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holy crap motherfuckerings.



you might recall (i doubt it) that i mentioned i'd be going to a guys house who has a bunch of old frames and parts in his basement, i went there today after work and this dude is sitting on a fucking goldmine. i cant talk about it right now because i have to go handle something, but i came home today with a 1980's seafoam green bianchi frame, going back in about a week to get an olmo frame. orgasms son. orgasms. his whole basement is just lined with frames. he has boxes and boxes of brakes and rims and pedals. he has steel hubs. just wow.

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fyi iloveboxcars, it's celeste green.


fyi^2, if it's not a frame, steel is kind of worthless components wise. steer clear of anyone offering you a bike with steel cranks and steel 27" wheels. obsolete oner! a friend had steel cranks on a beater bike, if you picked it up and dropped it, the bike sounded like a shopping cart and rode about the same.

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oh nah,. i know the steel hubs are obsolete, i have just never seen them before and i liked them a lot.



i'll be going back in about a week and a half joker, i'll bring the picture and see if he has anything. i didnt see anything like that with the boxes i digged through, but he has boxes upon boxes so it is entirely possible.

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i put a new stem on my bike to try and alleviate some neck/elbow/hand issues. i have been riding w/ my hands above the hoods for a while and i knew that shit wasnt right so i figured i needed a shorter stem w/ a lil rise. i got a nice thomson jawn but damn, the first ride i did w/ it was about 40 miles rolling hills and fuck if the old problems aren't gone BUT my neck and shoulders are so sore. im thinking/hoping its just a new position for my body creating some muscle soreness that i have to build up some strength to or whatever. anyone ever experience this?



orbea opal w/ sram force might be in my future. YOWSERS!!! looks like this:


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so apparently who ever owns bianchi now is making remakes of the old bikes. i saw a guy last night downtown with a frame that was a remake of the one im getting. i had no idea they were doing this so i asked him what year his bike was because the paint was pristene. but he said it was a 2007.


piaggio was the manufacturer when my bike was made. im still unsure of the year though.

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Hesh... most times when you make a major change like that and then go for a long ride, you're going to notice some discomfort somewhere for the exact reason you stated. A new position that your body isn't used to. I would give it a few more rides and see if the neck soreness doesn't go away. If it lingers... look at your seat fore & aft position as well.


Boxcars... haven't heard a thing about it.


Did my final race of the season the other day. I crit with a short quick downhill that led to a long sweeping uphill. Thirty minutes into the race I thought my chest was going to cave in. I dropped out. My season has been one big DNF after another. Feeling a little ashamed of myself for riding like a dork all year. All I can do now is think about next year and hope I came to the table with some heat.

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YoungCousin - No I have not. I'm sure it's decent for what you're planning to do with it though.


Swedish - Definitely hitting the gym this winter. Going to do my best to keep my weight down over the winter... which I always tell myself I'll do but never do. Also will be riding a lot of fixed rides in the off season, which I've never done. Always to get from A to B and back to A but never for training purposes. Everyone raves about the benefits so I'll see.


How 'bout you? I feel you though... sometimes the drinks and late nights call me more than the bike does.

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I can admit that the Northwest has an amazing Cross culture and the races are phenomenal... to watch. I hear they're phenomenal to race too. The Cross Crusade series is pretty damn good and draws huge crowds as the series goes on. When we had the championships out here a couple years ago the crowds were close to that of what you would see in Belgium. It was insane. Anarchist death marching bands playing death music as the riders raced around the course, people on the harder parts of the course screaming at the riders to go faster. It's just a crazy time of year here for the two wheeled racer. One of these years I will definitely give in and try it out but I just don't have the money to invest in shoes and pedals right now. (that's an excuse)

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In regard to the guy asking about that bike he would be using to commute, can any of you guys recommend companies to look for that would be good for city riding?

So I guess what I'm saying is that I'm looking for something durable, in the low to mid price range, and can deal with the winter coming up, which will be all rain. I'm in Vancouver. Value for money, I suppose.

As you can probably tell, I don't know shit about shit, but I'd appreciate any advice or websites you can point me to.

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I'm looking for something durable, in the low to mid price range... I don't know shit about shit, but I'd appreciate any advice...


Definitely check Craigslist before you buy something new.


Look for something that is singlespeed... not fixed, but single speed. Something that has enough clearance between the tire and frame / fork to allow for full fenders. (and do yourself a favor and get yourself a fender flap for the front fender... keeps your feet dry)


As for something new... the Kona "Paddy Wagon" is the perfect city bike if you want my opinion. So is the Redline 9-2-5. Both are in the $500 to $600 price range.


Invest in full fenders... something like the ones SKS makes. I live in the northwest myself and I ride all winter so trust me when I say get full fenders.





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http://chicago.craigslist.org/chc/bik/401966311.html if you're around chicago. seems like a deal minus those sloppy spinergies. you could probably buy the bike w/o and bargain the guy down though. that frame is the real deal.


i just got some pearl izumi bike shorts, anyone had good / bad experiences with the lower ($70) range? so far i've had some good rides and bad rides today, the good being painless and the bad being just now with the chamois getting sort of off-aligned or bunched up. ugh. no, i'm not making the rookie mistake of wearing underwear underneath either... i'm also getting on/off itching near where some of the threads are exposed, wtf? i almost want to find some silky underwear from a dept. store and use that for longer rides, as cotton seems to be the biggest reason i get discomfort the over-15 mile treks.

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I just can't do Pearl Izumi. When I first started riding around I bought into that company's shorts and I've never been so uncomfortable. To this day I don't understand how all these recreational riders wear those things. I guess they're not really putting too much effort into their riding, nor for very long but it still makes me wonder. I always had the same problem with the chamois twisting around. The seams definitely dug into my skin but I don't recall any itching... are they wool?


I've found that for the lower end priced stuff that Santini makes a great bib short / regular short. They also have (for a few dollars more) a Twist Gel bib short that is, dare I say, heaven. Assos has been known to make incredible products and I've had the pleasure of wearing a few of them during the winter months. Well constructed and will last a lifetime. I've had the same Assos winter jacket now for five years and the thing is bomb-proof.

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