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NIGHT-OWLS: word has it we've got Boogiehands

Guest willy.wonka

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Guest imported_El Mamerro
Originally posted by WhenOne


say what? like moving here to live forever and ever and ever

or just to visit for a bit


either way, cool shit!


Forever and ever and ever till the end of time, baby.

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i have horrible allergies and wanna tear my skin off cuz it itches so bad...


i test drove a rockin little car, but then the person who was gonna lend me the down payment for the loan bailed on me...


i started work at my stupid new job...


my vision kinda sucks and i need glasses...


i slept 2 hours last night, slept thru half a class today, and have to stay late for a stupid "group project" tomorrow...


i need me a girl...



i'm getting the hell off the computer before i shoot someone...

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get glasses . i'm not internet macking it. its just that glasses look sexsay some reason. yeah i read the i hurtalot thing. bored as a board being..bored...ahh. dont worry vinyl grey skies are gonna clearuppp..


im an idiot. i was gettin gas this morning. i had no monay.i got 2.75 in gas with dimes.. the guy working got pissed because i was in a hurry and i kind of tossed the change everywhere. i turn off the car..i forgot to put the brake on and my car rolled about 2 inches and my door was open so it got scatched against a damn giant concrete flower pot thing. why the fuck does a gas station need pots. whYY? some bitch takes my parking spot at school. but oh i bought 3 boxes of cheese nips because you get this dope hologramish monsters inc. card thing. and these cheese things arent too great. but i'm in a pretty mellow mood. i love this cloudy weather. babbling brook...sorry. i could go for a nice drink and a nice brisk walk right now.

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hah, im always too scared to take change in to the gas station, i dont want em gettign all mad at me. i wish i had a nice area over here that i could take a late night stroll but all over hear is like hills and scary woods type stuffs, so i m not going there. i think i look silly when i wear my glasses.

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woohoo 6k nightowls represent. fuck all you bitch ass net-haters and non-nightowls invading this thread (devilush & dirty habit excused)


i have often times found myself taking change to get 2 bucks of gas. out here gas was oftens time 1.65-1.85 so i barely managed a gallon.


buy pop tarts deliss. you get 4 sheets of simpson stickers with them.



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hot damn....lookie here...devilush is actually awake after 11!! yes yes, messing aorund with the new digital camera and working on a research paper trying to proove that multiple personality disorder is not caused by childhood trauma. beejeesus.


congratulations pistol!!! <<muahs>> <<hugs>>


(p.s. i got your back too. thanks for excluding me)


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a good point about today: i discovered that, being as the only manual transmission car that i drive on a regular basis is in a 50 year old truck with a granny gear, i can drive a sporty standard like whoa... that was a lot fo fun today...


but then again, i keep realizing i really need an actual girlfriend... getting laid is great and all, but i need an actual girlfriend to smack me back into focus every once in a while... i miss that...


and also, i'm on the slowest/most fucked up computer i've been on in quite a while... so i'm gonna go smoke a cigarette and then bang my head repeatedly against the wall in hopes that it will put me to sleep...


later nightowl skaters...

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I was searching around for Oolong stuff and came across this stuff.

Site located here


"The great trouble with the Negro in the South is that all presumptions are against him. A white man has but to blacken his face and commit a crime to have some Negro lynched in his stead."



"An abandoned woman has only to start a cry, true or false, that she has been insulted by a black man, to have him arrested and summarily murdered by the mob. "



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