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NIGHT-OWLS: word has it we've got Boogiehands

Guest willy.wonka

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Guest krie

My mum asked me tonight if I can take her to the tattoo studio to get a design drawn up. Ill make an appointment too, getting ink done with the old lady, good way to spend some ol' quality time together.

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i returned this jug of bugspray at wal mart today after filling it up with water, which wasn't even dishonest because the stuff did not work for shit. i didn't have my receipt, as i did some recon on the person working the customer service desk, a kind of fat youngish dude with a scumstache, so i figured he would do my transaction without any trouble. but he has a shitty, smug attitude and takes the lid off the jug and sniffs inside. "weeeel i'll haaaave to ask the mahnager". he comes back and says the manager said he couldn't do it. a few minutes later there's another person at the desk and i take the jug back up, she says some shit about asking someone, who happens to be the faggot from before who is casheiring nearby. she says the manager said no, i say let me ask him myself. so the guy who i thought was a shoplift police appears, the ho says "the faggot with the mustache said it had water in it" quietly to the manager as if i'm not standing right there, the manager sniffs it and asks me "so you used some, return, blah blah". then he says ok to her, she asks for my id and says "is a gift card ok". i fucking know they don't give you cash over a certain amount if you have no receipt. what the fuck, why didn't the first one just give me the card, the card is not taken from his check, it isn't his store, i hate people like that


earlier i went to the kitchen to get something and stubbed my toe hard on the dog's food pan. it hurt and i got mad. now, my dog has no problem biting people, which he has done to me on a couple occaisons, and is pretty big too. a few minutes later i'm walking back through the kitchen, having forgotten about the pan and thinking about a joke on whatever show i was watching probably. suddenly i remember the pan and stop in my tracks. then i see the dog laying in the floor right in front of me. in the dark i didn't notice him, and he would have attacked me for stepping on him without a doubt. so then i was glad i ran into the pan earlier. the music girl on leno was hawt, but i can't find any pictures of her on the internet wtf.

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Guest krie

How was it then cloner ?


I awoke to my car and my brothers car doors open this morning. I looked inside my car and seen all my cds scattered everywhere. I checked my deck/speakers, sunglasses etc where still there , yep. I looked inside my lil brothers car, he was not too lucky. His deck/speakers, sunglasses, cds, and some money was gonnnnnnnnneee. I feel really sorry for him, he only got his licence and a car last month, now half the shit is missin from it.


Ive emptied everything of value out of my car basiclly now, I know them fucks will be back for my shit soon.

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holy shit balls its been a minute or two since ive wandered onto this boring site. how the fuck's everyone been? custom paint jobs on cars is a clean job, money money, but shit keeps me buisy too. my cousins husband gave me a car, what a shit house, it needs a fuel pump, along with tires all around, and there isnt a dent-less panel on the whole goddamn car, if thats not enough, the drivers side door is infested with hornets. fucking. wonderful. as soon as the piece of shit is running, im going to atempt to salvage what i can by knocking the dents out, and those to...denty? will have to be replaced, throw a fresh paint job on the bitch, and sell it. get myself a car that hasnt been through hell and back. mother fucking cloner, when you comin through to chill eh?

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graduation was boring. partied like a motherfucker though. on vacation from work for a week...woo. fantom..sometime soon for sure..ill shoot up for a weekend or so. i could tell lots of stories about shit that happened last night..but imma save em for when i have more time..have a good weekend..stay safe all.

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whatsup fools..


the party still continues strong. lots of shit to do lately, a couple parties every night. went and chilled up at this big park around here with these super big cliffs looking over all this shit and had a bbq and smoked blunts.


met this super cool chick who i've been hangin out with. uhh drank beers. partied.



yes..drank beers..more beers on the way..


i have no idea why this is such a random post. how's everyone doing?


oh p.s. having a fucking week off of work and graduating at the same time...is better than drugs..promise.



just kidding ;p

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We're really fighting hard to keep this thread alive huh?


Got a new job in promotions, the pays retardedly awesome ($30p/h), too bad its contract work, the office i work at pays me half, and works me harder. Final exams start in a few weeks so all thats keeping me busy.


Scored a free 6 pack of molotow, so i can get busy soon, painting is only a recreational activity these days.

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hah well today was a nice ass day so far..mid 70's no humidity..was perfect.


a friend who got a DUI got his license back today - so we rolled around in his caddy listenin to gangsta rap


fooled around at this chill wall for a few hours. made plans to paint tomorrow.


now im about to shower and head out to this bonfire/party.


whats everyone else up to?


y'all motherfuckers are boring now :\

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today my friends, was a good day.


i woke up and found my entire apartment to be cleaned by the super cool chick i mentioned before.


picked up two friends and painted at the chill wall.


went to the aforementioned park and had another bbq, then sat on the ledges and smoked blunts and watched the sun set..what a romantic evening.


now im off to see what the night has to offer..stay up foolsss.


oh yeah..my friend called me today and said she was in australia..it was wierd.

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