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i actually wanna see some rebus

someone post up some flix of some rebus pieces please. i know one of yall has some


While we are in request mode.


Anyone got any Sour pieces? Not even Sour piece(s) just 1 Sour piece will do. Not a simple... Not a throwy... Not a straight. Or on a train. I just promoted your name three times, now you can go google yourself homie. Let me know if a piece pops up. Maybe you can bless us with it. "Self promo, no homo." hahahaha :rolleyes:

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Sour is coast to coast train walls whatever...There is no way to be into real graffiti and hate on that guy...Seen em in the Frisco thread, Jersey and all over the country with my own eyes...Dudes a killer pretty pieces or not!!!




And bump Lert!!! That shit is 4 years old still burning half the state

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While we are in request mode.


Anyone got any Sour pieces? Not even Sour piece(s) just 1 Sour piece will do. Not a simple... Not a throwy... Not a straight. Or on a train. I just promoted your name three times, now you can go google yourself homie. Let me know if a piece pops up. Maybe you can bless us with it. "Self promo, no homo." hahahaha :rolleyes:


all i've ever seen is that one sour simple over and over, and the throw which only has a different r

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I like that rebus roller....cool colors - no homo....and pretty clean

and that obsoe face


and bump that klever sour fr8.....both of them dudes put in mad work and deserve the respect


and lester you need to work on that R in your throw....besides that it wasnt to shabby


more throwbacks....stolen



more stolen....






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Sour is coast to coast train walls whatever...There is no way to be into real graffiti and hate on that guy...Seen em in the Frisco thread, Jersey and all over the country with my own eyes...Dudes a killer pretty pieces or not!!!

I don't hate anyone. And I have a level of respect for every writer in both states, regardless of mine or their personal politics. Just think the critics can stand being critiqued once in a while too.



Here's some flicks along with the babble.

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not really feeling the vibe against Sour..

dude is up throughout the country, and not just a 4 hour driving radius...

and as far as seeing his style over and over, just remember most of his stuff is done on the sly, so execution is a big part of the game..and repetition sometimes falls along those lines not because of a lack of style more likely a lack of time..


but whatever hate who you want or vote for obama or make america beautiful or whatever, same shit different day..

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couldn't have said it better myself...Dude is being talked about all over a North carolina thread and doesn't even live in North Carolina, that should tell you something about how much work he puts in. I vote Sour for bathroom scratch tag president.

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While we are in request mode.


Anyone got any Sour pieces? Not even Sour piece(s) just 1 Sour piece will do. Not a simple... Not a throwy... Not a straight. Or on a train. I just promoted your name three times, now you can go google yourself homie. Let me know if a piece pops up. Maybe you can bless us with it. "Self promo, no homo." hahahaha :rolleyes:



Nevermind that this isnt sour, I wasnt even talking shit. I just wanted to see some rebus trains and letter styles cause i wanna see em. Thats crazy how defensive you got over a simple request, not talking shit at all..

sour is a homie, some people might call these pieces. I'm not sure who is hating on sour but they must burn this:




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