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NIGHT-OWLS: word has it we've got Boogiehands

Guest willy.wonka

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damn nightowls. pistol is a tired SOB. transferring 2 sites to another host. installing a forum. and a bunch of behind the scene stuff. alot of experimenting and frustration. computers suck ass. syke. well if you get a chance stop by here to help get it started. just opened up about 4 minutes ago. some tweeking is in order. but fugit.

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well.....I just don't know.....I registered and tried to set a new topic and when I submitted it said my username was already taken.......what the fuck?.......I'll try again......it looks good....

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three of my friends got in a pretty brutal fight yesterday... one of em just got his hand cut up a little... one of em got a 12-14" long 1" or so deep slash across his back/shoulder, and one of em got stuck in the gut... he went in for exploratory surgery this afternoon... i haven't heard anything else about that except that he hasn't died or nothin... i wanna go see him in the hospital tomorrow, but i don't have a car that'll go that far at the moment, and i have no money... it's lame...

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You guys probably logged out somehow. And then you type in your name instead. But it won't let you post to protect you from others signing up for a post under your name and talking shit. You's just have to sign in. I think I'm going to sleep after watching a "nice movie".

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Me and the guys were at a gas station on the cruising spot. Some fags tried to get all tough in front of these bitches and started talking shit. Niggas was looking shiesty. So I went around the block to pick up some more heads. By the time I got back the cut up my friends pretty good. Oner of them had the gut wound. Those are scary. Too many organs there. Punctured a lung etc.

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dood today sucks!

so im at work for a few hours when the neighbor shop owner comes over

this guy has had in for us for years now

we get business, he doesnt

we terrorize him and his employees, they dont do shit

well today im pretty sure they got their revenge

so back to the story

the guy comes over and stares into the shop for a bit and walks back to his shop

were just like what the fuck was that all about

then about 30 minutes later a guy in a suit shows up

he starts talking to my boss and my boss is getting pissed

well apparently the guy was an insurance man

we dont have insurance at my work because we dont really need it

and its just more money for my boss to pay

but as far as the insurance guy said, its illegal to run a shop with no insurance

so basically i dont have a job now

because if the guy comes back and sees anyone other than my boss working

he gets fined big time

hopefully this will only be for a month or so

my friend says that he can get me a job at target in the meantime

so i guess its not all that bad


im still fucking pissed though

the other shop owner will pay for this.



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