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Watched Paris-Tour last night on OLN. Richard Virenque is back! Stayed out in front with Jackie Durand for quite some time, even with major winds blowing. Coming to last few kilometers he attacked Jackie on a slight incline and never looked back. Even down to the last kilometer with the peleton closing in so close. Erik Zabel must have been furious. As Virenque crossed the finish line he yelled something in French with major conviction... I'm sure whatever it was it had several curse words in it.

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damnit joker, i want oln. anyways, i wonder what the drama was w/ virenque? i can picture those bigname dudes being big babies. but i gues thats the life of a professional athlete.

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Kevin Bacon


I could have swore that was a stunt double. Damn, I wonder how many times ol' Kev ate shit trying those tricks. You cant just pick up a fix and ride backwards spinning your bars in one day.


Notice in the part when he races the other guy whose name I cant remeber(pot) his bike goes from fix to songlespeed with brakes and back several times. Ahh movies, the false reality.

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Actually, I was into halfpipes when that movie came out. And I could have sworn that I read in BMX Action magazine that the guy who did all the tricks, especially that scene, was a flatland trick rider. I want to say his name was something like Pat Romano. I remember seeing him at an exhibition show in Rockville, MD. with Mike Dominguez and R.L. Osborn. He did some pretty cool shit on a fixed 26"...

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man get that shit out of here...


bacon really seems to be doing it in that apartment scene.... i was watching pretty closely for a double but it seemed legit.

HOWEVER, during several of the "chase" type scenes our man bacon mysteriously goes freewheel in several sections. i noticed that too.

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to get a free bike


1. go to toys r us

2. with no one looking, take a bike down from the rack and rip the tag off

3. go up to the counter and say "hi i would like to refund this bike....but i dont have a reciept


now 3 things will happen


1. the employee will say "sorry u need a receipt" u now walk out the door with the bike

2. the employess refunds the bike and u get 200 dollars to go buy some crack

3. the employee says "i saw you take that bike down from the rack" u now must run away....with the bike if u have the balls



i got this off the best scam webpage in the world...forgot the link tho, sorry

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ok instead of just bumping this thing lets get some good ol discussion going on again. al's gonna kill me but i haven't had my b.b. looked at yet. it keeps coming loose. hmmmmm? so w/ that in mind i think im gonna buy a new track fram and hook it up w/ my wheels and cranks. i'll buy a ne wking headset and new stem bar combo. im thinking about hooking it up threadless. im so indifferent on the frame. i'd like to get a debernardi, but everyone and they fuggin mothers have them here. they are $300. frame and fork.i dunno?


oh, i wrote a research paper on track racing. i got a pretty good book from the library, "No Brakes", written by sandra wright sutherland. it was pretty cool. lots of cool pictures and some great info on the classifacations. its kind of like a track racing for dummies. cool none the less. *interesting factoid from the book- twords the end of the 1800's there were 6 velodromes in golden gate park alone. COOL! joker your home track Alpenrose (i assume) is one of two privately owned tracks in the usa. wee!

the other book i got is called "The Bicycle Racing Guide" by Rob Van der Plas. its pretty cool as well. it was written in 1986 so its a bit funny, but all the inf is on point. there was alot about traing and the physical dynamics of pedaling and what muscles are doing what etc. etc.


to quote Lavar Burton "But you don't have to take my word for it". da dun dah�

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Hesh... I don't know much about Track frames but around here the Surly seems to be the Don-da-da frame of choice. Or the Bianchi Pista... both for street level riding. On the Track (Alpenrose) it's Cervelo and Cinelli. A few Cannondales and a few Pistas. Back to the Surly though... what is it about these frames that are so hot for the street level rider? Is it a "Cool" factor or is there something about the way it's built that make it superior on the street when compared to other frames? I'm just curious... I'm not in the market for a new Track frame just yet.

Go for the threadless stem and fork. It seems to me that it's the wave of the future. All the new bikes are threadless and it's getting harder to find quill stems because of it. And you can get a pretty decent stem and fork for fairly cheap.


That's cool that you wrote a paper on Track racing! I should go to the library and look for those books as well. Any info on training, especially over the winter is good info. Yeah, the Alpenrose Track isn't the smoothest track in the world but it's open to the public. Which is really cool. There have been days when I've gone there after work and there was no one there the entire time I was riding. Kinda nice when you're just learning.

