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The Photography Thread


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thanks rage.. i had a cable release on, set on bulb.. and i kind of followed the fireworks.. no looking thru the eyepiece tho...i had my camera around my neck...i love suprises.. and whoever developed my flix gave me like 4panoramas that i didn;t even ask for..the rest of my roll pretty much sucked being that it was the 4th and people were hammered...myself included..


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I'm listening....now make with the info. My roll of ektachrome VS turned out fucking amazing. most vivid saturated colors I've seen. sadly I didnt get scans, so no posting just yet. I want to get prints and scan those, but I know the colors will get butchered. I'll get them on here somehow...just wait.

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Re: T-Max 100 pushed to 400


Originally posted by ese

*bump* to start on a new page




Rock on. That first shot made my jaw drop. I love it when clouds look like that.


So you guys want in on the hush hush secret photo extravaganza?

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OK here goes.


Crazee b0b and I have been e-mailing back and forth and he sent me this idea today:



COPYRIGHT 2003 Crazee b0b


I have an idea for a little photography project invloving basically all those people. What I had in mind is getting a disposble camera and getting as many creative/talented people (writers or not) to take one photo each with the camera and then they pass it on to the next person on the list. Then when finished the results are stuck up on a website and everyone gets to see what each other have done. You like the sound of that?




Fuck a 12oz Journal Project.

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jbrsh, thanks...the plant one looks a lot better in person since my scanner really toned down the green. Its supposed to be a lot brighter.



about the disposable idea...it sounds quite interesting. I do hate disposable cameras and all, but it would still be a lot of fun. If we plan to start this, it should start at rage, since i have some shit to send to him very soon, and you have that hat to send me. So start at you, go to me, then crazee bob since i'm sending some photos to him. Also, depending on how many people are in on this, it might work with each person taking two...i'm not sure how many photographers we have on here in all.

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Originally posted by ese

So this thing is going to get mailed 12-24 times, including back and forth across the canadian/american border....WITHOUT getting x-rayed, smashed, or lost? This is my concern....

hmmm, valid point, especially since i do believe crazee bob lives in the uk...

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