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NIGHT-OWLS: word has it we've got Boogiehands

Guest willy.wonka

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vinyl is suppose to arrive todae.


So for color and design class,our teacher was taking pictures of the students outside for a project we're gonna do. I'm walking back to class and this old teacher starts talking to me about art. The whole time he was standing about 10 inches in front of me. that is way beyond my comfort zone with anybody. He keeps touching me and I keep tryin to go to class and he keeps talking. I thought whatever art blah yeah . But he kept touching me and out of nowhere asked me if i had a boyfriend . this sick pervert fuck made me feel very uncomftorable. If he does that kind of thing with an oogly thing like me i'm sure he does it to alot of girls. I always have issues about being touched even by friends mabye because i've been hit or whatever by family alot . So when a stranger does it ..freaks me out. So ahh just "ahhh". I hate perverts. And I think I might have signed up for one of his classes yesterday. NOt sure. that fawker. I am sorry. I just..yeah..you know.. And my art teacher wants to report it. But I don't really care that much.


It's windy lately. I felt like I was going to be blown away or something.

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oh wheeeeen... oh wheee-eeennnn...


i'm here yall's... i talked to deliss a little while ago... and when, yer a loser and never emailed me... i'll be up for a while tonight, and i'll be here all day tomorrow... i'm leaving early afternoon on thursday... when, you should e mail me yer number ( vinyljunkie@graffiti.net ) so we can kick it old school... or if you actually know deliss she's got my number too...

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hey deliss! i just got back from partaying... we nightowls don't partay till lete...

so yeh... i'm drunk... woo...

the guy i came down here with is kicking speed... so he got good and drunk... bad news... anyways, i'm gonna go return the shit he jacked from the car behind the bar as soon as he passes out..

drunk... we are...

now he's trying to convince me to go make out with the guy we're staying with...

beer... woo... talk to yall later...


oh, and i see i have a new e mail, i'm hopoing it's from whener...



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im sorry im a piece of shit

i went out with my ex earlir and i got shit faced with her at her house

i just got dropped of at my doorsttep a few moments ago

im sorry dood, ill try to catch you tomorrow before you leave

if not i will owe you a 6pack and you can punch me whenever i get up there

but ill call you tomorrow for sure

hey was it you i talked to this morning?

i was kinda hungover and wasnt paying much attention

if it was you, it doesnt sound like i think you would sound


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well when and deliss... none of us hung out... oh well... it's all good... last night i got really really drunk, and i think i called this girl and professed my love to her... not good...


anyways, i'll be back down there before too long, so we'll just have to hang out then... and in theory, next time i go down there i'll be there for more than a day...

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vniyl im so fucking sorry

im fucking drunk as a motherfucker and im sorry

i owe you a 6 pack noe and you can punch mr in the fucking face

im dorry dood

blah haha i cnat type

iv had a half bottle of jager and some nasty ass coronassa


dood i m gonna come up and visit you once i have some money in my pocket

again im sorry dood

if you come down again were gonna getfucked up and hang out

blah hahaha bumfights is on and its fucked up

i shouldnyt be laughing but some of the stuff if sfunny


much love'



was it you i talked to on the phone?

i tried to call you tonite but i didnt get an answer

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