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NIGHT-OWLS: word has it we've got Boogiehands

Guest willy.wonka

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Dear Nightowls,


Hello. How are you doing this evening. I'm aight "yo". yeah just hanging around. lskjfa;sfdl;fsdl;. yeah that was for you cowboy. i want some candy. okay bye for now. Oh how was your day?


Yours Truly,



p.s. hi krie. the new owl crazy party guy.

hi alure. you sound sexy. word is you're hot. wink wink elbow elbow.

hi vinyloko. i too , am bored. and have to write TWO essays. i mean shiet dawg...whats that all about namean..


hey get away from there. yeah you. oh sorry im drunk. no not really im not. shit im bored.

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Hello Deliss :ballcap: im good this evening, bout to start the beers, today i did my usual, wake up, eat, watch tv, chill on here, more tv, back to here , how fun!

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vinoko. no, i did not. i'm just overwhelmed right now. it's already 2 classes late. i had to read 21 essays out of my english book today that i barely got monday for my midterm today. so i thought that was more important than my paper. i kind of just.. want to act like i did the paper and turned it in. my teacher loses stuff alot. anywho, how'd your essay go?huh tell me. now. NOW. thats me, being stalker.


have fun krie. par taying ey?score one for the team homeslice.sfadfsda

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yeah my friend turned 18 today, 18 being the legal age fro drinkin in bars etc where i live, so i can see us getting pretty wasted tonite. plus hes supplying us with free booze. :krunk:

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today i got really frustrated. my friend that takes me to school., which is really nice of him just pissed me off. and i got overwhelmed by everyhting going on right now and got teary eyed like a little bitch. he doesnt even know why i was mad and comes to my house bringing tea and soup thinking im gonna be all "okay now its all back to normal". i wanted to throw it at him so bad. but i tried to tell him i dont like tea and to have it himself. he brought me this because he called earlier trying to ask me to go hangout and i told him im too sick. i am sick..just didnt want to go. i sound like some neurotic mean bitch. but if i were to tell the entire story which is too long and full of fucking stupid drama it would make sense. yes, i was ever so pissed. but yeah just one of those weeks.besides that my fucking left tit is itchy as fuck and so is the bottom of my foot. woah sorry that sounded like such whiiny bitching. anyway i had a good day for the most part. i might get this litlle gig working for this clothing company.its off the heezy.

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too fucking weird!

so i went outside to take a piss and have a smoke

i finish pissing and light up my smoke when i see a cop car creeping down the street

pretty normal but hes creeping really slow

then the side light flips on and its shining in my face

im thinking 'fuck, what have i done'

the cruiser stops and the cop gets out of the car

im thinking 'fuck, fuck, fuck'

the cop approaches me and low and behold, i know the fucker!

its my friend john who i havent spoken to in a good year or so

hes a sheriff now, shit was funny as all hell once i realised it was him

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pissing outside is a tid bit nipplely..


mmm potatos and oj..


yeah i got my fucking driver's license yesterday.. you dont know how long its taken me to get a new i.d. since i had gotten it stolen, and had a suspended license and a warrent and shit.. and then bah its just sooooooooooooooooooooooooo great.. i jumped up and down like a fucking dork i was so happy..i finally have my identity back!! and i can buy cigs again.hahaha.. and my picture didnt even turn out bad this time. woop.

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