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Northwest Superthread II(without crappy flicks)


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I was talking to anyone on here who is 15. I get tired of people talking drugs, booze, bitches... granted graffiti is a young man's game, but DRUGS KILL PEOPLE. even drugs your doctor tells you to take.


I am fed up with the laisse-faire attitude of graffiti writers sometimes. if you want to kill yourself, booze & pills are a cop out to me. and if you don't want to kill yourself reconsider what you are putting in your body.


the difference between me and a lot of other people (on here or otherwise) is that I have the ability to care about people even if I've never met them. drink that 4loko shit all you want, but don't expect me to honor your memory when you've passed.


sorry for the ramblings..I'm not your mother, do what you want.


p.s. getting froshed is like "initiation" into high school, you got tagged up, egged, tied to lamp posts, thrown in the water, etc. do they still do this?

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Its hard to reach the bitter little minds of young impressionable teens with responsible talk Bryso. At this point they will drink and drug their way into spiraling unhappiness and unmanageablity, until they realize the way they do things will not work for very long.


So for now, sit back, play your position, drop a couple gems when appropriate, and listen as the youth of today fade into an alcoholic cloud of bliss....

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Its hard to reach the bitter little minds of young impressionable teens with responsible talk Bryso. At this point they will drink and drug their way into spiraling unhappiness and unmanageablity, until they realize the way they do things will not work for very long.


So for now, sit back, play your position, drop a couple gems when appropriate, and listen as the youth of today fade into an alcoholic cloud of bliss....


this is good advice, thanks. I'll take it to heart.

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I've posted more pictures on this thread in the last 6 months than, arguably, any other mother fucker on 12 oz.


If I want to go on a tirade about drug use I will. end of story. I've earned the right to bullshit about x, y & z occasionally. that's not to say I won't lace up the pics, but give me a break peeps. sometimes even I feel like this thread isn't worth saving.


"don't save her//she don't wanna be saved"

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