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rubbish heap

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Originally posted by chumbawumba@Dec 2 2004, 02:27 AM

rustovskrylon is a dipshit. i want an ink that is mad stainy with etcher power man, yeah! you, are stupid.


im a dip shit ur the asswhole with the name of a band that absolutely sucks ASS .. ur probaly some lil white kid whos gay as hell still a virgin an would hav the shit nocked out of himm if he came to VA sooo suck my dick bitch

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alll im doin is asking Q's ab ink dosent mean u hav e to chime in with ur 2 sence if its not helping me then piss off i really dont care ab how u probaly get picked on in school, then u come home an make funn of people (on 12ozprophet becasue u dont have any other way to vent ur little bitch anger) who hav have lifes an dont thrive on what people are talking ab on 12oz

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wow man you are certainly right. 12oz is where i come to let out all my little bitch anger, from being picked on in school, because im a little while boy that deserves to have the shit "nocked" out of him. what i think i'll do is go to virginia, everyone knows how ghetto colonial willamsburg is. i bet i will get the shit nocked out of me, for being a little white boy. its just an idea though, so while i think, go have fun with your etcher ink, nigger.

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i know í probably the 10000000 person to ask about etch

but i have jar of etch stuff what is pretty thickstuf. It is beige, and looks like thin toothpaste with little sand in it. Isit possible to dilude this for use in mop, and with what?

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vomit, i don't know how to thin etch, try mixing a little with water. if you really want to do it, look on the bottle and see if it lists the ingredients, also look for a MSDS document for it online, then you'll know what to use. you could use it like it is by smearing a rag or paper towel in it and using it that way, change gloves often. or put it in some container, like a thing with a brush on it used to put sauce on meat.


whiteox, i doubt it's because of the stuff in your marker, mix the garvey with something opaque, use a little acetone if the solvents are different.

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RvK...ur mom buys u graff movies, u live in virginia and think ur hard, u use draino in ur ink, all of ur "inks" dont actually contain any ink according to the recipes u give juss alot of random useless strong smelling chemicals, you use on the runs, u started shit with chumba, i used alot of commas...but the bottom line is for u to take ur real cool ink and use it as anal lube for the buttsex u have with ur boyfreind...yes im from san fran and yet ur still the gay one

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Well, didn't quite get the post out when I wanted.


Anyways, today marks the 1 year anniversary of the ink super thread. A couple of you have been blessed to witness the thing all the way through but most of you got here somewhere in the middle of it or are just now noticing it.


A year ago I started this thread because there were only a couple other big ink threads (Ink Recipes Here..) and they weren't all that coherent or informative so I wanted to see something better come along. I had a lot more motivation to answer all of your replies than, boy does it get old after a year! I've learned a lot since, and so have a lot of you.


This thread's gone through its fazes from the beginning, from when it was just me and a couple others to when OMEN TWO came and blessed the face of the topic with old school knowledge to when 60F1 came and enlightened pretty much everybody on the chemical side of it all. Call me an ink nerd but I enjoy this topic... We've helped this become the biggest and one of the best threads in the Yard.


To the people just now getting here, I ask you to please actually search before asking a question. Most of it has already been answered in the 48+ pages and the 1900+ replies, and the new 12oz has made it a little easier to search..


Will I still be around in the next year? I can't say. But one thing I would eventually like to get accomplished would be to delete all of the irrevelent and nonhelpful posts so that this thread is somewhere around 15-30 pages of pure knowledge. That'll take a long time, though.


In the words of 60F1 (please come back if you're reading this)


Be seeing you.

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I can't believe you dudes are still talking about making ink, about a year ago I told mostly everyone that did not know anything about garvey how good it is and you could only get it from the garvey company. But, the graff sites that sell ink and stuff realized everyone was dying for garvey and now you can get it with little problems. Lets face it, there is nothing better than garvey. It was made to be the most perament ink around. It is industrial made not to come off. If the people at the lab thought they could made an ink more powerful than the product they already have on the market, they would have made changes in the ingredients. But, it is perfect...of course it can be buffed in some surfaces. All ink can be buffed one way or another. But, garvey takes the prize. The only problem with garvey is it will fade in direct sunlight...depending on what you write on. So, I have come up with the perfect mix. You get white marsh paint ink and you add two-thirds white and one-third garvey and you have the most powerful ink in the book. The color is fresh, it won't fade and the dye in the garvey stains like a bitch. I put up a tag with a white marsh-violet garvey combo and it is on a street lame in direct sunlight on 96th and Broadway and it has been there for a year already and it is not going anywhere. Plus, it looks like it is a brand new tag after a year of bad weather, snow and hot sun.


