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Originally posted by cinnamon toast crunch804

pinarello's are really nice. what kind of componites(sp) are you going to hook it up with.



I want to do all Campy, but $$$ is an issue. I have a set of Rolf wheels that are going on it for sure. Cant decide on single speed or gears... If I go with gears I can use the rolfs so thats a plus. I will post flicks as the project continues.... kinda like "this old bike".... Bob Jewish..ha

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yes, anyone with info on chub hubs, let me know...


oh, i think a pinarello deserves campy. and cheaper campy is still campy.


and i think i deserve a basso road frame. (with campy).


i wish i had a road bike, with lots of wonderful gears... cuz i think my knee is about to explode in a nasty mess of blood and green puss...

goddamn fixedgear... where's my basso........ my poor knee....

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Guest imported_Europe
Originally posted by Jewish Task Force

Got a new bike.... Old but never used Pinerello road frame. Oh yes. A new project....


I told you to save up money, and there you go spending cash on a new bike... Sheeeesch!:o

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Guest imported_Europe
Originally posted by Jewish Task Force

Shut up dude, like I want to move there in winter.... Sheeeesch! Ill be there soon don't worry, I know you miss me, it will be ok.


Three month of darkness and below zero degrees, come on man join the party...:)

By the way, since this is the bike thread, I biked home in the first blizzard of the season last night. At 2 am, it took about 45 minutes, normally its about a 15 minute ride... Damn, that was some viking-trip.

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Originally posted by alkaline

Hahahaha. The other day I was riding, and it was so windy that I thought i was going to start rolling backwards.


like wise


it was so windy and cold i could not feel my face for a good half hour. my 2 hour ride felt like 4


my friend rode my fixed gear today and he's all about getting one. the thing is i have some much bike crap at home i have enough stuff to put one together all i need is an okay frame any sites online to buy that stuff. all im looking for is an older road bike frame.

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Originally posted by HESHIANDET

could be worse, you could be riding your bike in that in BOSTON!


I heard from a couple transplanted Boston kids that the drivers in Frisco are worse.


Question, whats up with the whole straight or riser bar fixie thing in boston, these guys are all about it but i dont get it.


And try riding down a steep ass hill on a fix with no brakes in the rain. Slip sliding away.....


And Boston has streetcars too so I wont say anything about drivers purposely steering you into the rail. Thats always fun.

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don't ride when you're sick ;)


i went on a 45 minute ride this morning on the fixed piece. it's a hilly area, and just as i'm coming down a huge hill after about the half-way point in my ride, it becomes apparent to me that i can't feel my feet. i thought it was high 40s when i went out, but it was just about 30 with a hell of a wind chill. i'm sick, so my schnoz is gushing snot all over me and my face is already wind-chapped to the extent that it feels like tupperware. i realize that i gotta head back or else i'll be in trouble, so i double back and try to go back up the hill after just struggling to get over and down. after the apex, i'm spitting up green and bloody snot and pieces of lung. i should have just stayed in bed and tried to get better, but the promise of daylight lured me out. i was hurting man i'll tell ya. my lungs were in no condition to ride today and the wind ripped right through the mesh on my dominators and left them stinging and numb for several hours. i'll stick to the trainer next time i'm sick, no matter what it looks like outside.

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Originally posted by ardenchapman

i wish i had a road bike, with lots of wonderful gears... cuz i think my knee is about to explode in a nasty mess of blood and green puss...

goddamn fixedgear... where's my basso........ my poor knee....


oh no not you also!! 5alarm has been complaing about it all week and he's been telling me about you too. hope you got a knee brace cuz that shit will help. also, he and i took a long walk today and that helped him out as well.

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I hear ya Teaz! I went out yesterday for three hours because it was really nice out. Not a cloud in the sky. I was completely warm thanks to some nice Assos tights I purchased and the Craft windstopper undershirt, but nothing could protect my lungs from the cold-ass air I was breathing in. I feel all crappy today and I'm suppose to do another three hours. Same with tomorrow. I use to love the winters...


Jewish, I agree about the Campy for a Pinarello. You could put Campy Mirage on there for mad cheap and still have a good product. Check ebay for parts or use google.com for listings. I found new Campy Record brake callipers for $50. It's all in the searching my friend.


Congrats on the placings Cinnamon!!!!

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Originally posted by Jewish Task Force

Question, whats up with the whole straight or riser bar fixie thing in boston, these guys are all about it but i dont get it.


Are you talking about mountain bike bars on a fixie? I was thinking about putting some on mine, but I had no idea that other people did that. After much diliberation, I decided that my traditional road bars had more of an advantage as far as hand positions, so I left them the way they are. The only reason that I was going to switch them in the first place is because this is the first "road" frame/bike I've ever owned. I'm used to a mountain/BMX handlebar.

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i prefer my track bars over traditional road bars. in and out of traffic its nice to have a narrower profile. plus they're way more sexy. and as far as people putting staright bars on a fixie and cutting them short, thats just stupid. no offense but ive nevr seen the point. get bull bars if you don't wanna rock the drops...

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now i rode a specialized (allez *sp????) the other day and the bars were as wide as my mountain bike's. felt weirds but boy oh boy did it cram that cold air down into my lungs. track bars are still better. $$

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something im working on


well since i am in this damn cold country of snow and ice and i cant ride my bike.oh wait...i dont have a bike anymore or a job or a home....but no worries i got it all working out.i digress.heres the begining of something i am writing for my new tape.messenger without a bike.i post the rest of it when im done but i hope you guys enjoy the first verse.hiphopers anf non hiphopers alike...here we go




*With grit under my nails,and grease on the fingers

-The stench of the days labor,in the maze still lingers

*From pushing a sprocket on a no second ringer

-Fixy conversion combo,a beater class

*Blue collar ride, that beats a fast pass

-Hands down heads up floating with no breaks

*Stunningly elegant on high speed turn takes

-the closest thing to a functional simplistic divinity

*perfected fusion of spirit, flesh and machinary

-Two wheels one frame,braided spokes of flame

*like calves turning cranks,burning accross city blocks

-oppisitions knots get rocked by u-locks

*but these actions are reserved for peace breakers

-like jerk cab drivers and municipal fair takers

*while the jakes are trying to give bullshit tickets

-and bad drivers get told with quick wit where to stick it


ill have the rest later....once again hope you like.



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