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larger mega pixels are going to allow for sharper imagery and the ability to enlarge the final photograph. 12 mp's can enlarge to around 16x20 without showing digital noise(about the same or a bit better than 35mm). and yes, a good, sharp lens can greatly improve the sharpness and look of the photograph.


i don't know much about the argument between the two cameras though. i used a canon film camera for years and can twerk it everywhich way. the shooting modes/programs are simple and effective.

i shot with the nikon d2x-12 mega pixel for a month. a really nice camera with rgb histograms following each shot. but again, after that i don't really know the differences between the two.

sometimes i think it comes down to brand loyalty/preference.

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do yourself a favor. Save up a couple extra hundred bucks and go a step or two above the xt and the d40. I know you don't want more than 6 megapixels, but I'm saying this based on the quality of the cameras themselves.


The xt is at best a digital lomo - and I'm not talking about the cool things about a lomo. It is a cheap, poorly built, plastic excuse for a digital slr. No offense to anyone that currently owns one. I bet if you asked them, they would tell you that they wish they has stepped up to something nicer. As with the xt, the xti has a plastic lens mount which is prone to breaking.


As for the d40, well it's a better camera as far as construction, but it has several limitations. The biggest one being that you can only use certain lenses with it. It will not support any Nikon lense that is not AFS. You can use the other lenses(they will meter and take pictures), but you will have to focus manually. The same is true for the d40x. That's one of the reasons they are so cheap. The auto focus motor is substantially weaker than the d80, d200, or even the older d70.


As far as the megapixel thing goes, more is always better. Your images will be sharper - even when you shrink them down to web quality. It also helps with the digital noise issue. You can shoot in lower light, with longer exposures and not have so much noise distortion with a higher mp camera. It may not matter at all to you, but it's something to think about.


All that being said, here is my advice to you:


Save up and buy the d80.




Go on ebay and buy yourself a new d70. It's a 6mp camera, and I just saw more than one "brand new" with lens for around $500. The image processor is not as nice as the newer Nikons, but you get a solid, proven camera that has the ability to use any current Nikon lens in auto focus mode as well as most older Nikon lenses in manual mode. Most importantly, it is in your price range.


I hope all that helps, comrade. Keep in mind that I'm not talking out of my ass. I sell cameras and process photos for a living.



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Hey whyihatetexas, Im in the market for an slr thats around 6 mp but here is the issue, I would take it to paint with me, Im not looking for some excellent camera that will give me the best quality pictures ever, In all reality theres a good chance the camera would be damaged from running. Im not looking to spend a whole lot on the body, maybe 250 on ebay ish there anything in that range? I dont want to spend alot just because if I break the thing, good chance I could, I dont want to be out 500 bucks! Like I said it doesnt have to be anything extra special, but above a point and shoot.



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