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hahahahaa, i fogot about that video w/ the bridge. hysterics.


joker, the thing that makes the surly such a poplular choice is the fact that it was designed for the road. it has really lax geommetry and its all drilled up for brakes and whatnot. they made a fixie fram e for couriers and commuters basicaly. plus its fairly cheap.


i forgot to mention a colnago or derosa frame would be hot as well. i'm gonna try and get into racing this spring, watch out world. joker, after the cutters ride i was gonna hang around sf for a bit then ride up to portland to visit some friends. care to show a loser the way around the track?

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Originally posted by THE LAW

ok...so THE LAW was riding back from the liquor store yesterday after a long and grueling day at work. In addition, he had ridden through some pretty hellacious weather on the ten mile commute home from work. you get the point, yesterday sucked.


...back to the story...THE LAW's riding back from the liquor store at around 10 last night with 30 cans of the cheapo local brew on his handlebars ready to get busy on his living room couch.... needless to say, 30 beers on a roadbike is a disaster waiting to happen. less than 100 yards from home, THE LAW hits a bump and takes the spill to end all spills into some family's halloween decorations. Sweet comforting beers were all over the sidewalk and THE LAW had give one to a restaurant employee who saw the whole thing and helped THE LAW and his poor beers up off the ground. it sucked.


ok...that didn't have much to do with bikes, but it had to do with THE LAW falling off of one and it keeps this topic near the top.


he he heeee...


you're the man LAW. that had better been pabst too buddy...

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hesh,i just recently got that book no brakes too!its very imformative for a "no nothin about the tarck"type of dude like me.that photo of that that woman at the vandevelde velodrome leaning against the bank is crazey,53 degree banking.!its almost looks like shes leaning against a wall.joker, try to get a copy off amazon,i got mine there from a used dealer for 6 dollars!hell yeah.the surly is real popular around here also,same with the pista.the surly frame is pretty cheap,ive been considering buying one myself.so this is a lil story,you may find some humor in this joker,the other day i went out for a road ride in the hills not far from my house,it was a day off so i was like"im gonna go for it"i decided that my normal road ride route to work would be fine,this is normally a 30 mile ride, roughly,only this time i thought,id ride all the way to the last decent, (wich is were i would end up at work) and double back and go home,a 50 mile ride give or a take acouple miles,so i went.i pedaled and pedaled,i was ok untill around the time i turned around,i forget how hungry and crazey i normally feel after this point, and now im doubling it up.my bodey is just like "what the "i go and go and go,i get home and immediatly start cooking,potatoes,3 eggs, a bunch of toast,another water bottle of revenge,i dont even wait for the poatoes to fully cook,im litterally forcing food into my mouth like some rabid dog.i ate soo fast.for the rest of the day i was menataly destroyed,i walked around everywhere in some sort of daze,i felt like i had been smoking blunts all day,just wasted!that was the longest ride ive ever done,and i went totally unprepared,like it would be no big deal.it was great,im gald i did it,but oh man next time ill prepare a lil more,bring some food with me,more water etc.what a day.what a fool.a grinning fool though.ill be doing the same thing next day off.so in the spirit of keeping conversation moving and fresh,who else has a "rude awakening" strory on the bike?

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Thanks for the info Hesh. I figured it had to have something to do with it being specifically for the street.


Dibs... yeah, you gotta eat on the road. If you're going to be out for more than an hour bring some food. I usually bring two Cliff bars with me when I'm on a ride. I don't always eat them both though. And for every hour you ride you should be going through a water bottle. Especially in the warm weather.

I was on a 90 mile training ride a few months back with some guys from Net Zero and Team Oregon. A few days before I figured I would prepare by getting in some miles and trying out a new (to me) sports drink. Endurox R4. I kept fogetting to make the drink on the previous rides though. So come long day in the saddle I have two water bottles and a "platapus" filled with Endurox. I head out with the cat2 and cat 3 riders on what becomes a hideous day on the bike. I guess what Endurox basically does, to me anyway, is relaxes your muscles to help recovery. So after about 75 miles in to the ride... I was jello. I wasn't worn out or anything, just felt like laying down and watching cartoons. I felt like an ass because for the last 20 miles they had to wait for me at the top of every hill. Talk about feeling sheepish.

