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the NEW sketch thread


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and you have not even been writing 2 years yet. keep your trap shut your speaking about a veteran who was burning when you were swimming in your dads nut sack. believe dat.




did you just seriously compare dudes membership date to how long he may or may not have been writing?


are you fucking dumb?


i've said it before the guys colour schemes are always fresh but the style just shows no progression and is just ugly as hell.

you guys need to stop riding his nuts because of the flashy colours and pay attention to the ugly hand style and out of proportion letters.

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did you just seriously compare dudes membership date to how long he may or may not have been writing?


are you fucking dumb?


i've said it before the guys colour schemes are always fresh but the style just shows no progression and is just ugly as hell.

you guys need to stop riding his nuts because of the flashy colours and pay attention to the ugly hand style and out of proportion letters.


your dead wrong homie. that dudes first post in 2009 said he has only been writing 2 months. he got no pics to prove me wrong. pesk got his style and has been doing it like that for decades. nobody is riding nuts here pal, thats my dude and have seen him burn many times. his handstyle alone has been used for hip hop stars, magazines , movies documentaries, etc. trust me my man gots flow.

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pfff again with the bullshit beef

you cant teach someone style and taste over the net.

Let it rest... please, both of you have some dignity

We can all agree that experience and time in the game most of the time influences the general opinion of people

and agreeable, that honest respect to people who paid more dues then you is something that should come natural


If you dont agree its smart to keep your mouth shut because in that case it will backfire on your ass

I can see why you say some people are stuck in a certain era, but is that a bad thing?

Stop the beef and instead put this anger into creating something better then what you hate.

Beat them at the game and dont, like some messed up politician, throw shit at people to make them look bad.

Now i havent been doing graff long, i think i just crossed the 5 year mark, but i sure as hel wont tell anyone whos been in it for a lifetime that his shit sucks, i can think it, but you wont hear it coming from me. Especially not on the internet, where as we all know, any discussion at all can be ruined by haters.


make something better

thrive on hate but keep it to yourself, please -,-


Edit: a shitty mek i just did for the talk, i did a proper one but because im a retarded stoner i failed to upload it

this is just something for the wait, peace




no one is waiting on your bullshit, just post more pictures so we can respect you for your own game

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pfff again with the bullshit beef

you cant teach someone style and taste over the net.

Let it rest... please, both of you have some dignity

We can all agree that experience and time in the game most of the time influences the general opinion of people

and agreeable, that honest respect to people who paid more dues then you is something that should come natural


If you dont agree its smart to keep your mouth shut because in that case it will backfire on your ass

I can see why you say some people are stuck in a certain era, but is that a bad thing?

Stop the beef and instead put this anger into creating something better then what you hate.

Beat them at the game and dont, like some messed up politician, throw shit at people to make them look bad.

Now i havent been doing graff long, i think i just crossed the 5 year mark, but i sure as hel wont tell anyone whos been in it for a lifetime that his shit sucks, i can think it, but you wont hear it coming from me. Especially not on the internet, where as we all know, any discussion at all can be ruined by haters.


make something better

thrive on hate but keep it to yourself, please -,-


no one is waiting on your bullshit, just post more pictures so we can respect you for your own game

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I respect alot different styles,letters and etc.

My opinion and advice,is to try to develop those letters,the dude got dope shemes and fills

and flow but the letters,i believe he can do for more.who am i to judge someone,who?


I just gave an opinion,aint means shit that now he needs to take it serious or smth...

Any ways,Im Nuse & writing since November 2008.

Shin know's me and my works so if someone doubts me or smth ask him.


Sorry if i heart you pesk.

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ight ight first off i know myself my letters and skemes aint that tufff but honestly...i look at the whole picture...i have burners with wicked letters....and i have two pagers with block letters that will still burn half u dudes talking shit....anyone want it one on one...ill button lips fast.....hammer youll get burnt to pieces anyday.....letters down to style down to colors...i wait for moments liek this 90 percent of whati post is 5 to 10 years old...niggas aint riding my dick its just when u see my shit its shining compared to most who post in here i like jamak stuff mek of course kean ...tesk decyfrom keeps is thoro...non stop...years...to name a few...hammer i saw like one decent burner u posted and honestly u talking bout letters like u got some wicked shit your letters need help them selves if not pst and prove me wrong...and on another note....that was a five page spread in day in a lyfe ....not only did we run and own staten island.. had lip to say bout our click and u got sat down with a left hook...all real over hear no computer geeks wanna be writers. here...

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dude like i said before i got respect for you're time served but im sure as shit not going to shut my mouth cos you have years in the art and ran shit when i was growing up.

you can be doing this for ever but if you never progress and evolve you're shit it just doesnt matter.


all im saying is if you dont change with the times and adapt you just end up burning out.


id rather spend my time painting and improving than colouring in shit to show the kids online.

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yo never mind i gave u props i went back i thought for some reason wiserr was u who is dope...i saw a couple of ya posts straight trash like seriously trash ..again prove me wrong and post something see if u are even worth battling i found some posts of i guess abstract art...u posted in the threads never the less horrible....and listen man im no way near the best ...but i do know for a fact ill will burn u ...but first please post anything...i always gives props where there do...conversation u said my stuff is ugly..after that no respect...if i dont feel someones stuff ill offer good advice never try to put someone down to make myself feel better now stop flapping ..and post up sucker.....i

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:lol: seriously man re read you're shit and let me know who sounds like the ass hole..im just saying most of what ive seen focuses too much on blinding people with colour than letter form ..you say its 5-10 years old what the fuck are you doing posting it?



i havnt posted shit in months because frankly i dont want to.


post up post up shut the fuck up and stop acting like you're still 15 you dumbass these arguments never lead anywhere and again ill say it props for the time speant im giving you my opinion stop jumping to fighting words because you think you need to prove you're self..if thats you're mentality you've already lost.

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go ahead if i posted it its been seen you dumbass.


and blinded with colours was both a positive and negative critique you idiot.


as i have said you're colour schemes are fucking rad but sometimes just too over the top.



whats sad is you spent about 10 minutes of you're time searching through 3000 posts so you could embarrass me on an online graffiti forum.


last time we went through this you took it just like you are now..like a little bitch who wants the whole world to love him but bow at his feet.



again this is the internet people have opinions..take it or leave it.



you have the ego and mentality of a 15 year old who just got his first blow job when ever you try to defend you're worn out old styles and lack of new work.

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yeah look at them.


mostly shit talking and being a dick on the internet.


round you're way id get pissed on?

:lol: dude aint shit you could do to me that hasnt been done :lol: fuck off with you're dumb ass wigger talk and hood mentality ..think im going to fucking back down from a fucking wanna be gangster who thinks his lifes been so tough and that by staying in the same shit mentality his proven himself as a dumb ass steryo type.


you dont know shit about me or what i had to go through but its damn sure made me hard enough to fuck cunts like you who think they live the real og life.


i will rape you're ass you filthy fucking faggot .



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