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The Street Sticker Thread


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i don't know why you guys are all defending stickers and talking about brick slayers i never said stickers weren't graff or that if you didn't paint you weren't shit. i pointed out that most the stickers posted in here all looked like they could have come from the same person. i was talking about the lack of originality in the CHARACTERS, not in stickers.

as for '20 deep', you're a bunch of kids that met on the internet and have a bulletin board with nearly as many moderators as members. how many of you actually know eachother off line? nothing wrong with meeting people on line and discussing similar interests but be honest about it. if you're going to start an internet crew, be ready to take heat.

if you can't handle constructive criticism you guys need to grow some thicker skin. maybe cover yourself in stickers. if youre happy with making generic stickers then dont let me shit in your pool.



i been on the site for 4 years. do the math then try again.

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Originally posted by asoka

i pointed out that most the stickers posted in here all looked like they could have come from the same person.


maybe they are quiet similar in your opinion..

but they have different ideas and protests.

it became a kinda..style..don't really know how to explain

Think bout it!



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Originally posted by asoka


i been on the site for 4 years. do the math then try again.


so you've been on this site longer then me? that makes you less of an interweb feind?


and if you would, please draw a character and post it... Especially one that you could mass produce...

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Originally posted by MLTf4nt0m

what the fuck? are you insaine?


toro- a bull

perro-a dog



um, yeah, thats my piont.

perro=spanish for dog. a dog face sticker.

torro=spanish for bull. bull face sticker.


are you too retarded to see the intense dickeating?

whats next? bob start doning a sumbraro and change his name to roberto???:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Guest Propaganda
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Originally posted by MADSHIT

um, yeah, thats my piont.

perro=spanish for dog. a dog face sticker.

torro=spanish for bull. bull face sticker.


are you too retarded to see the intense dickeating?

whats next? bob start doning a sumbraro and change his name to roberto???:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


So by your logic, if I were to create a sticker of a monkey's head and call it mono I would be "dickeating" either of them? Even though they are completely different species? Just because they both use an animal's head and the spanish name for the species doesn't make it even close to biting. You're the only person on here that seems to think so.


*In short, you're a fucking retard.

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Re: I'd rather PREACH then Protest


Originally posted by TimeHasCome



What EXACTLY is it that you GUYS PROTEST, each one answer individualy ??????


as for my dog face (perro) it is in protest of all the pitbulls that are killed each year just cause they are pits ...

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Originally posted by asoka

i i pointed out that most the stickers posted in here all looked like they could have come from the same person.



yeah, but i've heard people say the same about most graffiti, especially tags. and my reply to them is, yeah from a distance maybe, but when you get into it you start to appreciate the subtle differences.

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Originally posted by Stomah

Yea, why would you want to spread your work across that world??

Horrible idea.


i realize this has nothing to do with me, but when i want to spread my work across the world, i travel the world and spread it myself.

just my .02

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Originally posted by MADSHIT

um, yeah, thats my piont.

perro=spanish for dog. a dog face sticker.

torro=spanish for bull. bull face sticker.


are you too retarded to see the intense dickeating?

whats next? bob start doning a sumbraro and change his name to roberto???:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:





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^^ thanks for the positive comment...and yeah MAD, whats up? you know i stopped writing and started doing this to get away from the egos and beef in philly...and it looks like philly found its way back haha..its all good though. perro has been putting work in for awhile with his dog characters. just because el toro has a spanish name for his character doesnt mean he is dickeating...maybe its because he speaks the language? just think about it...and yeah what SF1 said, everyone in philly, especially right now, is recycling the same tall hands and letters..i mean i rarely see a good wicket anymore. but seriously, you cant say our work looks the same and then keep doing philly hands. unless you write sik or crnot, who get knocked on all the time because they arent generic...wait, did this just morph into the philly thread? whatever im not starting shit with you MAD, just replying to what you said..and while we're in the sticker thread i like the one you put in rarebreed...that shit is hot..and SF1, i think you should start doing stickers :D you definately get around the city alot...but i know your heart is in your writing..

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Originally posted by seeking

i realize this has nothing to do with me, but when i want to spread my work across the world, i travel the world and spread it myself.

just my .02


not all of us have the luxury/time/money to do this...my life is too fucked up enough at home to take vacations..


SF1, that flick is hot, nice perro i like that alot.

