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NIGHT-OWLS: word has it we've got Boogiehands

Guest willy.wonka

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blarg last night is a blur the half a bottle of jager went down in size even more once i got off the computer and i drank about 6 more coronas

i think i told my ex that i love her, thats not good.

i passed out in her room but ended up waking in the living room

i think i also may have done some stuff with her friend

im not sure

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so i got really drunk when i was down in LA, and i guess i made a bunch of phone calls... kinda scary... the names have been changed to protect the drunk... and the hot... and the asses...


vinyl junkie: so i talked to my buddy dan last night... the guy i went to la with...

vinyl junkie: and he goes "you made a real good impression on all the people down here"...

juli...: "vinyl" the impressionist

vinyl junkie: well, this was right after someone called me and played me the message i left on the (club i work at)’s answering machine where said "i'm in a band called we hate niggers" and then proceeded to list our songs which included "i hate spic chicks" and "fag eat my ass"... (my club has a very strict rule about not booking bands with racist lyrics and shit like that)

vinyl junkie: and apparentlly i also called this girl and confessed my love to her...

vinyl junkie: all in that night i was really drunk...

juli...: that was me

vinyl junkie: you too?

vinyl junkie: ah crap...

juli ...: who do you love, "vinyl"?

vinyl junkie: well i called "this girl" in oakland...

vinyl junkie: did i tell you i love you too?

juli ...: yep

vinyl junkie: crap...

juli ...: "vinyl", do you love me?

vinyl junkie: sure...

juli ...: in THAT way?

vinyl junkie: i don't think so...

vinyl junkie: but if i were to tell you that when i was drunk then who knows...



juli...: i almost pulled the hugest slut maneuver in the world because of you

vinyl junkie: really?

juli ...: yeah

juli ...: when you first started hanging out at the radio station when i was there

vinyl junkie: ok...?

juli ...: i was sleeping with "dude". and "guy". and i came hella close to hitting on you too but i was like "wait a second ... im already fucking two people, and this guy is like "dude"’s best friend" so I didn't :/

vinyl junkie: haha!

juli ...: yep.

juli ...: then you disappeared for like months

vinyl junkie: haha...

juli ...: fag.

vinyl junkie: hahaha...

vinyl junkie: sucka...

vinyl junkie: don't werry... we're stilll gonna do it when you break up with yer boyfriend right>?

juli ...: hold, phone

juli ...: yeah totally

juli ...: wow conversations i shouldn't be having for a thousand reasons

juli ...: uh just for my peace of mind i think i should clarify something "vinyl"

vinyl junkie: what?

juli ...: so we can screw or whatever when me and "the boyfriend" break up, but i just want to make it clear that i'm very happy with "the boyfriend", I care about him a lot and he's the best thing that's happened to me in a long time, and yes i've had the hots for you for like a year or something but we have to just be friends!

juli ...: woo

vinyl junkie: haha...

juli ...: im serious!

vinyl junkie: ok...


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