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today i got a facebook message from the president of the collegiate cycling team. he said they really needed members and asked me to consider racing this year...


bad idea?


Not sure what you're motivation is for the year but if you're even considering racing then I think it's a good idea. My reasons being... and I could be wrong but... are that you would have a coach and a team to work for/with/for you. You seemed to have a pretty good year last year and I would assume you could pull it off again.


Have you been training at all this winter, or would you be starting your training now?


And what's in it for you?

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I could do half of that and be happy. I could do all of that and call in sick for a week. Looks just like climbing and descending mount diablo five times.


I dunno about the altitudes tho. On the track all the records are set on tracks at high altitude because the air density helps more than the lack of oxygen hurts.


In comparison, the GPC, or grizzly peak century is considered one of the toughest centuries in california, but it's 108 miles long and 8500 feet of climbing. That shit's 15,000 feet.


On second thought i might try to do this. I'll be riding Haliakulah (sp?) in june and that's a month after.

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^ go for it.


I need to step up my game.

Right now I'm riding an average of 20-25 miles a day (3-4 times a week). and thats cross country /mtb. and its not enough. and I struggle to find time to ride (poor excuse I know).


I'm thinking I'll be switching to road soon. need to think about it a bit more, maybe a couple more months, and a few more paychecks. seems like a whole new ball game. and the bikes.........the bikes.


Right now I am going to sleep.

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Not sure what you're motivation is for the year but if you're even considering racing then I think it's a good idea. My reasons being... and I could be wrong but... are that you would have a coach and a team to work for/with/for you. You seemed to have a pretty good year last year and I would assume you could pull it off again.


Have you been training at all this winter, or would you be starting your training now?


And what's in it for you?


not much is in it for me. maybe a free frame of lower quality and a healthy outlet to have a good time.


i havent been riding. at all. ive just been going to school, making art, and drinking and smoking with the homies. and ive been enjoying it.


i think im going to start riding in my spare time with the tea, and see where it goes. dude has been messaging me and its only 4 races he wants me to do, and he said he isnt taking no for an answer. hahahaha. right.

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what's the problem, like females don't ride bikes also?? i'm just tired of riding a bike with a frame that is too big for me (even if it is a nice one) and hurts my knees, so i figured that this was a good place to get some advice. anyways, i'll look into your suggestions, thanks very much.

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just got this from a pretty serious rider who i work with...this is the old edition...there is a newer on i gather and one for other parts of the bay area




you can pick one up for 1.95 on amazon




not to exciting..just sharing some info about this book im pysched on

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I've got the first one Grant Petersen wrote for the Diablo Hills and Marin county. Picked it up at a half-price book store so I could stop stealing my friend's copy. I'm proud to say I've ridden almost every road in the book. They're really really good books, but I realized last year that they were written in the 80's so if it says "Little to no traffic" it could be a major fucking biway now.


just about every girl i see riding a bike has a frame that's too big for them. minus those that race.


anyone sense some sort of underlying feminist tension?


Hah didnt notice that. Comfort reasons, maybe?

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60 mile ride today fixed. the hills at the end of my destination were fucking killing me @ 73 gear inches. otherwise all flat. when i pulled into this small historic western town, the main street was all barricaded off with cop cars everywhere, i guess some guy walked to the police station and pointed a shotgun at the sherrif, who in turn shot the would be attacker dead.

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73" gear? Dude... you're a monster.


Got 60 miles in today as well. It was so nice that I didn't want to go home. Supposed to be even nicer tomorrow. You know I'm going to be out for a while.


The wife bought one of these today... I'm a little jealous...



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cheap ass. chainrings dont cost shit, buy a new one be done w/ it. enough of this punk rock attitude. fuck that shit might as well mount a tall bike.


ha wow.


i don't have a digital camera around, but whatever. its not the chainring, its the spider that is bent. and buying new cranks is going to mean a new bottom bracket as well. I don't think trying to save a few hundred dollars is necessarily very punk rock. any its not really that bent in the first place, just sounds like a little kitty purring up against my front derailer whenever i pedal.

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Dude... You can try with a hammer, or vicegrips and slowly work it back into position but alu doesnt like to be fucked with. How'd you bend the spider, and why do you think you need to replace the bb?


Today I was up in Davis to check out my dude's new P3 Carbon and ended up watching his System Six get run over. I fucking wept for that bike. For the insurance we went and got it quoted at a bike shop for $7,000. When the bike got hit the fork blade popped, but the carbon twill cannondale uses is apparently way tougher than the shit bianchi uses on their forks. Instead of it cracking in half, the the resin in the fork snapped but the twill fibers stayed together.


So yeah, I missed the Amgen prologue down at Stanford. Im kinda pissed.

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I watched the prologue on Versus. In usual fashion the coverage fucking sucked. I don't get that channel... They'll show hour after hour of Golf or Bull Riding, I mean for hours, but cycling... an hour and most of that is commercials. They're even choosing to not air Friday's race because of the PGA Tour that they're showing three times in a row. Nine hours of the same Golf game. Isn't there a golfing channel? I need to write Versus a letter.


Cancellara won the prologue. That guy was flying. So was Wiggins. I really hope Levi does not win this race. His ego needs some deflating.

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So I get a call from my friend who got hit the other day telling me I should've come up to davis cus I missed Amgen. I ask him if he boo'd Rock Racing, but he just laughs and says "Uh, dude Adam is on rockracing." Adam is my friend's roomate who just turned 21 and apparently is now fucking pro, and on the one team I loved to hate. Now I dunno If I should continue hating on Rock Racing. Anyway he's one of the alternates, so I dont know if he'll actually race in the Amgen.


Anyway here's his bio. http://www.usacycling.org/results/index.php?compid=127093

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as long as michael ball is behind rock racing, it will be a joke.


whoiseuth - nmsw velocity aeroheads are out there. they weigh like 405g. low profile with a tiny V section.


anyone - want to point me in the right direction for leg workouts at the gym (for track)? i'm doing squats, leg presses, 1 foot leg presses, lunge jumps, lunge holds, various core exercises, military drills like pull ups / pushups and running right now. anything i'm missing (off the bike)?

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