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NIGHT-OWLS: word has it we've got Boogiehands

Guest willy.wonka

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hahahaha, the steve jokes. as i said before, they are quite difficult to explain, you'd have to be able to hear how they're said. and i bet they'd be twice as hilarious with your accent. anywho, nah, im not 100% sure if i know who it is, but i think i have a good idea, and if its who i think, its classafied information. which reminds me, fatbastard, you should definitly hop on aim when you get the chance.


[] ]/\[ []_

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Any owl is welcomin to crash on my couch ha

I really should be studying for the test tomorrow. I have done very little in the lead up to it. I aced the last one 95% so I should be okay. Beside's I have just discovered on myspace so many cute looking girls in my city. I didnt think they rocked shit like that.

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its almost 8 in the morning, I am still slightly drunk and I am trying to figure out if putting a joint over top of all this liquor will make me bow down to the porcelin gods......and why the fuck isn't anyone on AIM?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?



I also did a good deed tonight and spent $25 to buy my drunken best friend a cab ride home and I got to watch 2 girls pee in an alley while I was at work along with getting to witness an awesome fucking wreck.

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nah morris, supposidly the trees are supposed to help prevent barfing. and from my experience, it pretty much works. as long as your not ripping the bong that is. hah. anyways, i cant fuckin sleep for shit, i think i have an ear infection, which wouldnt be the first time, so everytime i try and go to sleep the pressure in my ear gets all fucked up. i think its from the high altitude a few weeks back when i went snowboarding, they've been fucked up since then. slave, i know what you mean ey, back at my old job they would always promise promotions and raises, we never got either. fuck-em tho. im going to try and go back to sleep, i wish i had a beer or two. peace.

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First off, it's 7:30 in the morning fantom, get your ass to bed.


Second, Most companies tell people they will be getting a promotion "very soon" when in actuality you wont get shit and it is just a ploy to keep you on board for awhile longer.


Hopefully your company doesn't do that.

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jesus i need an alcoholic beverage, ive been dry for two days now. *sigh* im still up too, ive had some really bad insomnia lately, dammit. on a side note, its raining outside, hopefully it rains more heavily tommorow. must...get...beers....



hi slave, i love you

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