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NIGHT-OWLS: word has it we've got Boogiehands

Guest willy.wonka

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there was a nation wide bust over some child porn internet ring yesterday. one of them was a 46 year old dad, i went to school with his son , we had a punch up in year 8. but i think he commited suicide today, not sure. there was another 24 year old too, i dated his sister in year 10. fucken homo's. i hope they throw the book at them.

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drunk... bored... as per usual...


i think i talked my buddy into playing bass in the new band i'm getting going... he fuckin rocks the bass and hasn't been in a band in like 15 years or so... pretty stoked...


i hate it when people bail...

when you only have vague plans with someone you should at least call to say that you are not heading out and are doing something else... especially if yer a broad that i want to get back in my bed- cuz otherwise i'll tell people i've got something else going on when really i'm just sitting around waiting for you to call...


speaking of calls- just heard from whener... still alive and drinkin...





Originally posted by Rick Ta Life

FRIENDSHIP, LOYALTY, COMMITEMENT These are the bonds what keep it alive meeeeeh blehhh mehhh blargh mehhhh


hahahahaha! :lol:

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i got a sickness from my brother, last night i couldn't sleep, my throat felt halfway blocked so i had to swallow spit manually, which made me feel like it was hard to breathe, and caused me to feel nauseated, which made for cough untill you feel like puking sessions, i have been in various degrees of semi conciousness all day, a little bourbon and some Nyquil made me feel like puking, but helped me to achieve unconciousness i think, plus my head hurts. i think i'll have some more Nyquil when i finish eating.

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i aint dead yet assholes


long time no see there partners.

yes the When has been away

bet you all forgot about me huh?

thought i was dead in a gutter, or over dosed on jager.

well fuck you for thinking such horrible things.


so kids hows it going around these parts?

basically i havent been on here because i moved into a new apartment and have no internet access, so im up at the local junior college, stealing their bandwidth, yay for me.


well i must be gettin' now, so ill check in with you kids from time to time to make sure everyone is playing nicely.


g'nite kids.

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aw when.. you have to drop me an email.. i'll be up in your area for spring break.. to visit my boy for a weekend.. remember.. remember when i was supposed to but had to pay court fines and a lawyer.


we didnt forget about you.






ragsoe's mama called me today to see how i was doing.. aww. shes the greatesttttt.

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Man, i NEVER get sick, but i seem to have got something thats seriously fucking around with my thoughts...


I woke up this morning, with my alarm set at 8:30 and i felt really horible like i was going to vomit and i had serious dizyness....I SWEAR i thought i had caught an STD from paris hilton, you dont understand, i seriously beleived that for a good minute or so before i came to my sences and was like WTF?


also, last night i took a shower and the hot water against my cold skin was too much so i started to hallucinate.


i havent eaten anything in 3 days besides juice and a handful of microwave popcorn.

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Originally posted by fatbastard

Man, i NEVER get sick, but i seem to have got something thats seriously fucking around with my thoughts...


I woke up this morning, with my alarm set at 8:30 and i felt really horible like i was going to vomit and i had serious dizyness....I SWEAR i thought i had caught an STD from paris hilton, you dont understand, i seriously beleived that for a good minute or so before i came to my sences and was like WTF?


also, last night i took a shower and the hot water against my cold skin was too much so i started to hallucinate.


sounds like a fever


my chest hurts when i cough, which i can't avoid doing if i try to take a deep breath.


Cloner, why in the name of shit are you going to Utah? Mormons are secretly frogs.

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my girl goes to school there :


edit: oh i know about the evil ways of those mormon bitches.


some kid at work tonight was trying to tell me utah is a dry state? (alcohol wise) i said no way..someone please confirm this for me so i dont needlessly smuggle bottles of jack daniels in my suitcase.

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Originally posted by cloner

some kid at work tonight was trying to tell me utah is a dry state? (alcohol wise) i said no way..someone please confirm this for me so i dont needlessly smuggle bottles of jack daniels in my suitcase.


no, but there are a lot of regulations concerning it, i'm kind of dumbfounded: http://www.fortogden.com/utahliqlaw.html

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holyshitgoddamn, so i will need to smuggle. as far as graffiti goes, i asked her if there was much out there and she said there really wasnt anything to amazing. some stuff here and there and she lives in salt lake city, so who knows..maybe ill see what i can do when im out there.

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what makes you think i give a fuck about your opinion on anything


if you got a problem with me, fill out the complaint form and drop it in the box located next to your keyboard and it will be picked up within two to five working days then thrown in the trash.




i'm getting fucking sick of alot of peoples responses to simple posts in threads..


fuck off

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