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NC graf.


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dogs, you guys can post all the emoticons you want and act like your above it but i know you aren't, like you wouldn't say that shit to me on the streets, same way you act on here. there is only two people from north carolina, in like the past 5 years, that have taking it out of the state and represented for it. everybody else i see is painting that same tired ass letters at the same tired ass freight lay-ups. ain't none of ya'll doing anything exciting to look at it, it's like i've seen one pieces by ya'll i've seen them all, you know? like this is what you think it is? nah, not at all, it's so much more, but ya'll ain't willing to accept that and would rather take a backseat approach to writing. shit in a sad state, no pun intended.

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you have always ran your mouth and not produced ANY quality work.

i would say that 99% of this state can do better than you..


what have you done lately? ahhh nothing..

so its OK for you to be a armchair quarterback and type bullshit comments on message boards.. all your comments reflect your insecurities..its comical..

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yo dog, remember that time you told me to meet you and you where down at beachfront with your boys and you were all like "yo, i pay for paint, blah blah blah" and you and your boys could have easily fought me, but you didn't do anything, except continue painting ugly graffiti. dog, for real, next time i'm in north carolina i'll be more and glad to get up with you and bust you in the mouth, like i should have done a long long time ago.....


as to what i've been up too.. much more than you ever will in your entire career......






and that just the tip of iceberg homey.... you have no idea to what i do, faggot.

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oh yeah, novices, those are real trains. not freight trains, but real trains but those are just the throwaway flicks, you should see the real gems.


wow "real trains". do they run or did u hit up a train museum in the middle of the night??

not sure why there is a big white box in your gems but maybe they are so hot that they burned the image into white light??


dude seriously, shut up, you have no clue how much of an idiot you sound like when you say things like "real trains" and "good graffiti" to some of the people that you talk shit to on here.


if u got an issue with this thread stay out, if you got any issues with the heads on here take it to the PM's.


no one really cares for you view of graffiti of the last 5 years while you are at the internet cafe sipping a faggacino..

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dogs, you guys can post all the emoticons you want and act like your above it but i know you aren't, like you wouldn't say that shit to me on the streets, same way you act on here. there is only two people from north carolina, in like the past 5 years, that have taking it out of the state and represented for it. everybody else i see is painting that same tired ass letters at the same tired ass freight lay-ups. ain't none of ya'll doing anything exciting to look at it, it's like i've seen one pieces by ya'll i've seen them all, you know? like this is what you think it is? nah, not at all, it's so much more, but ya'll ain't willing to accept that and would rather take a backseat approach to writing. shit in a sad state, no pun intended.


I can one hundred percent guarantee that if you saw ghost of graffiti past on the street you would not say a fucking word to him trying to act hard like on here, and if you did I would love to see that shit...hahaha the mental picture is so fucking funny I swear to god...

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blah blah blah.. i don't even live up north anymore and yes those trains did run, and you obviously didn't read but the edited flicks are to keep the vultures off my shit. i move around more than most of you guys ever will considering most of you won't even make it out of north carolina in your life. you'll live and die there and that is so bittersweet for me, because when i got back, and i see what ya'll havn't been doing and it makes me feel so proud of myself because i have taking this thing and traveled with it and it has been a much more rewarding, enriching experience than just, like i said before, painting the same tired ass letters at the same tired ass layups. but most of you will never get to experience that because you lack things as a human being first and foremost and that puts a hamper on your game, which is very easy to tell in the pieces you paint.


where is ya'll clean trains? exactly, you ain't got none and i got some. i paint for me, thus you never see me posting flicks of my own stuff, unless to prove a point to the peanut gallery. most of you have like 1000s of posts on this board which leads me to believe, you spend more time talking about it then actually doing it....


i'm so glad i moved, really i am, the "scene" in north carolina is nothing and never will be, except one big joke.


i'll be back soon enough, i have cities to burn out and make impossible to write in.

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dude I did cleans years ago, before it was considered the "thing to do".. been there done that. maybe you saw the first cleans in a movie called style wars, that is how late you are to the game kid..


and I did it when shit ran, not just the lame night time flicks and then off to the buff...


funny you talk about traveling and doing your thing but before you popped your head out of the gopher hole, no one heard of ya. Honestly, I still don't know or care what you write.


Looking at this edited bubble shit you posted:


not even a solid fill?? hmmm man I would'nt be boasting about doing a throwie on a clean unless you can do it write like this



so to end this wack discussion and get back to the lesson at hand, I'll end it with my boys from back home modified to suit this :

"I'm takin' all graf heads's out of the place

Takin' life as it comes no fool am I

I'm goin' off gettin' paid and I don't ask why

Paintin' style on the boxcars, makin' money for the many

Know alota funky girls who like to do their thing

A lot of parents like to think I'm a villain

I'm just chillin' like Bob Dylan

I smoke cheeba it helps me with my brain

I might be a little dusted but I'm not insane

People come up to me and they try to talk shit man

I've been painting "good graff" since you were sucking on your mother's limp dick"


Please do what you want with your gems.

I hear if you put a piece of coal under a lot of pressure it can become a diamond.

Maybe stick one of the gems up your ass and it will become a turd..

oh wait.. it already is..

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YO SYKE! im not sure if this is the same syke, and for secrecy sake im not going to shout what city i met you in but...did you meet me like 6 years ago? you used to chill with a blond girl named missy from up north? then i ended up in jail in virginia on some dumb shit? hit my up on PM if this is the same dude



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ya know its just better to let him fade away. after all he has cities to burn bla bla bla..

let's see how much damage he can do ..if and when I start seeing some stuff, I'll just call my connections on the rails up north, out west and down south to erase him from history..

done deal..

fuck around lay around

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shut up bitch..i got boys in ohio with clean spots...you do 2 color bombs, real niggas do 10 color burners...u aint somebody now, u werent anybody than, but you come back here with that mouth and your gonna end up just another body....



bump desism

bump jick pan am

its tobad you're a nobody

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