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the NEW sketch thread


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Originally posted by cer_nerdstro

i post sketches to get sucked off with compliments. i worked hard to get where im at personally.. and i enjoy comments ppl give me.


that jyse is hot like sauce.


yo killa, would you hit my passaround? hit me up on aim,,,,,Thamattressking

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the point of this whole 'paper' forum, is so kids can post their stuff and get feedback; constructive as well complimentary. but when it gets to the point where your whole graff 'career' is a box of markers and cyber-props, and you're just begging for attention instead of trying to improve, then you no longer belong here. hecz has not improved a single bit in the two years he's been posting on here. its the exact same regurgitated shit. if you wanna do the same stuff, over and over, atleast do it on freights, where putting up numbers means something. there is no 'heart' or 'dedication' in sitting on your couch in your underwear with a black book. and dude can't even front like he's actually putting in work, i've seen the quality of his painted work, it's complete shit.

if you wanna be a drawer, be a drawer, but don't you dare criticise anyone else, or call their work 'wack' when they're trying to improve and you're not. i'm no king myself, i've painted plenty of shitty stuff, but every time i go out, i improve and every time i step up to a wall or a train, i do so with the intention to get better. when i work on sketches (which i don't do nearly enough) it's try try out new ideas and build on old ones; not to re-draw the same piece with a different color fill.


at the end of his 'career' hecz might have alot more exciting sketches than me, but i painted mine thousands of times...he just sharpened alot of pencils.

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not a chance in hell man. dont confuse being fairly competent with being a 'king'. i'm no where near close and i'm perfectly happy with that. i'm not some crazy style master. i do simple, legible stuff that can be read by a farmer across their field as the train rolls by. it's all i want to be. the days of 'kings' are almost a bygone era. few people take the time to master shit like they used to. no one has mentors...there is no heirachy so there can't be kings. you want to see real hot stuff, look in the 'bible' thread.

you have to look at it like this. look at stuff you did the first couple weeks/months you started trying to do letters. at the time, you knew you werent a 'king', but you thought it was decent...then a couple months pass, and you look back at them, and you want to throw up. this same cycle will repeat for years. it takes a long, long time to be able to do stuff that you're still happy with in retrospect. you might think i'm real good now, but if you're still around in 2 years, or 5 years, you'll be able to see all the inconsistencies and weakness in my stuff that i do.

graff is about evolving and taking things further, be it hitting balsier spots, or better letters. its about pushing yourself.

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Originally posted by seeking

not a chance in hell man. dont confuse being fairly competent with being a 'king'. i'm no where near close and i'm perfectly happy with that. i'm not some crazy style master. i do simple, legible stuff that can be read by a farmer across their field as the train rolls by. it's all i want to be. the days of 'kings' are almost a bygone era. few people take the time to master shit like they used to. no one has mentors...there is no heirachy so there can't be kings. you want to see real hot stuff, look in the 'bible' thread.

you have to look at it like this. look at stuff you did the first couple weeks/months you started trying to do letters. at the time, you knew you werent a 'king', but you thought it was decent...then a couple months pass, and you look back at them, and you want to throw up. this same cycle will repeat for years. it takes a long, long time to be able to do stuff that you're still happy with in retrospect. you might think i'm real good now, but if you're still around in 2 years, or 5 years, you'll be able to see all the inconsistencies and weakness in my stuff that i do.

graff is about evolving and taking things further, be it hitting balsier spots, or better letters. its about pushing yourself.


i wasent exactly callin you KING ANSIQ or nothing, but you do rock pretty hard from what i understand and all, i mean, you arent a perfect writer or nothing, but you do get up a bunch, have good styles and what not, thats prettty dope

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I like it.


Just because Seeking doesnt like Hecz doesn't mean you all have to jump on the hate wagon..I personally think his blackbook work is awesome..I mean the dude may not paint as well as he draws but neither can I or any of you..I'm not dissing anyone but some of you guys hating really cant say shit about Hecz's work...That's my opinion on this,I'm not trying to be disrespectful to any of you...peace

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we need to step it up a notch guys.... last couple of posts have been kinda wack.



^^^^posted by hecz^^^^


im not on the bandwagon either, thats just how i feel. he posted the above a few minutes after something that i posted. now im not saying what i posted was golden. they were just fuckarounds. is this not a SKETCH thread? S-K-E-T-C-H? as in....NOT FINISHED? OR JUST MESSING AROUND? yeah, im pretty sure thats it. he didnt have to be suck a sack snorter about it.

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im not hating....... this is not a matter of skills , it's a matter of attitude. he's not going to get anywhere with his attitude.I would be better then him in like a year, if he keeps up this attitude. I could care less about his wack E cuz i know mine is worst. I don't care i was just messing around about that. I mean i hope he isn't this stuck up in real life. Sure Hecz can be a pretty nice guy i mean didnt he buy a blackbook for virs and drew his name for him? and virs is some dude off the internet all the way in israel and hecz bought it for him. But that was just one time, most of the time he acts like he is the shit or KING. Hecz even if you never said it or wrote, your actions speak louder then words, you act like youre the shit, you arn't this is just some internet thread, get over it.

Now you are probablly going to post one of my first colored sketches i ever did and make fun of me or some bullshit, just saying if you do than that is just weak. anyone can get someones beginner sketches and make fun of how much they sucked back then. The point is im improving while you... youre just staying the same and ontop of that you have the worst attitude towards people. And those people are gonna catch up and surpass your ass. It's like the race between the tortoise and the rabbit... something like that.... damn i type to much



-systm one

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^^found some ground breaking stuff... original? sure, I like the way your outline is off shit is dope, im not gonna front! but letters.. whats so special about your letters? I could go back and find some of my sketches that are jus plain letters with no arrows no extensions.. the reason those letters up there look busted after you take all the extras is simply because those letters were intended to be with extras... not with out them... everyone here has seen my other stuff.. and wether or not you said that shit was tight and yah'll digged my shit.. really dont make a diff... why? cuz no body likes to eat their words... ONe thing is for sure... I love being an asshole!! because I love to get hated on... Who's the main topic on this thread????



my point exactly! cheers !! ;)

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Originally posted by HECZONER

my point exactly! cheers !! ;)



Wait... aren't you the kid who pieced in markers?


Have you ever had paint in your entire life?


What's so special about his letters...? Nothing.


But here's a little something..*GASP*! They have fucking structure, he doesnt need all these bullshit arrows and extensions and this cute little ballpoint 3d stickers to cover his shit up.


Until you can paint a decent simple letter with a little flavor, THAT IS DONE WITH PAINT, don't fucking talk.


Seeking has never once, EVER, even come close to calling himself a king. Fact of the matter is, he's better than you. He doesn't have to mask weak letters with fucking arrows and nicely misdirecting bullshit sketches.


So keep on keepin' on paper gangsta.


Stamp collecting e-writer motherfucker.

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