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Originally posted by TEARZ


let me guess on this one.... you were taking off your old pedals to put on your new "hollywood" pedals... them shits was torqued up tight and then BAM, the wrench gives and your kuckles go right into the chain/chain ring... am i right? am i the only one that has done this several times??

i love doing my own repairs, but only for certain things. i must admit that i really don't fuck with derailers outside of simple adjustments. well i do, but 1/2 the time i end up taking into the shop anyway because i worsened the problem. but it feels good to do your own stuff... it also helps to have a good relationship with one bike shop. i have never paid for a repair i've had done at my spot because i buy all of my shit from them and i've showed my loyalty. but at least knowing the basics is key.


uh....no....but fingers always end up getting smashed somehow...it's funny...THE LAW likes working on mechanical shit, stuff around the house, putting projects together, etc.... but working on the bike is always an activity participated in begrudgingly...THE LAW wants his bike to be in perfect condition all the time without working on it. you can't have it all huh? wasted half a sunday working on the steed to keep it working properly .


anyone applying for a job as an in-house bike technician for THE LAW? pays in ice cream, beer and smashed fingers.

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Originally posted by iiii

i wrote a long intelligent post in response to you dibs, but my computer screwed up and it got deleted... so here we go again. i admit my comment stereotyped a whole group of people that i know little about, but it was meant as a joke. however, i have talked to some local mountain bikers, and many of them have had the attitude that 'road bikes are for pussies and old people'. even so, my comment was pretty dumb, and i'm sorry it pissed you off. p.s. - i have nothing against people with piercings, tattoos, or other body modifications. many of my friends are modded in some way, and i hope to get a tattoo or two in the future.


iiiii, believe when i say i totally understand, there are alot of mtn bikers that do act like a road bike is only for weenies or testosterone deficiant, but that door swings both ways as road bikers think of mtn bikers as cave men. working in a shop i just get tired of it. i ride everything, xc mtn, freeride/dh mtn, road, fixed. as far as i am cocerned its all just more time on the bike havving fun and working the stress out. there are generalizations with everything. i wasnt saying i was p.o.'d, just that looks can be decieving. i wish you luck with your fixed gear project.


the law, next time your my neighborhood be sure you have bike tune up credit available to you:)

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that web site rocks.


I finally got the check for the frame I sold. Going to the bike shop today to finally order my flip flop wheel. My fixed gears will be back on the road! I'll have to get pics of them. One is full on battle ready without brakes, the other is semi pretty and has brakes.


Bike Maintenance

I pretty much do everything myself. Most of the stuff I don't do is because I don't have the tools (headset press, building wheels, etc.). I have a couple of beater bikes that I refuse to touch. I actually put duct tape on the brakes of one of them. The metal is cracked on the arm and the duct tape is all that is holding it together.

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no shit...it's super fucking hot.


well, THE LAW wrecked today. nothing overly serious, just a bruised hip. stupid cars.


blasting through a yellow light when oncoming traffic decided to make a left turn in THE LAW's path. it was wet and THE LAW either had to take a spill or hit the car head on...chose the pavement rather than the car.




might take tomorrow off work.

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those would seem like great bikes for anybody man. a bit baller for a first road bike, but there's nothing wrong with that.


yo, i can't for the life of me get the hang of doing skids on my track bike. shit just doesn't happen for me. is it possible that i'm geared too high or does that have nothing to do with it? i'm running a 46x15 right now.


THE LAW, i think that you are officially the hard luck man of bicicletas. keep the faith.


i managed to go about 37-40mph for about a mile today. i was on this country road where there is a gradual down hill. at the top of the hill i went into my high gear and managed to groove myself right behind an explorer traveling at just about 40mph. i didn't sit right on it by any means but i got into a nice slip stream that it created- at the bottom of the hill it flattened out and i was able to just keep going until the car turned off. it was funny seeing the lady's eyes checking me in the rear view mirror.

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Guest Jan Ulrich

40mph!?!?! jeez son, you're cooking.


i used to try and draft buses but a close call taught me that it's a pretty easy way to get killed.

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damn this is all way over my head


sorry if this is asked before but im on a shite internet and dont want to browse every page...ive recently gotten back into biking, and want to look at buying one but i have no idea where to start...my last bike was a huffy i got on like my ninth birthday or something:D what would be a good bike and price for an average rider..getting around places, excersize...etc...

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Negative Energy


I can't think what I did to deserve it, but yesterday was riddled with negative energy. On my ride home from work I had a doberman chase my ass. No sooner had I dropped the dog, when some jackass pulled out from a side street. Dude nearly side swiped me pulling out. I stood up and hammered it to get out of the way. So, then he gets his front bumper as close as humanly possible to my rear tire. I'm freaking out and stepping it up. When I get enough up on him, I look back...dudes got his face buried in some xerox. He looks at me and I give him the wtf look. He flips me off and gets in his agressive driving stance, so I brake hard and pull off to the side. I'm so flippin pissed I give'm both fingers. He hits his brakes like he's gonna stop, so I'm full on... hell yea lets go! Apparently he decided against stopping, so instead he puts it in neutral and revs it for me. At that point I just started laughing.