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if i could get on my bike right now i'd ride it non stop like forest gump did w/ running. Im on the verge of just getting up and punching my self in the face. FUCK! sorry to vent on you guys, im just a ball of nerves right now. im having one of those days, aside from being tired, im uncomfortable, i got a headache, im being forced to listen to the beatles (which isn't bad, but im in no mood for lennons positivity).christ, even my hair feels weird, it feels all itchy and loose. i dunno, fuck, i wanna jump out the window or kill someone in this class. FUCK!!!!!!!!!

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cold weather gear.


THE LAW knows this was covered before, but this time it has a special twist.


It gets REALLY FUCKING COLD AND WINDY where THE LAW lives. For the long rides to the courthouse, he needs to hook up some little to no cost cold weather gear. (a civil servants salary is low). He really needs a good pair of gloves first of all, hopefully ones he can still move his fingers in etc... any suggestions...


so far anything less than some thick ass leather gloves leaves THE LAW's hands frozen as fuck. looking for something a bit thinner....and maybe that looksa little more appropriate with his Judge's and Executioner's robes.

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THE LAW, i feel you on the cold and windy weather,i used to commute in the winter sometimes in michigan,it sucks.cycling gear i have found is never cheap,but for about $30 or so you can get some good ,warm,water resistant gloves that are thin enough to still move in,pearl izumi makes a nice pair in a 5 finger version and also a 3 finger version that gives you hands kinda like the penguin in batman.also fox makes a pretty killer set of waterproof winter gloves for bikes.most shops should be geared up for winter by now so look around for a deal.shoot,hesh is has done the messenger deal im sure in the winter,what did you use hesh?joker,ive never used endurox,ive seen it around,but im usually skeptical about sport drinks,i do drink revenge though,that stuff is like bike crack.i really like revenge,its worked well for me.cytomax is ok,it tastes good mostly.the fruit punch flavor is good.but mango revenge would have to be my drink of choice.i just need to bring more of it next time i go for a ride like that.and cliff bars too,i like the chocolate brownie one best.has anyone had any of the cliff bar ice series bars yet,they have a lil bit of frosting dripped on them thats fortified withe genuine caffiene?i work a couple blocks from cliff bar,so every now and then thay bring over some bars.cliff ice.its good for real,keep an eye out for them.

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cliff bars carrot cake.

i sound like a grl but lemon zest luna bars are the best thing ever invented.

and the new caffienated orange one kicks ass too.


a cliff bar/luna bar and a coke mhhhmmm.


but seeing as the month of kartikka is coming up tomorrow my vows include no coke for a month. i have to do it. crazy cult ideals.

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What’s up, World? Damn, guys, you sure posted a lot since I left work last night at seven. Lets see if I can cover it all.


Hesh, I would go with the threadless stem and fork. Joker is right. It seems that more and more manufacturers are moving away from the quill type stems. If I was gonna build a new bike from the ground up, I would definitely get the threadless setup. Incidentally, broken bikes (or anything for that matter) are the best catalyst for buying new things.


As far as the Surly frame goes, Hesh pretty much summed it up. The other reason that a lot of people are into them is the color. I can’t tell you how many people I meet that say the color of that frame is the reason that they want to buy it. I know that kind of stuff shouldn’t matter, but lets face it, when your bike looks cool, you feel better about yourself when you’re riding it.


That video with the bridge is soooo funny. I’ve never seen that before. I bet that water was real cold.


On the subject of sports drinks, I personally like Cytomax. I’m a sucker for sweet tasting drinks (I’m a sugar freak). Another good drink (although some of you may argue with me on this) is Gatorade. Originally Gatorade was meant to be watered down when used for a recovery drink. Mix three parts Gatorade (original flavors … not that blue ice crap) and one part water to get a sweet (but not too sweet) drink that helps replace sugars and salts in your body. I usually stick to Orange Gu for food when I’m riding. I’ve found that Power Bars and Clif bars are too heavy for me. If I do eat a bar afterward or while resting for a bit, I like Balance Bars. They have better flavors in my opinion.


I don’t know if any of the cycling glove companies make them, but if you can find gloves with Gore WindStopper™, BUY THEM. I bought a pair of WindStopper™ gloves last winter, and they worked great.


It looks like I’ll be moving to Houston next year. I’ll have to get used to the crippling humidity and the traffic (still not as bad as L.A.), but I will also have an opportunity to be a bike messenger and be close to my lady. I’m very excited about this. No more driving back and forth (between Austin and Houston) on the weekends. Hopefully that extra free time can be spent doing something a bit more productive … like racing at the velodrome in Houston. Yeah.

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