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NIGHT-OWLS: word has it we've got Boogiehands

Guest willy.wonka

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Guest willy.wonka

tonight i just found out that most girls think of me as a pimp....


im smooth and "let them know" that im a hopeless romantic..with a titatic heart, i may look unsinkable but can still be ripped apart..i know you dont notice me when i watch you within my car parked.."LIVING LEGENDS"


i feel good but i felt some playa hatin on the side from my homie..tryin to play with the girl that was interested in me and knew that i was interested in her.


haters..they're everywhere.

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Guest uncle-boy
Originally posted by el barto

im getting bummed out everytime i hang out with my gurl and my otehr "friends" i really dont give a shit about anyone right abotu now except the gurl that hurts meand doesnt give a shit. i ....uhhhh......im so irratated with people these days.























































































fuck you then.;)

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if you could see the giant grin on my face that I have.


ok story time


There is this really pretty girl named Trish (vinyl met her) and me and her have always been really flirty with one another tonight...well tonight I was at a party and she was there. we were sitting on a couch talking and mid sentence BAM!!! she attacks my lips until someone walks in and catches us...the entire night when we find ourselves in the room alone this is happening...I know its not like I got laid but I am just happy because for a long time I just thaught she was flirty.


yeah I'm happy

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wassup owls?


i just got a new tv and was in the process of putting on the stand. I had it on the floor to clean it up a bit. and BAMMMM! i stub my toe. I look down and half the nail is up still so i push it down. then it started to bleed. woohoo. it doesent hurt though. so i am off to watch scarface and anticipate my girl buying me VICE CITY on Tuesday. If not I am going to be pissed.

oh yeah i think i have school work too. but fugit.

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yea so my night got fucked over cause for 2 hours i was trying to get my roommate an 8th,

him- 'oh yea this guy might have some'

me- 'if i drive over there and youre wrong im gonna kill you'


this went on for two hours and he ended up with a gram

i hate him. i really should kill him.

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Originally posted by Pistol

but when we didn't and someone wanted some shit. they would bug the shit outta you for rides. it sucks being the only ride around.


he has a car but his stupid bitch of a girlfriend took it somewhere

and i came home at the wrong time.

fucked my whole night up

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hey kids... this weekend rocked...


halloween was spent in the city drinking forties in this guy's apartment, listening to a bunch of people speaking Thai, then we walked around drinking forties and writing on things and getting girls to flash us... then we wemt to a bar in japantown and drank thai beer, and watched people sing karaoke in Thai, and made out with girls who didn't speak english... then we drove around and yelled at people for a while...


friday i started drinking around noon... went and saw jackass again and drank PBR in the back... went to a zombie party... saw some rocking bands, drank more beer and made out with this girl in a nurse uniform... she had a big mouthfull of fake blood so i ran up and gave her a big ol sloppy wet kiss... we ended up hanging out and making out for the rest of the night... i left with tons of blood dripping down my face and all over my shirt... and quite a swagger and a slur...


went back the wharehouse i was sleeping at around 1 am... i decided it would be a good idea to punch a whole in the wall and i think i broke my finger in the process... after not being able to punch a holw in the wall (i later realized it was a plywood wall) i went across the room and kicked a very decent hole in the wall... then i completely destroyed a couch...


at about 2am i went to go check on my truck, since i hadn't moved it since the night before... i walk out there and the only cars on the street are my truck and another truck directly across the street... i stumble up to my truck, open the door so the light will turn on and peek inside just to make sure everything's still there... i close the door and turn around and see the driver of the other truck has gotten out and is walking towards me... he looks at me, sees the real looking blood all over my face and the real real blood all over my hands, and bolts back into his trucks and takes off... so yeah, i think he was trying to steal my truck...


the next day i woke up around noon, and went to the bathroom... on the way there i had to walk through the main room of the warehouse... where there was a basket making workshop full of old ladies... and i was still covered in blood... that was incredibly entertaining...


the rest of the weekend was rather uneventful except that i got to see a few really good bands...


woo... fun weekends... tons o booze...

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