Rest of the ride home went pretty smooth except for the bitch in the SUV who felt her car was large enough for both lanes. Almost went for grass to get out of her way. Got home and got setup for the group ride I do. The prior week we were pretty bad about blowing stop signs and yellows. Well, this week they had a cop waiting for us. Lucky for us...he stopped some older couple for running the 4 way stop. We all felt pretty bad for them...it looked like that was their first bike ride in 10 years. Finished the group ride and rode home. I was home for a couple minutes when my mom called to let me know one of my relatives passed away. Originally I was going to meet some other people and do a mountain bike ride to get in an even 50 for the day, but after that...it just wasn't there.

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So I decided that I've been being a wuss for long enough and to get more serious with my bike riding. It was partially brought on by my work's company picnic. We were at this local park that has a mountain bike trail, decent road riding and trains that roll right by the park. I took my single-speed, suspension-less mountain bike (okay, it's more like a 26" BMX) out there just hoping to cruise around. As it turns out, the trail was a lot more fun than I had expected, and after a two hour solo ride, I found myself not wanting to stop. So I rode again the next day (on the road) and had plans to ride everyday until we left for D.C. next week, but wouldn't you know it, I got sick AGAIN. I'm really sick of being sick.


The plus side of being sick and at home is that I can use my brand new swank-ass ballah tool kit to take apart and put back together my bikes. I'm all about fixing my own bikes. If I can't handle it, I just take it to one of my friends that really knows what their doing and pay them with a sixer of their choice.

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Originally posted by SteveAustin

not a stonecutter, but

you's a cutter, brah. unless for some reason you don't want to be and it's some political statement. he$h laid it down clearly before, if you're a regular contributor and you got the love, you're in. you qualify.

it's hot like a mowfaga up here. i basically couldn't stand to ride more than my commute today, and that was even like 14mph average. i just couldn't take it.

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Guest Jan Ulrich

Re: damn this is all way over my head


Originally posted by yoink

sorry if this is asked before but im on a shite internet and dont want to browse every page...ive recently gotten back into biking, and want to look at buying one but i have no idea where to start...my last bike was a huffy i got on like my ninth birthday or something:D what would be a good bike and price for an average rider..getting around places, excersize...etc...


that all depends on what kind of riding you expect to be doing. if you're looking for something comfortable that you can commute with i suggest picking up a mid-range mountain bike or cruiser(although old people generally rock cruisers). i probably wouldn't look at road bikes unless you were planning on doing more than just using the bike to get around. road bikes are generally much more expensive than mountain bikes and are less flexible in regards to the things you can do with them. you're other option is to buy a nice fixed gear. you can build one up for a couple hundred bucks and they're pretty damn durable.

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Originally posted by TEARZ

you's a cutter, brah. unless for some reason you don't want to be and it's some political statement. he$h laid it down clearly before, if you're a regular contributor and you got the love, you're in. you qualify.



No, not a political statement at all. I'm down with being a cutter. God knows I got mad love for the two wheelers.


Actually that reminds me, I found an old Schwinn trike the other day. Whoever was selling it wanted $125 for it. If it was $50 I would've bought that shit up right quick, hell if it was $75 I would've thought long and hard about it....then bought it.



-like Jan said...it all depends on what your going to do with it. If you think your gonna do both (road and mountain) you may want to consider a cross bike. You can get a really nice bike for a little over a grand. Surly makes a pretty tough cross bike...I think it runs around $900 new.

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Re: Re: damn this is all way over my head


Originally posted by Jan Ulrich

you're other option is to buy a nice fixed gear. you can build one up for a couple hundred bucks and they're pretty damn durable.

that sounds good i def wouldnt want anythign too big or too expensive...whats a good site to look at for this stuff?

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Re: Re: Re: damn this is all way over my head


Originally posted by yoink

that sounds good i def wouldnt want anythign too big or too expensive...whats a good site to look at for this stuff?


firs do a lil research at the local shops, ride some bikes, see what you like and then BAM. hit up ebay. you can get most bikes that you will like on ebay for pretty cheap.

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Guest Jan Ulrich

price wise it all depends on whether or not quality matters. if you want something that will simply roll you could build up a fixed gear for under 100 bucks. now i'm talking bottom of the barrel type shit here. if you want something that will perform and look sexy you're looking at anything from $400-800. most the shops that sell fixed gears in my area charge around that price range. dibs is right, ebay is probably your best bet for a good deal.

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Guest --zeSto--

you want to find a quality bike ...?


do like I did.. head down to the pawn shop!


I picked up this super bike with tons of extras for 400$.

It was exactly what I was looking for too! (a Haro atb with slicks for for city riding)

The brake cables were cut so it wasn't going to get sold very fast.

Most people wouldn't buy a bike without working brake.

so then it's off to the bike shop.. 40$ later for new cables and a tune up...


And I've been riding around ever since.




so my point... you can saw a bucket of cash on a used bike.

Just make sure to have a pro give it the one-over.

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hmm okay thanks for the tips guys....

ill probably talk to the bike store dude...then search around at stuff and see what i can spend..im looking for not bottem of the barrel midway sexy looking and i think that will suit...and then when i get some info and ideas ill check ebay and some pawn shops..why not!:cool:

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yoink...if you are who i think you are give me a holla sometime and i'll help you find a bicycle


damn work:mad: :mad: :mad: I like being at school. i have more free time but none the less im still finding sometime to ride not a lot but enough and ive also been swimming alot (well 2-3 days a week) shit is hard my upper body is so weak from only riding the bike for so long


anyway i want to be cool so im rocking the cutters from now on

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