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Knitbats: Tease your hair, volume and shit...


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damn gats, that "scratchy" style of those characters is banging!! whywrite, is that 2 different girls faces superimposed over 1 another?? cause i see brunnette with blonde highlights, and also bottle blond with green blue and purple...?? howw many of you are girls anyway??? im starting to wonder... is "knightbat" some sort of code for t/s hermaph???? :shook: .......................... :haha: im buggin

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i am also bored.


what's been kinda freakin me out lately is that this girl sam i work with, at pier1, she looks JUST like Hail.


hail-you dont happen to work at pier1 with me and you're just not saying, are u? cuz my feelings would be hurt.


ok, it could be hail's twin sister...




i just had the nastiest mac and cheese of my life. And my myspace account is royally fuckin up. I had a masuimi max banner and i was tryin to add another banner, and it fucked up my profile.. DAMMIT


if you guys/gals are bored, theres this awesome photographer that shoots sets for the suicidegirls.. Bad ass photographer. His site is http://www.lithiumpicnic.com


AND, if you're lookin to sign up to the suicidegirls site, click my referral code at the botton in my signature. :kissa:

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oh word... "my mind is playin tricks on me" ... come to think of it i havent played the ps2 in a long minute... i bought madden and i played it once i think... it sucks... i got the simpsons hit and run... played for like a week, enter the matrix, played for like a week... its gonna rain tommorow night here... i think its gonna be a 40's and playstation night... rite now im going to bed, i gotta get up at 5:20 to take my time and get ready for work every morning........

goodnight bats.... peace crack............

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she's got the same hair, maybe a little shorter? it's hard to tell in pics of hail, she's only 17 tho, and she basically has the same facial features.


i dont know how i'd go about asking for a picture of her..would i just say:


"sam, can i take some flicks of you for my own personal use?"..not sure how good that would sound..

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this morning on the train to work i started freestyling to myself. not out loud, just mentally. i was so dope and on point. i was like busting out big ass vocabulary words and shit and the flow couldn't be stopped.


and THAT is the most interesting thing i can think of that has happened in my life in the last 24 hours.


if i was a superhero i'd go all city.


word to mohamed.



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