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the NEW sketch thread


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first of all yes i am in fact kidding you. even though the statement wasn't directed at you feel free to take the reigns of dickriding a bunch of dudes that bite styles. i guess thats how you learn right?


aside from that i must of misread the title of the thread. i didnt know it was only for various wildstyles and abstract shit. i thought you post sketches and you may or may not receive criticism, but i was told to go to the toy thread where kids can't even draw a throw up.


i appreciate the breakdown on my structure that is all i was looking for initially.


by the way i was always under the impression that a sketch was similar to a doodle. if you honestly think alot of these sketches are tight then i suggest you turn off the computer wipe the shit out of your eyes take a look outside because most of this shit is wack.


the difference between you and i is you need structure and balance i dont. i'm a vandal and i just like to paint. if you ever get a chance hit the streets instead of a chill spot. i promise you'll get a kick out of it fashionista.


So, first off, you're calling Satire, Alts, Monestar, Pesk, Perts and Meks biters. Interesting position.


Second, you suggest that because some of us think that your piece of scribble is very toyish that then implies that only wild style and abstract style graffiti is appreciated in this thread. Going back over a few pages (before the invasion of toys) would display how ridiculous that suggestion is. Art doesn't have to be complicated and sophisticated to qualify for this thread it only has not to be shit. Your submission failed on all three counts.


Third, if you cannot look at your own work critically enough to notice fundamental flaws such as the width of the letters being all over the place like a mad woman's shit then I would suggest this alone indicates you're posting in the wrong thread.


Fourth, if you feel that letters don't need structure and that a piece need not be balanced in any way I would suggest that just don't 'get it', right from the get go.


Lastly, i did my first piece in 1984, which I would assume was before you were born. Pretty confident in myself that I've seen enough of the streets to understand what's going on.



In closing, good luck finding structure, balance, style, ability, concept and at least and idea of what funk is. However it would be greatly appreciated if you could conduct your search for these attributes somewhere else, a good start would be in the toy thread.

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Guys guys...


If that dude wants to get his ass kicked then let him. Battles should be fought with paint, on the street. We all were toys, some more then others, but we definitely had to start somewhere ourselves. If some loner doesnt want to take advice of the people that spend more time understanding graffiti as a movement than he has, then let him. Obviously he is one to resort to hostility because his reasoning doesnt allow him to justify self improvement and that attitude will hopefully cause him to get his teeth broken. We cant hold his hand all the time...


Im sick and tired of people going on about shit that cant be resolved over the digital line. Please appreciate internet for what it is and dont let cunts like this ruin a perfectly good board. Im in favor of discussing ANYTHING but this constant -im right youre toy no i am not- kinda shit.


to quote myself on this;


The way i see the web is that its just another medium for people to share their - most of the time useless - antics. You can take it too serious, or you can just sit back and browse through all the pictures internet provides you. Seeing other heads from around the world getting up gives you a much broader sense of style and quality. If anything the internet has made sure graffiti stays diverse and unique. It gave people the opportunity to experience the product of writers on the other side of the globe. The true writers you idolize so much are still out there, in fact the names that jump out of the immense whirlpool of internet rubbish are most of the time the writers that appreciate all aspects of writing and paid their dues to a certain extend. I totally agree with you on the fact that people get a false sense of accomplishment from comments on the internet. But then again, isnt graffiti about sharing your work and getting seen?

Ive seen this discussion over and over again and i have to say its getting pretty boring. Internet is not likely to go away and i dont see why it should bother people at all. You cant paint the internet, you have to get outside and thats where it truely counts. If people cannot grasp that simple truth then they are not worthy of your attention at all. Make it easy on yourself and stop caring!! Its what i do!!

Im the complete opposite of your everyday underground bomber to be honest, but i do know i appreciate surfaces disappearing under a thick layer of paint, outlining what seems to be a display of colors and chaos and make it into a piece. I have crawled in ditches, hid like a rodent because of the pigs for hours, staying still like roadkill and coughed up rainbows for days, but i highly doubt anyone caring for war stories. The only thing that really matters - and thats where most of the underlying problems have their roots - is paying respect to people that are in the game longer then you are. And thats a fight that should start and end on the street...

Sorry for the rant, i havent had a single toke today. And i get a little preachy when im sober...

Peace! - Shin325


TL;DR : Make it easy on yourself and stop caring!! Its what i do!!


So post more pictures, ignore the idiots who dont take advice given by peers better then they are! This discussion can go on and on and on and on and on and on and ARGH!


Saying i dont give a crap is a lie really because stuff like this annoys me a fuckload. Nothing has changed in the year i was away...

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So, first off, you're calling Satire, Alts, Monestar, Pesk, Perts and Meks biters. Interesting position.


Second, you suggest that because some of us think that your piece of scribble is very toyish that then implies that only wild style and abstract style graffiti is appreciated in this thread. Going back over a few pages (before the invasion of toys) would display how ridiculous that suggestion is. Art doesn't have to be complicated and sophisticated to qualify for this thread it only has not to be shit. Your submission failed on all three counts.


Third, if you cannot look at your own work critically enough to notice fundamental flaws such as the width of the letters being all over the place like a mad woman's shit then I would suggest this alone indicates you're posting in the wrong thread.


Fourth, if you feel that letters don't need structure and that a piece need not be balanced in any way I would suggest that just don't 'get it', right from the get go.


Lastly, i did my first piece in 1984, which I would assume was before you were born. Pretty confident in myself that I've seen enough of the streets to understand what's going on.



