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You can both cut it out, this is probably the only thread I come to on a daily basis that has little to none pointless bickering.


To give a suggestion to some shoes though, Sidi makes some reaaaaaaal nice MTN bike shoes. But I wouldn't necessarily go with MTN bike shoes just because they are easier to use. They might have an actual walking surface but at the same time seem to be a bit more clunky to me. Like a lot of this kind of shit it's all based on what you like. Try some on at a local store to get your size and what brand you like.

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It's not the shoes that you get you out, it's the type of cleat and pedal you have. Like it was talked about and is still being talked about on this page there are many different types. Just dial down the tension on them so they are easy to clip in and clip out. Once you're comfortable then you can tune them in to your liking.


When I transitioned into riding clip-less I bought SPD-SL's because of the larger platform was more comfortable for me. If you're unsure about riding clip-less then slapping on a pair of eggbeaters might not be the best bet for you. Then again you might like them so who knows.

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rollers are more difficult to learn but way more fun and challenging, especially if you're housebound by weather. intervals are easier on trainers but it just doesn't feel right.


okay rollers are the way to go then. i can build a set for 15 dollars vs spending loads of money on a trainer...


thanks for the help.


im going on a 60 mile ride sunday, any advice on what i should take? my friend is taking along a cos and a hand pump and i have a few extra tubes. but what about food, how much water etc

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You wanna play the money game?

I won't even go there.


Go listen to 3OH!3 and bitch about your life in some blog, you filthy fucking hipster.






i said what is was to point out that it isn't a "good road bike" nor is it a "shitty fixie." go back to bragging about how pricey your dads shit is, i'm sorry i interrupted you :rolleyes:



really dude, they're fucking bikes. stop trying to turn it into some status symbol bullshit and just ride. go have fun.

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really dude, they're fucking bikes. stop trying to turn it into some status symbol bullshit and just ride. go have fun.

Ah, now you play the defensive.


Anyways, I have an old MTB bike I found in my garage.


Considering fixing it up/modding it for late fall/early winter time.


Maybe put some knobless tires on it? It will never see any dirt.


Might use this as a beater bike to ride around town......



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Joker how'd you do at PIR?


I showed up late and forgot my entry money :mad: So I took a little excursion through N. Portland and then rode home and did some hill intervals so that me getting kitted up and filling my water bottles wouldn't go completely to waste. It was probably for the better anyway because I just got the cleats fitted on my road shoes right beforehand and am still learning to cope with single sided clipless pedals (those SPD-SL's) after riding Time ATACs for the last 1.5 years. That and this damn heat does strange things to my riding.


SpraedAIDS, cool it with the elitist attitude. If you don't ride track yourself then you don't really have any ground to back on when you try to pull a card like that. Start talking to me about the tactical differences between racing a win-n-out, a keirin and a devil takes hindmost and I'll take you seriously.

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but will see more miles that whatever you're riding...



do you even ride bikes? i don't think i've seen you post in this thread...




i haven't had a car in 7 years.

i ride year round, and i live in minnesota.

so the majority of my riding is dealing with ice/snow.

i ride everywhere i go. unless its pouring, then i will take the bus.

you're right, i don't post in this thread. know why? cuz i don't really care that much to discuss biking constantly. i'm out "having fun and riding", as you claimed is the most important part right?

don't even try to card pull when you don't know anything to begin with. 100 bucks says you are the kid i see at stoplights, just STRUGGLING to do a trackstand and look cool. make sure nobody is looking when you put your foot down to adjust the strap on your chrome bag.

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Ah, now you play the defensive.


Anyways, I have an old MTB bike I found in my garage.


Considering fixing it up/modding it for late fall/early winter time.


Maybe put some knobless tires on it? It will never see any dirt.


Might use this as a beater bike to ride around town......




Put some hybrid tires on it and a rack...that is what I did to my MTB

I use it everyday to get to work, its awesome



and thismachinekills is a filthy fucking hipster :lol:

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chill with the beef you fucktards.


this is probably THE most helpful thread in all of 12oz until now, leave it up to a hipster and a couple of "outsiders" to fuck things up.


and way to go asl, your probably the first person to post a "u mad" photo in here.



and all this dick measuring bullshit needs to stop. who cares if youve ridden all your life?? you should be giving advice to the kid whos just starting riding.


so all of you shut the fuck up and tell me why nobody has come out with a rear shock with remote lockout?!?!?

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