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Originally posted by asoka

why don't you try reading before you talk?! if it was up to me, kids wouldnt be sitting on the internerd, forming internerd crews full of kids that do nothing but make stickers that look nearly interchangable. 20 deep? what does that mean? 20 deep in eachothers asses? it's like all you kids hope to accomplish in life is to come up with a character that looks different enough so you can claim it's your own (which is usually highly arguable). it's a big boring formula. blocky head, either real big or real small eyes. big teeth. maybe a big tongue sticking out. maybe there's no bottom jaw, just some jagged little simpsons teeth. it's boring as fuck. if it makes all you guys happy, don't let me get in the way of your e-notoriety. i'm not trying to be an asshole, i'm just sick of watching kids get souped up on mediocre blandness. and don't insult my intelligence by telling me i don't know about graff or it's history. i was writing before any of you kids had hair on your balls.


like i said, i stopped writing because of people like this...graffiti is too full of egos and bullshit, and usually full of negativity..this scene is always positive and friendly. ive never..never had anyone who does stickers say, yo youre shit is fuckin wack you need to stop and go kill yourself..ive had this shit said to me when i started writing..listen, my life is already fucked up, ive already considered suicide on my own i dont need a bunch of kids on the internet bringing me down more...the sticker scene is all about having a good time and working with other people, not working against them...there are no egos or bullshit...think what you want but at the end of the day ill still be having a good time.


and this is beautiful..


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i respect what asoka is saying..but at the same time i respect what dbd is saying. My veiw on stickers is that its basically a easier way of getting up...from my experiences people who are into graf turn to stickers because are they scared of getting caught...not saying this about people on here...but graf originated from writing your name on shit, sticker bombing is not a form of graf (im not suggesting that anyone here has said that sticker bombing is part of graf by the way)


just my 2 cents for anyone who gives a fuck

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Originally posted by El Producto

i respect what asoka is saying..but at the same time i respect what dbd is saying. My veiw on stickers is that its basically a easier way of getting up...from my experiences people who are into graf turn to stickers because are they scared of getting caught...not saying this about people on here...but graf originated from writing your name on shit, sticker bombing is not a form of graf (im not suggesting that anyone here has said that sticker bombing is part of graf by the way)


just my 2 cents for anyone who gives a fuck


so theres now rules in graff ..... so what is graff by your def....paint,ech,markers,stencils, weatpaste, the way i see it it is all graff .

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Originally posted by perro

so theres now rules in graff ..... so what is graff by your def....paint,ech,markers,stencils, weatpaste, the way i see it it is all graff .


theres not rules in graf..i suppose you are right..but sticker bombing just seems like "the easy way out"....the best way for me to explain it would be to say that sticker bombing is graf for pussies....now i dont actually mean that at all..but thats the best way to get my point across.. ive used stickers, i have nothing against them, but i think that ONLY sticker bombing isnt real graf...i understand that you paint, and i like that huge tag further up the page, but theres people who just dont paint or tag in paint or markers...thats just kind of weird to me

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the only people who say there are no rules in graff are kids who can only be considered 'good' if there are no standards. anyone who has written for a number of years will tell you that indeed there are rules, and if you don't follow them, you'll never get much respect.

that doesn't mean you have to be like everyone else, and it doesn't mean that there aren't some exceptions, but for the most part there is a formula to being dope; either be wicked talented, wicked consistent, or be wicked up. if you are any of those things, respect will follow (especially the latter two).

there is nothing wrong with stickers. i've put up thousands of them. if you're content with just making stickers, and being 'that guy who puts up stickers' then so be it. it's all in the attitude of the beholder. if you guys are happy with your little 'community' here, then that's dope, i'm glad you could find eachother and i'm glad our site could help. i will agree that some of you guys should be pushing yourselves (and eachother) a bit harder than you seem to, but maybe that will come with time. use achother (and this outlet) to explore new things, and by new things, i don't mean putting a flower in your characters hand. i think what he (asoka) was saying (among other things), and what i will agree with, is that alot of the time (in all aspects of life) people only want to put in enough effort so they can feel like they're 'down', and don't really care about the artistic exploration of dedicating yourself to making something. i think there are probably some people here who have no interest in really 'expressing' themselves, or trying to push themselves creatively or otherwise. which is all good i guess, it's your lives, it just seems like a waste.

probably the most famous 'sticker' guy ever, was a cat named 'dave' in SF. dude did simple little stick figures basically, and just wrote 'DAVE'. nothing else. always on the same blank white 'c-line' stickers. no special talent, no artistry, but he put them up by the thousands, and that dedication became the art, ya know?



sorry for being so long winded. i'll try and make some more stickers one of these days so i can contribute something more interesting than my words.

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