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Originally posted by DIBS

tearz,40miles is a good one huh?i went for a gnarly nite ride last nite,and a long road ride in the morning,felt real good at the end of the day.hope your friend gets well ok.you got to ride in mud!i miss the mud from michigan,in cali its always dry,its rained once in the last8 months,all dust out here.i would kill for some mud!cinamon,mr cyclocross,dang.i would like to get into it.it seems so fun,in a very insane way.the new velonews has dedicated about half this issue to the cylocross season as a preview.some really good stuff,got me all amped to get a cross bike and go for it.a few weeks ago i saw this beuatiful "kelly" cross bike,metalic green with orange lettering,a mix of xtr and ultegra and hayes disc brakes.it was so sweet.a dream on two wheeles.thanks for all the pictures and cross info,check out that velonews if you havent already.


you should save up and get a CROSS bike. it's better then sex. and yes i was very happy to see the new velo news. some good articals the last monts velo news also had a good cross section. Kelly's are really nice bikes. I ride a fuji right now but at the end of this season im planing on traiding it in and buying a RED LINE they are really nice. and i get them real cheep. Being sponcered is a very good thing

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but this guy is a bad ass Tim Johnon





and yes if you good enough you can just jump over them






if im post to much stuff just let my know and i'll stop

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Stone Cutter Ride Plans


16 pages like whoa . and bumping this up from the second page. okay well, hesh and i were talking (all shit talk about you guys....just playin :crazy: ). and we figured that the ride would be best in may, the week of the 19th to the 25th. But everyone should be arriving in sf about the 17th, because on the 20th, we start riding. Now, I have a cat. so if you are allergic, just beware. he's a nice cat too, acts a little loco sometimes, but all in all, he is my baby. if any of you guys have any questions, just email me at devilush_hiss@hotmail.com and my aim name is pablografkat. oooooorrrrr, you can talk to heshy through aim heshrock or email him at boxcarmonster@yahoo.com.


oh yea, i would like to know who is coming too. so i can plan accordingly, or try to. ;)


oh and one more thing, make sure that you are over 21. ;)

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dibs it wasn't the length of the ride that was crazy, it was the conditions. we literally could have done the ride in less than half the time it took us, but the area is ridiculously rocky and you know how the mud on the tires can slow you down. why you tryin to play me out mang? :)

the new velonews cyclocross issue i concur is pretty inspiring.

i MAY be able to come to the stonecutters ride, but it will be tough. i'll try my best.

anybody (joker dibs?) got any recommendations on trainers? anybody use them? haha, not the messengers. you dudes must come home and pass out.

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tearz,for real i am soooo envious.i would LOVE to ride in the mud,this dusty ,dry enviroment is a little dull sometimes,i would kill for mud.as far as trainers,look at minoura trainers,one that rides the rims if possible,or for some real indoors fun get rollers.rollers are the funnest thing.imagine putting your bike on a long contraption with 3 little roller type of deals,then you put your bike on it,sit on the bike,balance and ride in place.its sooo fun,i think.im getting me some rollers this winter.im sure joker has some input on this too.

aw yeah,stonecutters commin to cali!

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I haven't used rollers since I was racing BMX back in the early eigties. How's that for showing my age? At the moment I have a Blackburn stand which works fine for me. I use it often in the winter months especially when I don't have time to gear up and go for a proper ride. Even 30 minutes on a trainer is better than nothing during the winter. I usually watch a race video to keep my in tune with what i'm doing. And to keep me from getting bored. When you're on the road cruising around, you've got visuals to keep your mind stimulated. But indoors... in one spot... you'll go mad without entertainment. I wouldn't be a slave to one if you get one. This is my opinion though.


I'm kinda geeked about this Cutters ride. Kinda scared as well. I can't imagine the looks we'll get out on the road. A bunch of hooligans with stained red lips from wine... the horror...


I've spent the last two hours searching the web for a deal on a Campagnolo Mirage gruppo. No such luck. I finally got a winter bike (Cannondale R600) but it has Shimano Sora equipment mixed with Cannondale equipment. And I'm all over the place trying to ride it!! I need my Campy!!!


Cyclocross is rockin' like Dokken! That'll be my next big purchase. Then again... my wife may have my head if I get another bike. We're running out of room...

