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the NEW sketch thread


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@Romero YO FOOL. i hear what u saying about ppl having the same name its whatever with that, but mad of my homies from LA was tagging me on pics showing me his throwie looks like mine too leaving me to think only one thing 'BITER' theres many ways you can rock a throwie why have the same name and the same style too?!










its whatever tho like u said it's who ever gets the most up's


real talk fool i think your buggin on this. i don't see alot of similarities there, don't look too deep into that shit. the N he is rockin is pretty much what i call a starter N. something that we've all rocked at one time, i've rocked that exact same N and that was way before i even seen your throw. if i really dug for it i could probably find alot of people with similar if not carbon copies of that throw. yours got some flare in it that makes it your own, and if i saw the two in the streets i'd never mistake them for eachother.


i mean i can understand you being mad about someone rocking your name, alot of cats think that way. me personally i don't because it is what it is but im not downing you for it, im just saying i don't see a bite bro. its just a generic N on his part, not trying to hate on him neither but its the truth.


i'll keep it to pm's from now on, i don't want to clog up the thread anymore.

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slaer keepin that cali swag alive, dope style foo, also that so west coast sketch, would be cool as a tattoo. that tickz dare sketch is also whats up, and mek always bustin out some dope stuff. and that ioka sketch, always like that kinda style, teach me that style, hahahahahahaha.

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