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Re: Re: Re: for the young and old alike


Originally posted by Asickeronius

This is some funny ass shit right here.......I don't get why you're still talking? We talked on a few occassions about why there is no need for us to have any issues besides you wanting it with one of my friends because he punched your boys face open....... You said graffiti has nothing to do with personal beef.......I don't believe that but I could have sworn that we were in agreeance on the phone to just leave each other alone until someone sees the other person and whatever happens happens.....Yet you're still yapping? Why? I don't get it.......

So ETC is toy because why? Tell me that..............

Talk about me some more.......check whatever we're painting..............If you don't like me then just say it......but I'm far from a toy.......and "That's on the block"! Sound familiar? ha........

every time asic talks hes always yelling at someone. haha...go asic:)

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Everette Toy Crew



and asic actually tried saying that he's not a toy..


"ETC is toy because why ?"


here's a easy 3.


1. because i dissed a really nice Snafu burner, but dont worry.. every one saw it a million times on the internet already.


2. your in the crew.


3. i dont need the internet to punk you.

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Originally posted by Pores

who cares about graffiti...asic is a good dude. that is all that should matter to anyone. as well as snafu. good people for sure

Pores speaks the truth.



All drama aside, if you toys really want to dis someone, you should do it by doing a burner that is better than the one you are dissing. Any Toy can do the snake or the scribble, men do burners.


Grow the fuck up haters.

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Originally posted by dumptrucking

Pores speaks the truth.



All drama aside, if you toys really want to dis someone, you should do it by doing a burner that is better than the one you are dissing. Any Toy can do the snake or the scribble, men do burners.


Grow the fuck up haters.



words of wisdom....

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Re: Everette Toy Crew


Originally posted by DUDER


and asic actually tried saying that he's not a toy..


"ETC is toy because why ?"


here's a easy 3.


1. because i dissed a really nice Snafu burner, but dont worry.. every one saw it a million times on the internet already.


2. your in the crew.


3. i dont need the internet to punk you.


Why you wanna talk and then not even say who you are?

You dissing Snafu pieces for no reason is childish.

If you dissed it then just tell me what you wrote over it......I bet you're too fucking pussy to even sign your name! One way or the other you and I have had words over your crew.........Who ever you are (wink wink like I don't know) I can't remember between your other screen name and this one! Notice you said Snafu had a burner.......say it again! Burner! You got scrubbed out stock rock piss panels......stay weak kiddo because I really DO know who you are.......You know you're weak and that's why you won't say your name.......The only reason I want you to say it is so that all the kids on here that you're so weakly attempting to diss me in front of will laugh when you tell em your name!


As to the izzo c to the kizzay for shizzle my nizzle come get my nuts in your fizzace!


:lol: p.s. You make being at work fun for me when I get to clown on you guys!

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Originally posted by dowmagik

asic, heres the shit you talked to my nukka jero about over the weekend...





Duder........OnAmbiens........Get the nuts, bitches! Case in point!


asic "the nice guy who for some odd reason continues to get cyber shit on by toys" :rolleyes:

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yeah, i said it was a burner.. calm down. cause these days it seems any TOY can paint a piece. Just ask anyone out of the Pi Rats. You can paint something "nice".. but that doesnt change the toy behind the name or crew.. And thats real.


Dont worry about the snafu though.. I made my name very readable over it.. and even signed it.. PEACE

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Originally posted by DUDER

yeah, i said it was a burner.. calm down. cause these days it seems any TOY can paint a piece. Just ask anyone out of the Pi Rats. You can paint something "nice".. but that doesnt change the toy behind the name or crew.. And thats real.


Dont worry about the snafu though.. I made my name very readable over it.. and even signed it.. PEACE


So what now? You want me to wait until you make your annual "guest cameo appearance" on a freight somewhere over my friend? You just want me to wait so you can say who you are? Just say your name pussy!


Foot note for spectators.......see how weak this kid is?

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those are coool!


whoa tight ETC was that inspired by fonts on micro soft word? it sure doesnt look like graffiti, but than again i wouldnt expect to see any original styles from the everette toy crew chapter of a cananada crew. you should look into pepsi logos aswell, but i think the coca cola one is cutting that, or maybe even the safe way font.....every done a piece that was truly invented by you? anyways im sure those little bnhoppers will travel far hahahahha faggot....wouldnt it look nicer with fat cap throwups over it that say "i fucked your mom".....well i dont blame you but on the real go to the library there is over 10000 font books suited for you to paint....have a blast im glad i can shed some knowledge on a toy ass bitch.!

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Re: those are coool!


Originally posted by OnAmbiens

whoa tight ETC was that inspired by fonts on micro soft word? it sure doesnt look like graffiti, but than again i wouldnt expect to see any original styles from the everette toy crew chapter of a cananada crew. you should look into pepsi logos aswell, but i think the coca cola one is cutting that, or maybe even the safe way font.....every done a piece that was truly invented by you? anyways im sure those little bnhoppers will travel far hahahahha faggot....wouldnt it look nicer with fat cap throwups over it that say "i fucked your mom".....well i dont blame you but on the real go to the library there is over 10000 font books suited for you to paint....have a blast im glad i can shed some knowledge on a toy ass bitch.!


What do I have to go and upload all of my "non - font styled" panels?

Is cyber stamp licking what will appease you? Good.....I'll do a few for you. You know what'll appease me? You to say your name.......Come on fag........just do it! :lol:

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