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NIGHT-OWLS: word has it we've got Boogiehands

Guest willy.wonka

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Guest krie

I'm seeing this girl on Wednesday night, but I wonder if she know's I was kissing her best friend an hour before I was kissing her on Saturday night

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last night i ate a couple tylenol 3s, hours later i smoked a cigarette, and got dizzy, nauseous and sleepy. i went to bed an hour later, because i felt better, but this morning i woke up around 10 feeling nauseous. i puked a little stomach acid or bile, and went back to sleep. fast forward a few hours, i wake up to some loud buzzing in my window, there's bees flying around. outside there was a swarm of bees coming in a crack in the wall. overnight bees came from somewhere and decided to fly inside the wall. so i sprayed some old insect spray i found in a shed, it was in a metal rusted can, and might have ddt or some other toxic stuff in it. i come home and there's dead bees all over my window sill, about 30. weird.

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wasnt me.


a good friend of mine totalled her lexus on saturday...and its wierd..this is the same girl ive seen drink bottles of vodka and dirve herself home fine. its really just fucked up how fast everything changed for her.


the cops came to the house where we were all at and thats not a place you want to be when the cops show up. its just been a fucked up and stressful weekend, lots of stupid stuff and drama.


im not really one tto preach anything..but if youre gonna drink and drive be fuckin careful.

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Guest krie

From my usual friday/saturday night hang outs it takes about a 10 minute to get home, normally runs be about $20 taxi. When I drive home it takes me around 20-25 minutes, I go threw so many different suburbs taking back streets.


I crashed my S13 Nissan 180sx one night drinkin driving. I only made it about 50 meters down the road from where it was parked. I got it home safely after that though.

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its early and my day has already been made and I have to tell someone about this. I think I found the perfect girl. I stayed the night with a female I know and her way of "waking me up" was to give me some dome in my sleep til I woke up. I must say that was the most pleasent wake up call I have EVER gotten in my life.....I am a happy camper right now.



and pistolero if you still have some of the oolong stickers can you hook a nizzle up, sorry its taken me so long to get back to you about those.

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