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Originally posted by HESHIANDET

everyone should be rocking SC#1!!!!!!!!! bikes for life!!!!!hahahah


i second that.

man i go sleepin for a couple days and devilush gets ready to tye the knot!congratulations to you and your man.shoot and everyone else about to commit.congratulations to all.

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Originally posted by alkaline

Hahaha. Where is Joker?


Sleepin' like a motherfucker...


I'm not sure what happened, but I just felt the need to sleep for the past three weeks. Felt kinda good.


Dlush... congrats!!! Married life isn't that much different from having a boyfriend, really. The only difference is people accept your living together and you get a whole shitload of presents for being in love. Being married is good. I wish you all the happiness and more my two wheeled friend!!


Cinnamon... good luck this weekend!! Have you seen the Road to Paris documentary? Apples... that's all I'm gonna say.


Hesh... I'll tell you what... you get me the black one for christmas and I'll get you the silver one. Deal? You've got an extra ten grand lying around don't you?

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Joker, do you ever have to justify a bike related purchase to your wife, or is she down with cycling? I know that every time I want to buy a new bike my lady is gonna be like, "You already have a bike. What do your need another one for?" Hahahaha. She's so cute. I told her that I want to keep my bikes in the room and she laughed at me. She thought it was pretty funny that I would want to do that. "You take better care of your bikes than you do of your truck."


Well, Joker, since you've been sleeping the past few weeks, you might have missed the news that I am also getting married. You're right about the gifts. My lady has got us registered for a bridal registry. She says, "We won't have to worry about buying anything. Between my family and yours, we'll get everything we need." I told her to put a DVD player and a PS2 on the registry, but she said we didn't need those things. Hahahaha. Just because you don't need it, doesn't mean you can't ask for it.

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Originally posted by alkaline


Well, Joker, since you've been sleeping the past few weeks, you might have missed the news that I am also getting married. You're right about the gifts. My lady has got us registered for a bridal registry. She says, "We won't have to worry about buying anything. Between my family and yours, we'll get everything we need." I told her to put a DVD player and a PS2 on the registry, but she said we didn't need those things. Hahahaha. Just because you don't need it, doesn't mean you can't ask for it.


alkaline,congrats!and tell your fiance,yes you do need a dvd player and a playstation!you need it ALL.this is hopefully the only time you will recieve gifts like this,so go all the way.when my lil sister got married last year,her and her husband recieved such generous gifts.it was amazing,people come out of the wood work givving gifts,family members and friends i hadn'y seen in 10 or more years,it was truely a spectacle.they made out for real,lots of stuff(i know havving carried it all to her car for them,dvd player included)and a few grand to boot!go for it homie,its your(the 2 of yours)day,live it up!do get all the stuff you will need too,stuff you dont want to buy yourself,plates,bowls,utensils,appliances etc.and go somewhere kickass for the honeymoon too.oh i hear bells.ding dong ding....

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Yeah, Dibs, we've got all the kitchen type stuff on our registry. She just keeps giving me a hard time, because she's thinking practically and I'm just thinking about the things I want but can't afford. I'm also going to register for tools. Her brother-in-law got all kinds of tools as presents from his friends. I thought that was a good idea. As for the honeymoon, we're going to Philly. Hahahaha ... just kidding, guys. I talked to my dad last night, and he might be taking us to Europe! I can finally ride around the Netherlands on a bike if we go.

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Congrats Alakline!! Yes, you should definitely put your "Toys" on the registry as well. You have friends too and maybe they'd feel better about going in on a PS2 for you than hooking up an egg poacher. Some guys won't step foot in Williams Sonoma. Home Depot is also a good spot to register. Target is good. Circuit City. The more you register for the more options your friends and family have. Trust me, you'll get the practical things for sure. It's the fun extras that make the gift opening a good time. Tell your fiance that she needs to think outside the kitchen. Even after you get married you have a year to buy all that stuff at a discounted price. So does your family and friends. Hell, you could always register the "Toys" without her. And then smile real big when she unwraps a DVD player...


As for the bike situation, in my home my bikes are basically that. My bikes. If I have the money to spare and that's what I want to spend it on, my wife is cool by it. I buy her a shit-load of stuff all year long anyway. (I work at Nordstrom and she benefits from it) Our system is this... one bank account for bills and going out to dinners or with friends. One account for savings for trips to visit parents or friends. And we both have our own seperate accounts that is our "Play" money. That's where bikes and Macintosh crap gets bought. And soon DVD movies.


