like you have friends there to support you. And of course the knightbats are here to help you out, jsut give a shout out if you need some help or something

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for real, kid. take a break now, it will only get harder to chill with it the longer you wait. good luck. stay away from the heads who are doing it for a minute. don't put yourself in the situation.


i'm obviously not telling you anything you don't know already. good luck.

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We here at the Knightbat Mansion care about every member of the community.


And deto, don't discouraged if you fall off and slip up, Rome wasn't built in a day. I'm gonna be really lame and quite a song but It fits.


"...when my eyes see a loser in

the mirror. I think "What did I do?" Sure I

fucked up, but I got back up, so that

loser shit's out the window.


And if you've been let you down, it might not be the last time. Cheer up, it will hurt much less tomorrow. We're all tired of fucking up

and that's not just being sorry. It means

brush the dirt off, get up and try again.


When you're sick of trying, how can you

expect to succeed? I can't recall my first

failure, and I'll forget this one too over


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<span style='color:pink'>im doing alright, my sleeping cycle is all fucked up, i was sober as sober can be last night and still couldn't sleep. i finally got to sleep around 5:30 this morning. i just laid in bed watching "Catch Me If You Can" and all the bonus materials.




lets see, day 2 begins now.</span>

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I would like to go on a cruise, but then again, I have an irrational fear of oceans and I don't know how to swim, so I guess I don't really want to go on a cruise.


Hey deto, you should go to the pharmacy and pick up some Tylenol Simply Sleeps so you can get to sleep at a regular hour, and just eat a ton of fruits and anything with tons of proteins in them, and drinks tons of water and gatorade to flush your system.

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