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Knitbats: Tease your hair, volume and shit...


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Originally posted by why write?

on soul seek how come i keep getting remotely queued shit...i duno what the fuck is going on, every song i try this shit happens


That just means you have to wait in line, when you search for something, you notice how some come up gray and some black? always go for the ones in black, that means there is no wait at all for the downloads.

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hahahah your a funny man iquit, and yes im a fucking caveman, nah my digi broke a few months back and i needa gather some cash for a new one..till then im using shitty cameras hah.....and anyway, nekro - my cruise was fucking really really nice, soo much shit to do....it was pretty good...and ill have the flicktures soon, cause im a lazy fuck

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this morning, on my way to work i almost stepped in dog shit. and then i saw a blind guy walking with his walking stick, and it got me thinking. how much would it suck to be blind, overcome this crazy handicap and walk around one of the gnarliest cities in the world, only to step in a steaming pile of shit? it just seems so unfair. i want to invent a walking stick that has a shit smelling sensor on the bottom to alert the blind of steamy dog shit.


dog shit is so gross here in hong kong too due to the heat and humidity. i'm not talking about those semi hard crusty shits that you can kick and they'll roll. these are wet gooey stinky shits. the kinds that can really ruin your day/kicks.

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I believe that if you marry a US citizen you are automatically granted citizenship. I think that if you have a job you can stay here as well, that's if the bush immigration reform passes (basically a snowball's chance in hell, that was just to get hispanics to vote for him).

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Originally posted by why write?

okay...in the US if your an illegal immigrant and you marry a US citizen you can stay in america or is this wrong? and can someone post some proof too....thanks if you know, if you dont..thanks anyway ;)


yes this is absoulutely true...my roomate married a close family's friend so he could stay..her mother did the same so another guy could stay too...

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