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woww wtf just went rong...... head ache god damn my ink was alright except for that fact that when ever it dread it look like a flat black paint an rubbed off like coal... when i added the bleach its the bottled start to get hot an the ink started to chunk up an the bleach jsut turned brown like old chewwing tabbacco water


o yea rubbish head u wanan make somthing of this internet beef then let me knoww ?

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See, thats why you always should do a test mix before mixing shiet that you dont know how it would react together. Like just mix an ounce of each ingredient to see if it would be alright to mix a whole lot to put in your mop/pen/ etc. This also is good to see what kind of color you get, texture, thickness. This will enevitably save yourself from wasting expensive ingredients all the time, and also your safety in the short run.

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I'm sorry, I'm 100% sure this is in here but my computers acting relly slow so sorry for asking this the 100th time.


I just got my hands on a big bottle of etch bath because i got sick of getting the buff an hour after i put up my tag. Should i mix it with anything to make it better? And will it work fine with like a zig glue pen, or and old flow pen? I'm asking bacause if i try it without asking, i might have a veary unplesent suprise.


Thanks for helping!

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Why are you even messing with that stuff? Do a quick search here and read about what can happen if misused- i guarantee youre not going to want to touch the shiet again. If the buff is that hard in your area (which i doubt) do what everyone does- put up more tags, and then even more in other places. What to mix with etch bath?? Damn you are stupid.

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Originally posted by Mr.lAcos@Dec 8 2004, 10:11 PM

The buff is BAD here, weather I put 1 or 100 tags up it gets buffed in the morning, i'm fighting back. I did a search, and thats how i found this, i was asking for help, thats all...

juss add etch to all your inks and then put up tags in hella visible spots and if they buff it u didnt add enuff etch...try hittin up with etch on brick walls it will discolor the bricks also hit up all over the tile in a bathroom its the only thing that will stay and jus remember etch etch etch fuck putting in work and bombing and gaining skills juss tag everywhere with etch...yay for etch

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First of all I'd just like to state that I know that this post doesn't belong in here and should probably be in a new thread topic, but I think there are a lot of knowledgeable individuals here that read and post to this thread regularly who wouldn't mind sharing their insight.


Secondly, Sakuras and Meanstreaks are hard to come across locally, and are expensive if bought online. The cheapest I've came across online was $2.65 at Staples and was just recently updated to $3.26. Which is a huge price increase in my opinion and isn't in my budget considering tax and shipping.


Anyways I'll get right to my question. Would anyone know how to make a solidified paint marker that works, and is just like a Sakura or Meanstreak that is perferably white, and able to be made or refilled back in the tube?


Thanks. :snowman: :bomb:

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Make your own solidified paint markers? Hmm, thats an interesting one. I think its just one of those things,it would cost more to try and do it than its really worth. Meaning, it would make more sense to just pick some up at an art shop or whatever, than to go out and buy all the supplies (im sure youre gonna have to bypass walmart on this one) and try to do it yourself. But if your saying your area doesnt carry any, then i guess all you can do is order it then. Damn, im also interested if anyone was successful in making a solid paint marker as well. I would think its pretty damn hard to do though. :burn:

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theres an easy home made option, get a load of crayons, some shoe polish some tinned paint like gloss, mix anything in thats waxy then melt it together and pour it into an empty twist glue stick, put the lid on and freeze it for about 20 mins probably the best way to do it, but they only really write on rough surfaces tho but are good for sandstone and rusty metal, ive made a few but hardly use em

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Originally posted by onthelam+Dec 9 2004, 12:54 AM--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (onthelam - Dec 9 2004, 12:54 AM)</div><div class='quotemain'><!--QuoteBegin-Mr.lAcos@Dec 8 2004, 10:11 PM

The buff is BAD here, weather I put 1 or 100 tags up it gets buffed in the morning, i'm fighting back. I did a search, and thats how i found this, i was asking for help, thats all...

juss add etch to all your inks and then put up tags in hella visible spots and if they buff it u didnt add enuff etch...try hittin up with etch on brick walls it will discolor the bricks also hit up all over the tile in a bathroom its the only thing that will stay and jus remember etch etch etch fuck putting in work and bombing and gaining skills juss tag everywhere with etch...yay for etch


Thanks, i did't know it would help with inks...I live in a veary rural area, and when i go to the mall in the city(chicago) only a few times a year. So the only thing you can tag there in the middle of the day are the bathrooms. Each bathroom has a sink and a mirror in the stall. I always tag up the stalls, and that gets washed off in about an hour buy the bathroom cleaner/inspector. So thats why i need the etch bath, for the mirror, it sould run for some time befor its replaced...thanks./

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I'm toy, i'm just trying to get my name up liveing were i live, which is the rural midwest. And it's not a small town it's in a cornfeld. And when i go to chicago i have to make it last, and i'm only 14 so i cant drive there...


some of my graff...





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I found out that Markal B Paintstiks melt at 150 degrees F.

Because they're very cumbersome I had the idea of melting them into liquid and pouring them into small gluestick containers, then freezing them to make it easier to conceal and write with.

I'm a bit skeptical about this idea. I have a few questions and ideas in mind that I need a few more experienced heads' answers for assurance.


There is a park a couple of miles away with grills. I was thinking of going there at night with charcoal, an empty giant can of peaches or whatever, to melt the Markals in, eye protection, perhaps a respirator, and a fire extinguisher incase it gets out of hand. Does this sound like a cool idea?

Do you think once its liquidized, (poured into a container and in my backpack), will it harden by the time I get back home on bicycle?


There are also plenty of other secluded spots all around my town, but without grills. Any suggestions on what I could use as a heating mechanism? Or does anyone else have any other good ideas and places for me to go about heating, and melting these markers.


Also, once I pour the melted Markals into the gluesticks could it be just thick enough not to leak through? Or if so should I hot glue the leaks?




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Originally posted by ARCEL@Dec 9 2004, 11:29 PM

try searching for a MSDS document on meanstreaks, that should tell you the ingredients


I've found the MSDS for Markals on their website. No igredients though. I've also found Sanford Meanstreak's MSDS but they only list the hazardous ingredients in it.

Sakura is sending me theres asap in mail. Although I doubt Sakura would list all of their ingredients too. A lot of information is left out because it isn't applicable.


Thanks though.

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