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NIGHT-OWLS: word has it we've got Boogiehands

Guest willy.wonka

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a 30 pack of miller high life

and a twelver of heinieken


ive been drinking since noon

woke u p at 9, therer was a beer on the table, i gues my roomie dippde to pick up his bitch. finishedit, at twelve, discvoered i still had a 30 of miller. chilled in the 12oa chat with cluetow. went to parents with beers and swam. thwy got a pebbletechj pool now. continued drinikng .my mom agreed to give my broke ass a hair vut. went home, on the way picked up a 12 of heiniekein and now its rainign i played in the rain fo r a few minutes. decided running aroun d int he rain with a beer can while lightinning was going on was a bad idea. so im back. and better than evre. fuck all of you, and haev a jolly ass time. i smell a sitcom.

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What's up Owlers?.......I'm bored as fuck and have to wake up at 9 in the morning to turn myself in to the "correctional" facility and serve out a little time.......gay.....other than that,how's everyone elses' night going?..

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hahaha VINYL that drunk comment was fucking classic...reminded me of the old days..staying up till 6 in the mornign fucking toasted haha...


awww..boohoo..i should just start getting drunk at home again.. sicne in ever go out..



what the fuck happened to krie... my aussie buddy..boohoo ;[

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actually i wasn't drunk...


i was very tired and pissed off... and at school... at 6:45am...


my ex girlfriend was being a fucking bitch, and finally at 5 am i got fed up and left the house...


i had class from 9 till noon today... i have another class tonight from 8 pm till 4 am...


i'm gonna try to sleep for a bit on a couch in the cafe on campus during this 8 hour break...





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Originally posted by alure

what the fuck happened to krie... my aussie buddy..boohoo ;[


yo alure! Im still around, we just moved into a new house over the weekend and things are slowly getting un packed. The house has only just been built, bout 3 months old, so we had to get some phone lines put in where we wanted them so the internet was outta action for a while.


Hows the lil fella doing ? Walking/Talking yet ?

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Originally posted by krie

yo alure! Im still around, we just moved into a new house over the weekend and things are slowly getting un packed. The house has only just been built, bout 3 months old, so we had to get some phone lines put in where we wanted them so the internet was outta action for a while.


Hows the lil fella doing ? Walking/Talking yet ?


oh word... yeah when we first moved into this house we had to get everything installed..which was a pain in the ass..because they had cut wires and shit..ugh.. but how do you like your new casa?? hows your job?


machai is doing great, no not crawling or walking yet but he laughs and can roll over from his tummy to back and...almost to his back to stomach he'll move over to his side and be crunching his abs so hard to roll all the away over ..fucking cracks me up... he's teething right now so i'm always drooled haha... but heres a flick of him..




future night owl..hahaha




earmuffs..i love you too baby;] haha

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Originally posted by ^O^




you wanna look like us, you wanna act like us, you got no sense of your own identify..BIATCH

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Originally posted by effyoo

well, if you don't want to pass out, you gotta keep on drinking.

head over to the KB camp, i'll drink with you.


haha...fuck no. i'm loyal to mi famalia... i just dont know where any of them are... boohoo.. *sniffles* ;[


you can't "LURE" me in...i'm MS FUCKING ALURE haha

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