In closing, good luck finding structure, balance, style, ability, concept and at least and idea of what funk is. However it would be greatly appreciated if you could conduct your search for these attributes somewhere else, a good start would be in the toy thread.


wow 1984 bro you are old and you suck. sorry to argue old man i will let you drink your tea and take your nap.


and shin break my e-teeth cause youre hard. i know real writers in many cities that i actually LIVED in such as san jose, san fran, atlanta, astoria queens, milwaukee, etc. and you guys dont know shit. im not a piecer and that wasnt a piece. i try to draw within my means as in what i could do for real with the can control i have. by the way fashn faggot your letters are ugly and double outlines in two different shades of blue looks ugly as fuck.

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wow 1984 bro you are old and you suck. sorry to argue old man i will let you drink your tea and take your nap.


and shin break my e-teeth cause youre hard. i know real writers in many cities that i actually LIVED in such as san jose, san fran, atlanta, astoria queens, milwaukee, etc. and you guys dont know shit. im not a piecer and that wasnt a piece. i try to draw within my means as in what i could do for real with the can control i have. by the way fashn faggot your letters are ugly and double outlines in two different shades of blue looks ugly as fuck.



You can scream all you want, its just going to be more embarrassing...

Im going to be very VERY clear so your tiny brain can understand the words that are on your screen...


THIS!!! is what you posted in a thread where the consistent trend dictates that this CRAP - because lets be honest it looks like something Towelie shat out - belongs somewhere else.

All the experience you got is obviously wasted on you...


I cant even see why i feel the need to prove myself online, but i cant have someone tell me my letters are crap whether its in the flesh or on my screen!














Now to predict your next sentence;


''Oh its all crap, its all from 2010, that shit is toy homey, you be sukkin mad bawlz blablabla''


A little aggravating, ignorant blind fuck you are. Name the word and i will burn you! Annoying shits like you bring out the arrogance in me... I dont like to get mixed up in stupid conversations but you, 13 year old broken condom, are screaming from the top of your lungs you are on top of the world and have nothing to show for it. Good for you living in so many cities, many hobos tend to travel a lot. Now either step up or get out.


Where are the mods in this story anyway? Cant someone delete all these posts?


EDIT: Aww who am i kidding, i just like to spampost my shit, dont care about that idiot XD

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okay so...add more arrows...got it.


a few more arrows is all you need man.

arrows will save you.


ps. trying to assert your relevance in the graffiti game over the internet and making statements like "i know some crazy piecers", and "who cares, im a vandal" makes you sound toy as fuck.


heres some sound advice, your 3D is way off in some places, and i have seen shit in the toy thread that burns the fuck outta you.


so sorry your sketch didnt produce the amount of dickriding you expected.


now stop typing paragraphs trying to convince us that you mean something.



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this is just not very realistic. i mean first off, jasmine is middle eastern right? wheres the hair? everyone knows that arab women are oblivious to the world of shaving, i expect to see jungles of unkempt hair in and around everywhere. trust me i know about this, my mothers a gypsy. she had back hair as a child and it was pretty gross, anyways i digress, more hair is needed if you want this to be realistic portrayal of this beloved disney character.


also i feel like your sketch has an unsettling lack of arrows, how can you not have arrows in your piece and call yourself a graffiti artist? you can't. i suggest adding some to the s and h and n, not the i though, that would be over kill.. and also maybe some arrows coming out the chicks ass.. like just hella arrows falling out of her anus. or even better, make one of the arrows off the "shin" piece cross over and fuck her to death. i think that would be hella dope no homo.



just a suggestion bro. i mean its your decision in the end but definitely add more arrows and crowns and shit.



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Me, personally, I have a really serious opinion about pleated blue jeans.


They definitely should not be worn by nursing students.


At least if they don't want me killing them and stuffing their uneaten remains in my crawl space.


I think that pretty much settles this argument.

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scipl on 12oz


I wanna be real with Shin, you gotta find some originality bro, all the writers in here that have been doing it for a while are likely bored with your style.. re-invent it, it's what I've seen 10000000 times already.. no disrespect just giving you the truth from my perspective..


my work..


FREE sketch



Var, Vare, Varelse stickers



VaRE sketch



vASt AirE sketch



VARElse sketch



SCi sketch



Scipl sketch



GonE8four sketch



JesuscHRist sketch



LOVE sketch



So i'm returning to graff and I'm wanting to get more into painting some of my pieces with spray paint.. I'm low on funds right now so I pulled out this sketch last night and I wanna paint it as soon as possible, but I'm definitely looking for feedback from you on how to make it a better piece before I attempt to paint it.. I'm gonna go highlights and a super thin 3D and only 3 colors (black, white, gray) so I can save cash on supplies.. ok here it is lemme know.. sketched this last night after having not sketched for at least a year!


Sci sketch:



.. yeah as you can tell i'm a Christ-follower, Jesus the Christ that is, i'm not here to force my beliefs on nobody, if anyone ever wants to talk about anything I'm open, and that's that. I hope I see respect here, because know this, I will never cease to respect you and your lifestyle.. :)

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chill fool, it was a joke. as in "hey lets start a club where we can discuss christian things, oh wait thats called church" kinda thing. i wasn't attacking you so don't jump to conclusions, thats a very unchristian thing to do.


welcome to the internet.

gotcha, i deleted my post, thanks for sharing..

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I wanna be real with Shin, you gotta find some originality bro, all the writers in here that have been doing it for a while are likely bored with your style.. re-invent it, it's what I've seen 10000000 times already.. no disrespect just giving you the truth from my perspective..


I hear you, its been said a lot to me. But i worked for my generic style man, im not going to change it, because i like it... A lot =]




Shin - Yer jolly ol' atheist

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