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The Photography Thread


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this page is awesome.. everything looks good on it..

rage i found this link on woostercollective..



i will post some photos later and also resurrect the favorite photos thread..but that will be later on.

but here's a photo from

Awesome Bowling Adventure 16


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Cinched.. Thank you for the praise. :D



jbrsh, I've seen some of those polaroids before, I can't remember where though. Nice link!

Its wierd you posted a fisheye photo. I just received an adapter for my Nikon digi. I thought my fisheye would screw onto it, but I was wrong... at least I can hold the fisheye lens to the adapter.















^^^ loser ^^^




So yea, I need to find another adapter.. or get a REAL Nikon fisheye lens. But I'm not about to spend 150+ on another fisheye lens, when I already have one.

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rage--i used to just hold the fisheye in front of the lens on my old digital

as well, like in that bowling flick. and i'm trying to buy a new digital, probably slr because i don't really want to buy another camera two years later, but i was concerned about using existing lenses especially the fisheye, so i haven't settled on a camera yet.i'm rambling like carzy .. i'm gonna go eat...


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you might be able to make your fisheye fit with step up rings?

i donno the exact name for them but im sure you know what im

talking about.. it screws on one set of threads and has another set of

threads on the other side... i had to do that to make a fish eye fit my

video camera and it attatches the same.. i had to do some searching

and shopping around to find the right size... it might now work for your

lense but its an idea...

sorry if youve thought of this







yea i know they kinda stink i had to zoom in lots..


GET IT???? SUNFLOWER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Heres another of my feeble attempts at photography. I'll try to gather more when I get home. Enjoy




By the way a lot of quality work on here...I think I like this place more than brickslayers...


Originally posted by CinchedWaist

(in reference to Rage's bike photo) "i likes"


I agree ^^^One of my favorites.

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lets keep this on page one

more animals..


bumps for ilovedrunk(can i get a hi-res version of that purplish crow photo?), 1988, fermentor, coroner and definitely dyestop..

everyone else as well...

i know there's a postcard thing, a polaroid thing and probably a bunch of other mail related things going on but i think we should do another photo thread trade off and post the results.. let me know if you like this idea..i'll be watching aqua teen hunger force..

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jbrsh, I hear ya. It's difficult to decide on exactly which camera you want. Some have this feature, another has this... it gets tedious.

I put off getting one myself only because of the prices. When the 8700 first came out around March they were 1000+. I found mine for 300 less on eBay.

God bless mufu'n eBay.


P.s. Lovely seagull shot!




i<3drunkness, I know what you mean. In fact I have step-up/down rings that came with the fisheye lens, but alas, I need a 50mm to a 53mm, and there IS NO SUCH adapter ring.

Fuck... :(



P.s. Killer hummingbird set. It's amazing that you still can't get the shutter speed to capture the wings in place.



1988, That's a sweet photo. Post more if you have some!

..and thanks for the feedback too!




jbrsh again... what kind of trade off are you thinking?

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this might sound loony... but i know kids who have modded like this for video...


get a ring that pits the lens and a ring that fits the camera and glueweldsmash em together... its ghetto and focal length might be a bit off... but it is a fix... to get my fish eye to fit my video camera i had to use 2 rings but no glue.... i want to make that same fish eye fit my 5700 but i have tried yet...

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drunkard...yea, I don't have the patience to mess with that shit. It's easier to just hold the damn thing infront of the camera like jbrsh does too.

We'll see...




Here are some REALLy random photos lingering around my webby site.



Check the nape piercing. Ill lighting.

[ of me, not by me ]






[ me ]







[ really old ish ]




[ my baby ]

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Originally posted by -Rage-

Nice site, BUT Pop-ups = gayness.


thanks, BUT You = gayness. (I linked you, so don't complain.)


Seriously though, What would you recommend instead of the pop ups? I don't know flash so a slide show is kinda out of the question. And the pictures can't go any smaller than they already are because they look really crappy(all prints are originally 8x10 and the digi stuff is 5megapixels so it's ungodly huge.) but I can't really make the iFrames big enough for them. I don't know, this sadly is what I've been doing all day.

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Now maybe you'd need flash to rock this, but i'm thinking you could have the images pop up where it says your name and has that image. or would that not work due to sizing on the pictures?


Also, maybe its just my computer, but it seems to be cropping some of the text on the righthand side when i go to some of the sections.


Overall, i like the layout and the photos.

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Originally posted by MrChupacabra

Now maybe you'd need flash to rock this, but i'm thinking you could have the images pop up where it says your name and has that image. or would that not work due to sizing on the pictures?


Also, maybe its just my computer, but it seems to be cropping some of the text on the righthand side when i go to some of the sections.


Overall, i like the layout and the photos.


I'm just shy of retard when it comes to flash. I really do like the idea of them opening in the middle, that would be rather nice. But liek you said sizing could be a definate problem and I refuse to have people scroll to see the whole picture. I'm definately going to experiment with the idea.


I was also thinking of inverting the color scheme...I'm not sure.


But regaurdless, I'm tired and my eyes aren't holding themselves open anymore. So all changes will be made tomorrow. '


thanks for the feedback

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Originally posted by MisPantalonesEstaEnfuega

thanks, BUT You = gayness. (I linked you, so don't complain.)


Seriously though, What would you recommend instead of the pop ups? I don't know flash so a slide show is kinda out of the question. And the pictures can't go any smaller than they already are because they look really crappy(all prints are originally 8x10 and the digi stuff is 5megapixels so it's ungodly huge.) but I can't really make the iFrames big enough for them. I don't know, this sadly is what I've been doing all day.


OK. First off, the problem with popups is that you MUST align each picture seperately. Gna.mean?

Example, you have one large 486x648 image and the pop-up is adjusted for 200x200 to start. This throws the image off vertically and the user may have to manually move the image up more to see it. (I had to)

The 200x200 works for some of your smaller (shorter) images.. i.e. 648x486.


Basically, you should just make the pop-ups at 150x(10-50).


Make sense?



Oh, you're linked back nikkuh.






Dammmmmmnnn Seyno9, that yard shot with the birds is amazing.

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Guest Pilau Hands

i agree. those birds in the yard win.


my first photography teacher back when was all about contrast, and then i took a class with this legend recently and he was all about huge ranges and grays. they fight within me.

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