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The Photography Thread


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well to start. i have allways loved photos and the process of taking them. i have never had a class or even know properly how to use the f-stop function for that matter. most of my scuesses are by accident and i kind of like it that way. maybe i will start taking classes to expand when i get bored of where i'm at now. to save time i put them in groups of two. this first is one of my accidents, i used a sunglass lens for the filter and it had some sweat and oil on it which caused the blurr on top. liked the back hoe too.


if i had been thinking of composition more i would have pulled the weed behind the rocks for a cleaner look but such is life.


these rocks at the beach reminded me of a canvas i had done so i grabbed a pick of it.




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Originally posted by Kilo7-

the pass-around-camera list....


Kilo - current holder

Ese - next in line



mr chup

steve a




crazeb0b - last on the list


There's currently 1 person too many so if you can't

contact the name below yours, skip to the next person.

if anyone has any issues feel free to post a request / question


and a big http://www.12ozprophet.com/ubb/icons/icon26.gif'>+ to b0b for getting the ball rolling.


here's the list again.

It hasn't made it my way yet. If the timing works out right (which it should)...I found a bad ass place that is beggin for shots. I'll probably take the new girl on a road trip for it. she shoots as well, so maybe I'll post some of her stuff up some time.


jbrsh...hit me up on email sometime so I can get your address.

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a few more this will be the end of doing two photos per file. you loose so much quality when you cant view them one at a time. oh well !!






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I apologize for being such a lazy asshole, but I still have the camera. it will be leaving shortly, I just need to email pilau for his info. Recieving the camera just as I'm moving and losing my internet connection at home was probably bad timing. Things will be set right again shortly....

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