So, stop wasting time trying to enhance ink that is already perfected (I know it is fun to mess around with ink and stuff, but, there is not much you can do to make an ink better than it already is when you have garvey and marsh)


Now, it is time to take all this time you guys are spending and GET UP. All you need is a pint of Garvey and a pint of White Marsh, a good flow pen or a real mop with an eraser strip as the nib and go out and destroy shit. I have said it before, when I started bombing in the 70's. We just took either flomaster, marsh or garvey. Put it in a mop or a miniwide and bombed the hell out of everything in our path. If people are on a die hard mission to buff your shit...it is going to get buffed regardless of what you use. Even if it means them sandblasting or using tons of paint to cover up your tags. So, if you have good ink and a good bombing marker or mop. Then that is all you need.




I just finished taking a bunch of pics of my destruction on a throw away camera and I am going to take it to rite aid to get it developed...after I get the CD-rom of my photos, I will upload them on my PC and I will post some fresh fat drippy tags I did with my mop. I felt like I was 20 years younger when I was bombing, I even hit up Min 1 for ole' times sake, When and if he sees it, he is going to bug out to see that I'm still bombing once in awhile. I bombed a few major cross streets in Manhattan, Boardway and 96th, 116th east to west and 125th east to west. So, you can't miss them if you are up in Harlem.


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By the way...I guess me and RH were thinking the same thing. Because, out of the blue I clicked onto this site after about a year of not posting and I had this site bookmarked to this thread. Because, this is the only thread I liked to post on. I am an ex graff writer aka bomber. I never spent lots of time with one train car when I could get up more by hitting the insides of every car in the layup or the yard. So, if KEL was doing a burner I would bomb the insides and by the time he finished his fresh burner. I had 100's of fresh drippy tags all over the insides car to car. That is why I preferred ink to piecing. Although I have done plenty of throw ups. I got more of a thrill using a fat drippy mop. That's just me.




I have tons of ink, KRINK, MARSH, GARVEY and I have so many miniwides with the old school nibs. I went to the local graff store that used to sell every graff tool in the book. Now, it is just a regular stationary store.

However, I saw a few miniwides in a corner of his glass display case and I asked him how many he had left and he said about 25. I told him I would give him $50 for the rest of his miniwides that he had in a box in the back and he went for it. It turned out that he only had 22 minis. But, he had a handful of extra old school nibs. So, I made a killing. He said nobody was buying them so he just had one or two in his counter display case up in the corner where you had to look to find them. So, I am going to keep these babies on ice and in a few years I will sell them on ebay starting at $25 a marker with the old school nib. Because, by then, miniwides will be extinct. I already had 8 I got from another place for my own personal use. But, 2 only have ink in them. So, I have a total of 28 miniwides and a shit load of extra nibs.



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Originally posted by onthelam@Dec 3 2004, 05:17 AM

RvK...ur mom buys u graff movies, u live in virginia and think ur hard, u use draino in ur ink, all of ur "inks" dont actually contain any ink according to the recipes u give juss alot of random useless strong smelling chemicals, you use on the runs, u started shit with chumba, i used alot of commas...but the bottom line is for u to take ur real cool ink and use it as anal lube for the buttsex u have with ur boyfreind...yes im from san fran and yet ur still the gay one


i started talkin shit to comba whoo, go back an read the post asswhole i didnt say nothin heracked off at the mouth with some slob ass hit.... an u gotta put it out like NIGGER, i mean god damn u aint gotta get racist with the shit jsut shit talkin ..i swear every one else i nthis thread s a prick becuase the think they not something ab everything an there kings of any topic they decide to talk ab... well guess what .. ur all fuckin rong an cocky as hell, and yes would hav the shit nocked out of them in NVA

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save your bullshit for pm's. oh yeah, everyone on this thread thinks they're all cocky and smart? you're just an insecure fuck hiding behind a computer screen trying to threaten to stomp the shit out of people ON THE INTERNET. if you were hard you'd be making threats on the street, not against random people you don't know that live across the country.


nigga please.

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All I'm gonna say is this:


Slow Your Roll All of you


Now that the PM option is available you can e-fight all you want there.

Or better yet.... just drop it. No one cares.


< dont make me turn this car around! >

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Omen mate have you used sanford permanent stamp pad ink? if you havent you should give it a go you'd be pleased i assure you. In Australia i think it's nearly impossible to get these inks everyone on here seems to use but i've bombed things with sanford and it seems to have eaten thorugh the graffiti resistant coating some post box's are layered with.Also it seeps into any pourous surface so bad that theres no way to scrub the stuff off. cheap and definently worth a look.



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Originally posted by rubbish heap@Dec 4 2004, 08:26 AM

save your bullshit for pm's. oh yeah, everyone on this thread thinks they're all cocky and smart? you're just an insecure fuck hiding behind a computer screen trying to threaten to stomp the shit out of people ON THE INTERNET. if you were hard you'd be making threats on the street, not against random people you don't know that live across the country.


nigga please.



aight send me a pm we cant meet up down here

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