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the NEW sketch thread


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tried a style that i played with before, well more an abstract says lous


Stay AWAY from that drippy shit, you're better than that. Its the same as saying "Please don't look at my letters, here is some fancy eye candy to distract you"


That crazy abstract you did would look a lot better if your T was actually a T, in fact, looking back on your post, apparently your stuff does NOT say "Lotus", but for whatever reason, my brain wants to THINK you are writing "Lotus", marks deducted for making me think too hard.


As an abstract enthusiast myself, please do not disregard fundamental letter structure, the better the abstract, means the better the fundamentals, which means, as long as your letters are on point, do whatever the fuck you please. You're getting there, not there quite yet... That drippy yellow stuff, throw it out the window, Your S and T in the other one need some loving.


I loathe how everyone in here loves on shit just because its coloured in nicely, do me a favour - everyone, step back and actually LOOK at something for more than 10 seconds. If this were a true sketch thread everything would be in black and white. (Coloring has a habit for decorating turds to look like diamonds)


No hate, only my opinion.

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peanut the abstract is for a battle and says Lous, but thanks for your comments, good to come from someone like yourself, I know what you mean about people being distracted by colours, I rarely do abstract stuff so just tend to play around with the idea without any true understanding behind it, which annoys me, I need to kinda study up on abstracts

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Peanut I disagree on the drippyness. The letters are still there. You might not feel the style, but it's just a way to mix it up a little as opposed to doing another regular-ass sketch. Diversity is always good.

and when I did the Lous sketch I wanted to think it said lotus too lol...

Btw you fancy an exchange? If yes, what do you write?







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peanut the abstract is for a battle and says Lous, but thanks for your comments, good to come from someone like yourself, I know what you mean about people being distracted by colours, I rarely do abstract stuff so just tend to play around with the idea without any true understanding behind it, which annoys me, I need to kinda study up on abstracts


Cool man, again no hate intended, might have sounded like a jerk but I am not one! =D Stick with it, people tend to sideline abstract stuff because its "easy" or whatever but its the opposite, in some cases it takes more work!



@RISS - I could be down for an exchange, not right now though, I don't sketch often but when i do I put a lot of effort into it and that audioliver one I did filled me up for the time being, I'll hit you up a PM when things cool down!

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