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NIGHT-OWLS: word has it we've got Boogiehands

Guest willy.wonka

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Originally posted by WhenOne


ooo you rat bastard! you take that back!

that whole list was things like an appreciate but are a huge hassle at the moment and are making my life hell... and when it looks like i may be getting a shitty old bug or something and putting the truck on hold just sos i can save a little money, it gets a big fuck cars...

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Guest willy.wonka

wussup homeboys and homegirls..


today i pushed myself to the limit.i was givin a new bodyboard and i decided to go all out today over at my beach "sandy's."


i caught some big waves and i think i have gained a lot of respect from other bodyboarders..which means a lot to me.


like when a big waves comes by and all these guys look at me and say "GOING! ITS ALL YOU CUZ!" THEN WHEN I CATCH'EM i hear them cheering for me "cHEEHEE!!CHEEHOO!!"



plus its all about overcoming your fears and styling it upon the wave..that great feeling of being inside the barrel watching...just watching.i need to get a good under-water camera foryou guys.


today i feel good.

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got attacked last weekend by family member. ..big bruise on arm. got kicked out. kinda sorta got kicked out of my dads too. was livin outta my car. and friends houses. grades dropping. now realizing i'm gonna do horrible in couple classes. studied for 10 hours today theen quit..cuz cramming ain't doing anything. i "suck at life".... i usually can handle these situations and act like its no big deal but i dont know. and nobodys on my side.. sorta.. i have the most dysfunctional family ever. this is hopefully something that will pass. i have no soul anymore i think. all my girl friends have turned into whores. they care about stupid shit like makeup and boys..what the fuck. i have isolated myself from everybody. theres alot more but eh


i know bitching doesnt solve anything. but i wanna start changing things so you wont have to read this shit anymore.


i'm one sad fuck. then i'm in a good mood. i don't know what the hell is going on. i really need some therapy. or alcohol or drugs..but those will make me feel shittier so ehh


hiiiiii pistol.wutup dawgs. ruff....

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lately i've been sucking at school to due to lack of interest in the last of the bullshit classes i need.

my advice is to take a little trip to san diego or something. just go down the 5 stopping at the beaches or whatever with a friend. hell if you got to sleep in the ride for minute might as well do it at a nice quiet beach 'round san clemente way. if you can come up with the money visit sea world or the zoo. animals are always cool to chill out and forget about shit.

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I'm about

To have a nervous breakdown

My head really hurts

If I don't find a way out of here

I'm gonna go berserk 'cuz

I'm crazy and I'm hurt

Head on my shoulders

It's going...berserk


I hear the same old talk talk talk

The same old lines

Don't do me that today, yeah

If you know what's good for you you'll get out of my way 'cuz

I'm crazy and I'm hurt

Head on my shoulders



I won't apologize

For acting outta line

You see the way I am

You leave any time you can 'cuz

I'm crazy and I'm hurt

Head on my shoulders



Crazy! Crazy! Crazy! Crazy!


I don't care what you fuckin' do

I don't care what you fuckin' say

I'm so sick of everything

I just want to...die!


you should listen to black flag...

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i wouldn't be ashamed (in fact i figure i could turn one into a goofy [meaning fun] little baja car or sumpin) but it looks like funds will be so limited that it'll be one of $100-$200 cars... plus, and mainly, i don't wanna stop driving the truck...


on a related note: i got a certain kick out of the fact that i used a glass-pack that i watched fall off a riced out civic a few weeks ago as a wheel stop when i parked tonight...

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