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the NEW sketch thread


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Site those chars are dope, that DieClan page is cool too, and Duke you know I love that script (/nh) style, where is my Alts in that style???


couple quicky freestyle steches from work that I went over with sharpie outline to make it more defined


Mynd (really hate the N which is why this isnt your exchange)



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umire - thats dope!


Duke you know I love that script (/nh) style, where is my Alts in that style???





Got you brotha -

The whole point of this was to get you a script handstyle but it turned into something a lot different haha lemme know what you think. (Alts in script is at the top right, the A is gold. but its hard to see :S)


Quote is “Productivity is never an accident. It is always the result of a commitment to excellence, intelligent planning, and focused effort.” Thought that pretty much summed you up.



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Site those chars are dope, that DieClan page is cool too, and Duke you know I love that script (/nh) style, where is my Alts in that style???


couple quicky freestyle steches from work that I went over with sharpie outline to make it more defined


Mynd (really hate the N which is why this isnt your exchange)





that "S" goes hard

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^than dont draw your hand. and what exactly does "graffiti related" imply? lettering? sounds like some shit the D.A. would say.

duke I seldom look forward to peoples next photo/piece but your on some other my friend.

satyre you shoulda left that shit black and white. invest in some prismacolor markers.


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