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really, stop gaying up the thread please. now i have to give out some recipes to offset your gayness.




go to your local hardware store, ask for fine granulated bitumen. go to walgreens, get some naptha, in the form of lighter fluid. get good brands like colibri or ronson. dissolve the bitumen in it, maybe with a little heat (and discretion) you can dissolve enough in it to make a thick staining ink. you can also experiment with adding powdered toner that has been dissolved in MEK (methyl ethyl ketone) for a nice little base.


if you can get it to a uniform consistency, it would be a really sweet thickened mop fluid.

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be careful DOT 3 burns like shit!!!!!!! (cold burning sensation) not cool


no. not at all i think your just a pussy. i get it all over my hands i had a car with a leaky clutch. use to have to fill it up all the time,that shit wont burn you, and you shouldnt use it anyway.

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Petroleum Distillates and You


no. not at all i think your just a pussy. i get it all over my hands i had a car with a leaky clutch. use to have to fill it up all the time,that shit wont burn you, and you shouldnt use it anyway.


getting dot3 on any part of your skin (read: "all over my hands") is not a good idea. it is readily absorbed into any tissue that contains oils (fats are in ALL skin). from there it stores in your fat, and flows to your CNS (read: "brain, spinal cord, meninges, cerebrospinal fluid) where it can do all kinds of fun shit. being stored in the fat, and the fat being metabolized by your liver, every time you burn fat, sweat, or even move, you are releasing stored toxins.



same reason why after a hard week of gettin blunted, i can go outside work up a sweat and come back inside with bloodshot eyes and a ravenous hunger.


any of this make sense to any of you?




for that matter, here is some more shit to rock ur little minds.... while we are talking about fat soluble liquids... lets talk about petroleum products and your skin... mainly, the skin in your large intestine. things of concern are: baby oil, vaseline, any petroleum based slippery substance applied to the skin over large areas.


it has been found that repeated use of these type of things can alter your large intestine and lower stomach's ability to receive fat soluble vitamins. mainly A, D, E, and K.

if you are black, the effects can be worse. (dark skin = vitamin K irregularities = old school anthropological survival mechanism)


just a little thing for you to think about next time ur rubbing one out with the old jolly gel...

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dont mix it with anything. i put it in there full thickness.





unless you have a bunch of acrylic paint lying around in a certain color you that you would want to tint the oil based enamel with, in which case, add the acrylic to the oil based paint with a spoonful or more mustard powder or egg yolk. as egg yolk can lead to salmonella if not refrigerated, i suggest using the mustard powder.


it creates an emulsion so oil and water can mix. yes it works, yes all the time.


when you perfect this technique, come back and i will tell you about kikkoman light soy sauce and the almighty pwn ink.

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I have a white out marker similar to the pentel marker and I was wondering If I could use enamel paint inside it. If so what else should I mix with the enamel so it will flow or work HOT SWAGGISH?


Hate when kids always think they gotta mix something woth something else that is in most cases perfectly fine.

leave it unless its empty or shit!

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Figured this thread would be as good as any other.


Got some rusto aluminum, put it in a mop. and it was weird as fuck. Looked like all thinner and a little pigment. The first couple of days I just mixed it by shaking the fuck out of it. Okay well I went back today with a mixing stick, and found that all the chrome shit is stuck to the bottom... I dunno if it's old or what.


Is it beyond saving or what? Ill try to keep stirring the shit.

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