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NIGHT-OWLS: word has it we've got Boogiehands

Guest willy.wonka

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well its 7:00 AM in Louisville Ky and its time for Zack Morris to try and remember all that happened tonight.


Ok so the original plan was to go a field party that my freind sean was throwing but needless to say that didn't happen. Instead we all decided to go hang out with our friend Hally at her apartment and get drunk. I was accompanied by my good friend Daver and another good friend that we will call Captain Morgan. We get over there and Kurt is spinning some records everyone is chilling out and I start getting to work on my first Cpt. and coke. I am feeling good blah blah...after a while I find myself out on the porch in the midst of a conversation about fucking girls in the ass and if we like big titties or little titties. After the conversation a crew of about 9 of us decide to walk over to a local park for some recreational drinking while accompanied by "disco" aka the worlds coolest dog.Here is a little background on Dicso. He is a 110 lbs rottweiler looking mean as fuck but I have NEVER met a more laid back cool as shit dog. This dog would let you punch him in the face and would still give you doggy kisses. So anyways we go to the park and there is this girl named nicole...She is a little on the thick side but I feel like getting my dick sucked so I am heavy macking it. We get to the park and chill out and throw joke smoke grits and drink tall boys of high life.


Nick and Sean decide it will be a good idea to get naked and run throuah the fountain. Disco decides to run throught eh fountain too. I was happy to know I have a bigger dick than both of them (macho stance) Well we are hanging out and I am macking it to nicole fucking HARD and I am talking to her away from everyoneand I say "ya know I think I had a bit too much to drick, can you excuse me?" I proceed to walk about 30 feet away and let out anice amount of vomit. My friends start yelling at me calling party foul and trying to make me vomit more and I just laugh at them. I felt much better afterwards.


A little later after I played fetch with disco Hally and Nicole decide to go pee in some bushes. They ended up peeing on 2 bums and waking them up and we proceed to engage in conversation while Nick runs around naked some more. The phrase of the night was then muttered. "Oh shit here come the cops, anyone seen my pants?" We all go and make a slight jog in the direction of Hallys house dropping a few tags on the way.


We get back to hallys and I am starting to feel not so good again. I decide to sit down in front of the air conditioner. Disco's bed happened to be right there and I lay down. I felt bad for poor disco since I took his bed and he is giving me the sad eyes so I get up and I step away from his bed so he can have it. Dosco comes over to me and licks me on the face then walks over to the other side of the room and lays down. I took that as a sign that I can chill in his bed. I am chilling there for a little bit and Dave goes out to my car to get my camera because disco came over to lay next to me and he felt that was a kodak moment. Soon later I felt another gurgle in my stomach and I had to excuse myself to the bathroom to puke again along with taunts and shit talking from Sean and Nick. I talk shit back while puking and tell them eat a dick and the such and I go back out to chill on disco's bed somemore and cuttle with that dog like a vietnemese man wishing it was dinner.


Hally then goes into the bathroom to puke and it was a BAD puke. when we left the poor girl was asleep with her head ont he toilet and when we tried to move her to a couch and started throwing elbows. Needless to say I think she is still asleep in her bathroom.


Well one of the shit talkers (sean) fell asleep on Hally's couch. Here is why you DO NOT talk shit to me while I puke. There were 4 sober witnesses int he room to say that I stuck my nuts in his mouth and he licked his lips like they tasted good.....sucker.


Well I let Dave drive my car back to his place where I am given a couch and a bucket to puke in. The bucket was used, the couch was used then the sun came up and I know find myself here telling people on the internet about my drunken adventures that I really don't remember that well....all in all it was a good night.


The End

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fucking killer game. close game with division leader Seattle. we came from behind and won. so many japanese tourists there for Ichiro. a group of them were leaning on the rail model style taking lots of pictures. throwing up peace signs etc. funny stuff.



Lou Pinella leaving after putting in Arthur Rhodes.






Top of the 9th. We just took the lead in the bottom of the 8th.



Edgar Martinez



Sit down Edgar



The Angels in the infield.



We just won the game by 1 run.



After the game running on the field



High Fives



Coming off the field


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i also have a 12oz member to put up for nightowl nomination. Granted he is not a heavy poster but when he does post it is qulaity and stuff he is a partner in MANY a late night AIM conversations with your truly. This member is cornelius. I feel that he makes the cut to be the proud, the the nocturnal, the nightowls.

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Zack......man,that is fucked up......hahaha......you got the pictures of that shit?.....that dude will never be able to live that down......haha....right on,that's what he gets for talking shit........as for the NightOwl nomination.....I'm cool with it if everyone else is....haha.

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Guest willy.wonka

my house smells like gasoline....its pouring out this hole where the doorknob bust through the drywall..somebody spilt gas on the drywall in out outer closet..my walls are extremely flamable right now..

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Oooo Oooo some dad offered me a buttload of money for my truck today

he wants to buy it for his son as a back to school present or something

the truck stock would be worth about 4,000

and ive done over 7,000 in shit to it

damn it would have been fucking expensive to build my truck if i had paid a shop to do the work, hmm never realized that till now.


but yea this dad offered me more than those 2 combined prices

it was great he pulled up to me at a stop light and he said his son wanted to know how low my truck was, so i dumped the bags. when his son saw rocker panel hit the ground he got this fucking huge smile on his face. the guy asked me to pull into a parking lot across the street. so i pulled in and his son started drooling like a mofo over it. while in drool mode the kids dad asked me how much i wanted for it. i told him i dont really want to sell it but then got to thinking shit thats alot of money and i have another project truck exactly like it but not done yet back at the other pad. so after about 15 minutes of drooling the kid musters up the balls to ask me for a ride around the parking lot. i say alrighty and hop in, pop the passenger door as the kid slinks in with this fat grin across his face. i take off dragging rocker panel for about 10 feet before lifting the truck up and the kid is going apeshit about how fucking cool it is and how he loves minitrucks, he starts asking me all sorts of questions like how many inches the bodydrop is and what kind of valves are on it and what size airline. i think this kid is totally fucking cool, he reminds me of myself back in the day (although i never would have bought someone elses completed ride) so we drag around the lot for a minute or two and pull back into he spot next to his dad. the kid gets out giggling like a schoolgirl. the dad is supposed to call me tomorrow and arrange something. im going to sell it ive just decided. its too much money to pass up and it means my other truck can be finished. this truck is a virgin to magazines still, only having a partial shot in minitruckin' i just hope this kid really appreciates this truck because i know i have and if i ever see it featured in a magazine and the kid takes the credit i will find him and cut off his nuts!


im sure only 455 has read all of this and is probably smiling his ass off right about... now!

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I read it and I wish people would offer me that amount of money for my car...Good deal.


I got chased out of the fucking train yard tonght..god damnit...fuck a bunch of engines pulling in and me falling through a bunch of dead branches and bushes after my preferred escape route is blocked off

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damn.... WhenOne... what's up? i haven't talked to you in forever.. maybe you should turn on your AIM once in a while! oh and zack.. watch out for those bushes.... some might be poison ivy... you don't need a giant nastitaleous skin rash developing during your wheatpaste date tomorrow...

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