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Knitbats: Tease your hair, volume and shit...


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woohoo. loves me some o that philly stee.


i have a chemical imbalance. i'm sure of it. or maybe it's the change in the weather. it just started getting chilly in hong kong, and i love it. feels great. but something about it makes me homesick. i know it sounds weird that the weather would make me homesick... i don't know. but yesterday i got out of work, drank a beer on the train home. drank SEVEN more sitting on my couch. my girlfriend asked me to stop and i told her to leave me alone, bitter drunken style. man i suck.


but today i feel fine!


except for the fact that i'm going bald. it's getting noticeable.


i'm not happy about that.



my friend SEME (hicrew) is gonna make me a beatbox track with extra soy sauce chinese flavoring for me to lay a triggedy track down on. i already started writing lyrics. suggestions welcome.


Highly Inspirational or Heavily Intoxicated / semerocks beatbox bangs for me to meditate / i navigate the globe receiving dome from asian hos with the ability of pros with unbelievable stee / ice cubes and hot tea / blowjobs like tai chi / crouching tiger hidden penis drunken rabbit golden carrot lucky happy dragon spear and double horny panda bear/ just to name a couple few but fuckin isn't all i do i'll dedicate a little time to represent for my crew / i'll rock end to end burners on the great wall of china / right now i feel inspired but i'd probably just get tired and retire to an opium den and get retarded / it isn't like the goose to ever finish what he's started / now i'm high as high can be i'm smokin blunts with jet li / he says to me your drunken goose style couldn't possibly / defeat my shaolin flow/ so yo i punched him in the nose and offered him a mentos /



anyone have any good suggestions for rock and roll to download, along the lines of hot water music? i like them.

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Originally posted by iquit@Nov 19 2004, 04:17 AM

Highly Inspirational or Heavily Intoxicated / semerocks beatbox bangs for me to meditate / i navigate the globe receiving dome from asian hos with the ability of pros with unbelievable stee / ice cubes and hot tea / blowjobs like tai chi / crouching tiger hidden penis drunken rabbit golden carrot lucky happy dragon spear and double horny panda bear/ just to name a couple few but fuckin isn't all i do i'll dedicate a little time to represent for my crew / i'll rock end to end burners on the great wall of china / right now i feel inspired but i'd probably just get tired and retire to an opium den and get retarded / it isn't like the goose to ever finish what he's started / now i'm high as high can be i'm smokin blunts with jet li / he says to me your drunken goose style couldn't possibly / defeat my shaolin flow/ so yo i punched him in the nose and offered him a mentos /


Ha ha this is gold!


I'm going to see Jill Scott at Brixton Academy tomorrow night. I'll ask her if she wants to sing a hook for your track. Then later that night I'm off to see Mark the 45 King in East London. Should be a damn good night for music.

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Wow, this is going to sound mega dorky but it's for the New England quaker high school group. It's basically a bunch of pacifist white people from massachussetts. Graffiti adventures are fine, but interesting stories are better. Also, black and white photography is great.

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i bought two dvds the other day..

::: sleepers, and exorcist 3, 5.50 at walmart YEAAH NIKKUH


nekro - did you take SATs? if you did what'd you score?


i got the new eminem cd so i hopefully will be making some easy hard earned street hustlin cash....its good i got a younger brother in like 8th grade, im sure those kids want a eminem cd for 5 dollars...

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