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NIGHT-OWLS: word has it we've got Boogiehands

Guest willy.wonka

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hey cloner...if your online right now hit me up on AIM I just fucked up my buddylist and lost your screen name on it.



so whats going on with the rest of you nightowls?


Last night I got to yell at one of my best friends moron of a girlfriend and pretty much tell her that the reason no one ever wants to hang out with her and her boyfriend is because no one can fucking stand her. I got to spend a good 30 minutes doing this and her boyfriend encouraged it because she doesn't beleive him that no one likes the dumb shit she pulls.


This was all started by the fact that we are hanging out drinking and another friend of mine and my boy's comes over with his girlfriend and one of her friends. So my buddies girl is kicking it with everyone and hanging out. We all smoke a bit and drink. She goes to the bathrooma nd comes out and starts flipping out screaming "you bitches need to get the fuck out of my house!!!!!!" and all this other crazy shit. Somehow in her ex tweaker brain she thaught that her boyfriend was trying to get with both of these girls (who were both under 18 and my boy is 24). She pretty much made an ass of herself, again, pissed off even more people and got told exactly whats up. It was very theraputic.

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fuckers fuckers fuckers


whats going on, i see ragsoe in the house, when, whats good homies?



my grandpa managed to get colon cancer, so hes in the hospital and shit, so i been waisting most my goddamn time in a stinky ass hospital. been working on the car, chillan, had some beers last weekend, my first beers since i been here. so it was a tasty treat. havent written on much of anything since i been here either, maybe when the whip gets fixed i can start rockin some flavor. maybe not, shits been getting less intresting the longer im away. eh, you guys know what im talking about. haha. any fucking way, peace out kids

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sorry to hear about your grandpa..ill keep him in my thoughts..


mm..beers..yes..today (sunday) marks the last day of my vacation..so its back to the daily grind tomorrow.


vacation was fucking awesome, bbq'ed, got drunk, hung out with friends, painted, partied and went to shows everyday.


honestly i think i can say that this past week has been the best week of my life. hah..yeah its been that sweet.


ill get some pictures/details later perhaps..for now its bed.

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  • 2 weeks later...

wayyyy back on page 5.


turns out this girl i was with on saturday night, is really good friends and co-worker with the girl i took out tonight. bit of awkward night. she didnt mention anything bout saturday night, but i knew she knew, she kept asking me about her friend and how i knew her etc. stupid woman. i dont think ill be getting the chance to see the girl from tonight again, pitty too. she was really nice. im gonna go to bed and wack off now.

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Damn....I'm feeling haggard as fuck today.....last night was a blast.....I walked home about 6 miles and nailed everything and anything I could write on.....that was fun......fuuuuuuuuck.....my head hurts.

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Yeah....I've got to do some artwork for this dude downtown.....but I'm not really into it right now.....I feel like a trashbag......tonight should be dope.....I hope......hopefully a repeat of last night....cheers!

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well i got to paint more freights last night..which was awesome as fuck. i think it was finally what i needed to break my goddamn writers block, hah. shit was such a rush i wanna go paint more now.


its fathers day though..gonna go have lunch with the old man and give him a canvas i made that i dont know if he will like.


gotta work at the bar a few hours before opening..but im supposed to go painting around 5 so we'll see how that shit goes. where the fuck is everyone?

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Fuckin' sick pictures......yeah...if you can get a trailer...I'd swipe that old car....it looks like a Mercury Montego....you should let me know.....the phonebook from '85.....damn...20 years ago.....you can tell also by those Dr. Pepper bottles....the last time I saw those was around '85.....I was 11.....woo hoo.

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say, do you know where the wires go on a delco-remy distributor, on a 79 chevy 305? i looked in this book, but the diagram is slightly different, it shows the connector things being an equal distance from one another, but on the distributor, there's four connectors on one side, and four on the other. it's possible i got it right, and the problem is not the firing order.

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If you got the firing order right.....then you have nothing to worry about......you should go look at that old car in the weeds again and let me know what it is....you'll be able to find out what year it is by looking at the serial number on the taillight lens...thanks dudeski....goodluck on your ride....

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