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NIGHT-OWLS: word has it we've got Boogiehands

Guest willy.wonka

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oh yeah, so me and alure are leaving this party last night, and this guy that looks like kaptain kangaroo and shit is writing down licsense pkate #'s and shit like it's some high school party, and then alure takes a leigh i took from my neck and tries to give it to him and he pushes her arm away. right there he's fucked for touching my pregnant ninja, so we creep around with a huge coke to wet him up(it was my boys house so we were trying to stay non-violent), when he comes up running and yelling and then he touched my boys car. bare in mind my boy is a giant italian mexican guy with mad power. we got out and beat the guy half to death while his wife screamed and watched. so much fun was never had for free man, it was great. alure and another homegirl come driving up laughing, saying something about how sexy we were, and we bounce back to my boys house for more beer and this bomb ass chicken.







and the whole thing happened with a temp tag on the window. call me scott free........

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hahahahhahahahaahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahaha...okay had to get that out.. fucking asshole.. we were all standing there laughing at him cause he was recording license plates and the cocky bastard has enough room to start talking shit about the party.. im like dood this guy needs to chill out.. we were at a hawiaan party.. so i try giving him the fucking lei and pushes my hand out of the way and fucking throws it on the ground...asshole.. i was across the street the entire time and could not only see ragsoe fucking him up and my other boy..but fucking hear it..cracking up the whole entire time..oh god good times.. see im not so crazy fighting all the time.. ;]

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hahahaha....that's sounds like it was a good time.......I got stopped by one time last night for nothing and then ended just talking mad shit to the 2 cops.........fool kept saying that he was going to take me to the clink.....I was laughing......clownin' on those bitch-made public servants.....haha....I bet after they left they went to Krispy Kreme,got some glazed donuts and then went back to the precinct and made passionate butt-sex with one another........faggots.

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fucked up shit happens to good people every day. especially me.


so apparently jessica, my ex girlfriend, (i just realised i might be starting in the middle of the story, oh well) told her friend yesterday that she was thinking of breaking up with the person she is dating now to pursue a relationship with me again. i didn't know about this. i hung out with this friend, lets call her jeanette. thats a good name to call her.. because its her real name. and she stayed at my place last night.

lets not get into the intimate details.


anyway, jessica calls me today to see if i want to hang out.. i say no because i didn't feel like going through the "i still miss you/what have you been doing lately" bullshit. then jeanette coughs in the back ground. jessica says "who's that with you" and so i say "jeanette." and then jessica says "dude, thats fucked up".. and.. i just kinda sat there silent not knowing what the hell she was talking about. then she goes "well, did you guys do anything" and i say "no, but that isnt any of your business anyway" keep in mind i still dont know of the potential break up with current guy to pursue a friendship, maybe more, with me. so she starts getting all pissy like ex girlfriends do and i say "alright, im going to have to talk to you later" so we get off the phone. me and jeanette talk for ..


dude where the fuck was i going with this story?

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yo what up heads? chillan like a villan. hey boxcars, im in the same situation as you. this crazy bitch jessica wont fuckin leave me alone right? shes so childish, and now i have a girlfriend and shes telling her(my gf) that im cheating on her and shit, telling her that im sayin shit like" i dont like my girlfriend and all i want is to be with you" or tellin her i said i love you. shits crazy, my girlfriend's bout to lay the fuckin smakith down. shits gonna get heated ya know? this drama bullshit sux assola.

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