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don't sweat it joker. me and devilush are ironing out all the sticky details...i found a site that is all about which vinyards are free and give the best tours etc....thats the dangerous part. i figure after a few tastings i'll be averging 0 mph...:)

i'll hopefully be rocking this by the time we get out there. custom paint of course.


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also if your not into cyclocross and want to stay in shape in the winter i receintly started taking spinning classes (indoor cycling) they are really effective. as of right now i am training to become an instructor. you get out what you put into the class. the instructor also makes the class. Most health/fitness clubs offer them. and i am the only guy in my class it's nice being surrounded by 10-15 girls in spandex. good times!!!!!!

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Originally posted by alkaline

Hot damn, Cinnamon! That's a nice bike.


yes indeed!litespeed,very nice.but looking at it from a mechanics point of view,some of those shimano wheeles (on that lietspeed) came in the other day,with that strange lacing pattern and the odd shaped hubs,the nipples at the hub instead of the rim,was a pain in the but to true.but they look stellar.i got the day off so i will spend some time doing some stone cutters wine rampage research,ill post links to whatever interesting stuff i find.

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can someone explain those spokes to THE LAW? he doesn't understand....


what THE LAW does understand is that when he's high speed cruising in between parked cars and another line of cars waiting at a stop light, he feels like Luke Skywalker trying to blow up the death star. zooooommmm


it was cold this morning

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can someone go over the different kinds of lacing with pictures and stuff and tell THE LAW what different kinds are good for?


THE LAW doesn't understand

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the lacing on those litespeed (wheels) spokes is something that has been around forever just noone could get it to work right, if you look closely there is no bend in the spoke (a stress point on other lacing systems) i think they are calling this vertical lacing i may be mistaken tho...

it is super rigid but a little twitchy side to side because when you are laced like this the hub is compentsated for horizontal torque but they are strong as shit... i would ride the front wheel in boston and not worry too much. they are rad as shit.


the law i wish i knew more about conventional lacing i only react when i see the aero space technology... i wish i knew 2x and 3x as well as i understand 5star and 3 star.

what can you do.


as for the cutters ride i am boycotting unless someone is carrying a six pack of sprite for the sxe kid.

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how about rootbeer? you can drink it straight, i'll mix it w/ so-co..i'll buy and carry it, your coming assface.

heres the pic of my wheels, and an old pic of my bike.sans selle sadle, new headset,stem,bars,tires. always going through fuckin tires..........


law man, peep the twist lace. very strong latterally. old school track heads use to do one twist and then a dab of soder.mine are twisted twice, im still able to throw a whench on em, but its scary to do.


heres the whole thing agin. my daily driver. i lover her, she takes my abuse and just keeps going. don't front.

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id be rather surprised if any of you know what im talking about here...


terribleone barcode in blood red

s&m pitchforks black

FBM bars black

primo casket stem in black

4 primo stogie pegs all black and destroyed to some degree

no brakes, theyre for pussies...

alex triple wall rims, black, with dk 14mm hubs front and rear

primo powerbite cranks black

primo super tenderizers black ( i gotta get new ones cause theyre hard to do crankflips with)

kink 44t sprocket black with the new kink park guard

im running a primo dirt monster up front with a primo wall in the back



hesh, nice seat, i got the same one in black/grey except i destroyed it from too much bike throwing in about 10 minutes, which is also the reason i go through a set of bars every 2 weeks...the seats now has a beautiful desert camo cover on it because im martha fuckin stewart when it comes to my bike...


i highly doubt anyone else in here rides seriously...if you do though and live in ny hit me up with a mail we'll ride, also theres a new underground park by me that a bunch of guys built, its super rad and it right next to the tracks, i been seeing some nice fr8s roll through as of late.


out to work on halfcab manuals...later...



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joker what did i say about fronting???haha. nah man, im pretty tall, 6'1". the bike is a 60. i dunno, its a yakoda so its a product of that 80's weird/crappy bike invasion. i always thought the headtube was long also, its just a lil weird. she'll be heading into retirement soon i think. especially if i start racing. and the wheels are hard to get out of true, getting em back in is the hard part. :cool:

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