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the NEW sketch thread


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yeah alts, love where thats going, wanna see it done.




this C looks more like a Z. the bigger structures are typically

interpretted as the strokes of the letters, with the smaller additions

becoming just that, additions to a greater structure.


if you like reversed the whole top half of that letter, with the

arrow thats currently on the front moved instead to the back of the

letter, and the negative space between that topmost bar and the

midbar becoming part of the inner negative space, that would have

a greater appearance of a C.


that being said, i think this piece is sick and it shows you got the

right ideas, they just need to be executed accordingly.


remember: if they can misread it, they will. that fokus is money.


i agree. ive been looking at it trying to make an M out of the N. but looks like it has potential to say MIC. maybe the mic threw me off. who knows.

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