Storing your bikes does cause a problem. Mine are stored in our dinning room right now because we live in an apartment. If I had a garage or a basement... that's where they would be. I keep my tools and shit in a closed area that guests won't see. That's all the wife cares about. Our house is a bit like a page out of Wallpaper* magazine. Retro-modern furniture and lamps galore. Everything that is unneccesary is hidden. Kinda scary. Sometimes I just love to let go and leave crap on the floor in the kitchen... watch the little lady cringe. Pull out the Swiffer and go to town!

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What I've been doing as far as the registry goes is telling my extended family and friends that I don't see too often that we are registered here and there. Then I tell all the people I'm close to, that if they just want to get me a PS2 or a DVD player or whatever, they can. I keep hinting to my dad that I want a mountain bike, so maybe he'll come through on that. Thanks for the insight, Joker.


Cinnamon, Have a great time this weekend. Don't worry about winning. Just have fun, and the rest will take care of itself.

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aw yeah,now is the time isnt it,have fun this weekend cinnamon,i wish you success in your races.

joker its funny you said you store your bikes in your dinning room,its also the place my girlfriend and i store ours.being limited on space and all,havving a small wall made of 5 bikes does get in the way!it drives her nuts sometimes,shes a very neat and tidy person. the other night i came home from a very long, very muddy mtn bike ride in sonoma,i came home with red mud still on my face and red mud/clay all over my bike, she took one look at it and said

" oh my god, i cant beleive you even brought that in my house, get it out of here" it doesnt sound so funny in writting, but if you all could have seen the expression of total horror on her face while saying it.:eek: priceless.

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Originally posted by DIBS

it doesnt sound so funny in writting, but if you all could have seen the expression of total horror on her face while saying it.:eek: priceless.


I've seen that expression before. It's the look you mother gives you when you've done something that you know you shouldn't have done. It's the look that could freeze a man dead in his tracks.

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At least it wasn't a rainy day ride. You come home soaking wet and dripping water everywhere. You get "the look" and know that in about 30 seconds, you're gonna be standing in the foyer (sp?) of your apartment, ass naked and cold as hell. And women never seem to care about getting the towel fast enough.

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Originally posted by boxcarwilly

when she really likes you tho she knows you rode hard and is waiting in a towel for you has the shower already warm and whisks you off to the shower.


but mine is always all about lets ride together....

so we stand muddy and cold together.


Yeah, go ahead... rub that shit in. When I come home from a wet cold ride my wife is on the couch bundled up with a bowl of hot soup watching Lifetime. Ain't no towel or no hot shower waiting. Grrrrrrrrrrr....:mad:

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Thank god it is all over


Well first off on friday i raced in the collegiate race, most of the riders between 19 (and me 18 the youngest out there) to mid 20's. I rode hard but conservative. I placed 18th out of 40 riders. my goal for that race was to finish in the top half.


on Saturday was the juniors 17-18 race my goal was to finish top 15. I wasn't too tired from the race the day before but i road hard and consistent the whole race and finished 11th (out of 30 riders) out sprinting 12th place at the finish line. I was very pleased with my out come. it was the first time i have ever competed at this high of a level. the good thing was i was only a few minutes off from the leader and within less then 30 seconds of 7th,8th, and 9th,10th within 6 seconds. other then the person i out sprinted the next junior behind me was a minute thirty behind. so im up there with the top guys. so all and all i had one hell of a fun weekend


also my little brother (10 years old) finished 2nd in the juniors 10-12.


and my dad finished 3rd in the 50-54


the only bad part of the long weekend was my little brother came down with one of those 24 hours viruses. he was throwing up all Thursday night. and my mom was the next to get it on Friday. Then on Saturday night i spent the night with the toilet in the bathroom.


i was going to race a third race the super cup(which is a 3 race series with races in SF , chicago, and Baltimore) but i was too weak and dehydrated to race. but i enjoyed watching the juriors to see what i need to improve on.


also the elite mens national race and the super cup race will be on OLN(outdoor life network) sometime in the near future i'll let you guys know when it will be on.


i still have for races in north Carolina so the season isn't over yet



but i can't wait till i get to ride the roadbike in the mountains


im aslo considering transfering schools so i can ride for a college with a good cycling team. im think up north like somewhere in philly or vermont, NH, Maine, but im happy going to school in richmond but our cycling team is a joke it's me and 2 other kids.


congrats on all you kids getting married, best of luck. and wait to have babies

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