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Knitbats: Tease your hair, volume and shit...


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Originally posted by iquit@Jan 10 2005, 12:25 AM



i just got your package.


thank you, you are the fucking man.


i'm doing some very serious thinking right now about how me and you are going to make some hong kong cashola.


my friend who distributes montana sells it out of a booth in a borderline flea market / shopping mall.


the rent is dumb low. why the hell wouldn't i open up a oneseriousthreat store in hk and try to blow this shit up?


hong kong consumers are hard to figure out tho... they'll spend stupid cash on a supreme shirt, because for some unknown reason, supreme is cool. the trick would be doing a little grassroots or guerilla type marketing to hype shit up here. like, i could photshop a pic of 50 cent wearing some 1st gear and wheat paste it all over the place. hehe.


anyway... i have some thinking to do, and people to talk to. but whether i just supply to retailers here or something, i really think we might be able to make a buck in hk with this shit.


^o^ knightbat world domination begins ^o^



dude you know me, i am totally down. we need to talk when you get back to the states, and when you head back to hk i will have you strapped w/ samples and catalogs for the 05 line. let's make that cash!

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i had a paper to give in at faculty closing time, that is 4, and the faculty was closed when igot there at 4:10. those fuckers are late for about anything but spot on when it comes to get off work


i had to get off the bus because i was feeling claustrophobic today



and i've been skipping one meal out of 2 since i got back to london



how's everyone else ?

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Excuse me for sounding like i dont know what im talkin about..but i have been livin in nyc all my life and have been to many diffrent piece spots...but what the hell is fame city?is it in long island? cuz if it is in li that is the reason i have no clue what it is







2blazzed/me and long island dont get along

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Originally posted by 2BLAZZED@Jan 10 2005, 04:50 PM

Excuse me for sounding like i dont know what im talkin about..but i have been livin in nyc all my life and have been to many diffrent piece spots...but what the hell is fame city?is it in long island? cuz if it is in li that is the reason i have no clue what it is







2blazzed/me and long island dont get along



it's in CT

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Originally posted by Glik0@Jan 10 2005, 03:14 AM

yo we should start saving for a little summer trip to gooseland goocher.


You know Im down to spread the gospel of 1ST to the masses via legal and not-so-legal means.



yo, i'm down.


and gooser, let's make some power moves..haha. nah i am down to build and get rich or semi well off, faster than slower...haha.

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what up bats/


So I've contracted a nifty flu bug over the past few days and I now feel about 2 feet away from death. I normally only get sick maybe once or twice a year and it's hardly ever this brutal. If being hit by a car doing 20 mph were a disease I would definately have caught and passed that shit on by now.


I've tried to do everything I can to remedy; rest for hours on end, consume dumb amounts of vitamins, take medicine, sweat my ass off in the hot shower, bundle up and go for a walk to get my blood circulating but nothing's working. This shit's hell.

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gooch, i'm gonna do some homework, talk to some heads, see what we can work out here. i'll get enough info this month for us to have a sit down in feb.


speaking of sit downs, i just got a sopranos season 5 bootleg! yessssssss.....


and my boy just came back from the states with dave chappelle season 2! yessssss....


i know this is old news to you guys, but it's all new to me and i'm fucking siked. best thing to happen to me since... since... yeah, for a while.


NOTE* this is NOT the time for any wise ass motherfuckers to start talking about what happens in the sopranos season 5 because i've done a fucking amazing job of remaining clueless up untill now.


motherfuckin sopranos marathon tonight, boyyyyeeeeeeeeee.

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