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Knitbats: Tease your hair, volume and shit...


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well you think chillin in a hot tob outside in the snow and eating at classy restaurants is fun???


last night i got out of work at 8pm, drank a beer on the train, drank a beer while i walked home from the train, got home and smoked some disgusting dirt weed, drank 3 more beers and played xbox until my girlfriends favorite chinese sitcom came on, then i watched that!!! then i went to sleep! then i woke up feeling like shit! then i came into work! yes, yes, yes!!! the excitement never ends!


someone please kill me.

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Holy shit, high school sucks. My day is a series of heinous buzzkills.


Precalculus is precalculus. It's also first period. I just sort of sit there and get 79s on tests. The teacher is nice though, she's 23 and lives with her parents and dates my old American Government teacher (who has the best ass on the planet. lyk.omgz). Nothing to really complain about here.


My computer applications teacher is probably the most useless teacher I've ever had. I've had classes in the past where I only really needed to talk to the teacher for 5 minutes a day. This is not one of those classes. Literally all we do in that class is go through the textbooks (yes, there are 2 of them. we do everything twice) and do the projects and excercises in the textbooks. I sometimes wear my headphones all class and see if she notices. Mild to severe buzzkill. Some days I can read blogs and 12oz in this class and she doesn't notice or care.


If I didn't thouroughly enjoy the subject matter of my Foriegn Policy/History class, I would probably hate the teacher. As it stands, I am occasionally annoyed by her. Either way, the curriculum kicks ass, so this class is good.


My current english teacher is like my sophomore english teacher, except she's younger, stupider, has bigger tits, and lacks his notable writing skill. Which is to say she's a complete moron who can't teach, doesn't know where to draw the line with her students, and can get away with it because she's young and pretty. The worst buzzkill of the day.


My physics teacher rarely fails to ruin my afternoon. I don't know if it's the monotonous droll of his voice, the nervous laughter, keeping us after class, or the incredibly awful clothing (homeslizza, if you're reading this I've got a message for you: you do not have a size 28 waist. Buy some flat front pants that fit around your goddamned waist, because the ones you have right now are probably cutting off your digestion for real), but this guy makes me want to stab myself in the forehead with a pair of safety scissors.


Teen angst. Everything sucks. I'm lame. Kill me. < /rant?>

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so ummm....


i havent had my lancer for even a WEEK YET, and i get outta school, get off the train, walk to my car that's parked at the trainstation lot, and someone has stollen the hubcap off my car.


now mind you. These arent those fancy "spinnah" hub caps that your friends OoO and AHH over, just a plain, simple cap.


This is probably why i hate people. Because lazy scum bag ass mother fuckers hafta steal from others. Yea, i know it's not a 1200$ rim, but it's still a pretty shitty thing to do. And the fact that i now hafta walk to my car twice a night by myself through the whole parking lot, and worry about who might be lurking around kinda freaks me out.


[/end rant]

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