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NIGHT-OWLS: word has it we've got Boogiehands

Guest willy.wonka

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so saturday was my official "gittin outta SF" party night... started drinking at 3pm... went to the bar around 9... made out with people that i don't remember, had sex in the bathroom with someone i don;t remember, drank a bunch of free booze, lots of so long huggin... go to party at about midnight, bring some girl with me from the bar, drink more at party, make out and start going home with girl, friend keeps telling me he'll never speak to me again if i go home with said girl*, i eventually get roped into some conversation so i won't notice girl looking for me, can't find girl, hang out with two people (including dude who chased off girl), drink more, go home at 7am, sleep on my floor, get up at 2pm, still drunk, get breakfast, stay drunk till about 3 or so, spend all day hung over and trying not to vomit...


*girl came running up to me when she saw i was having lunch in the bar today... she was all excited to see me and was wondering what happened to me... i couldn't remember her name and only vaguely remembered meeting her... she told me we hung out all night and were sposed to go home together... she leaves, friend from before finally starts laughing and fills me in on the rest... i am eternally grateful to that guy...

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its blue.. i like it;]


krie..yeah i would love to own an evo also..it would still be 4 door and i could fit machai in it.. however.i dont think i'll be owning one of those anytime soon..come on now..single mom..young.. going to school.. i have bigger prorieties then paying for a 30,000+ car..haha

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Originally posted by vinyl junkie

so saturday was my official "gittin outta SF" party night... started drinking at 3pm... went to the bar around 9... made out with people that i don't remember, had sex in the bathroom with someone i don;t remember, drank a bunch of free booze, lots of so long huggin... go to party at about midnight, bring some girl with me from the bar, drink more at party, make out and start going home with girl, friend keeps telling me he'll never speak to me again if i go home with said girl*, i eventually get roped into some conversation so i won't notice girl looking for me, can't find girl, hang out with two people (including dude who chased off girl), drink more, go home at 7am, sleep on my floor, get up at 2pm, still drunk, get breakfast, stay drunk till about 3 or so, spend all day hung over and trying not to vomit...


*girl came running up to me when she saw i was having lunch in the bar today... she was all excited to see me and was wondering what happened to me... i couldn't remember her name and only vaguely remembered meeting her... she told me we hung out all night and were sposed to go home together... she leaves, friend from before finally starts laughing and fills me in on the rest... i am eternally grateful to that guy...


you keep going at that rate your dick is gonna fall off!! you better be wrapping that shit up!!

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Originally posted by effyoo

i just had to chime in...


my boy just bought one too. black in color. they are a good little car, aren't they?

they have no trouble doing 160 down the highway, i can tell you that.


I wanted a black one;[ but i ddint get it..i actually got hte last one in my area..well an 04.. she had it shipped from somewhere else.. for someone else to testdrive and i had called in 15 mins after it got there..wondering if they had one... yeah i got a manuel its not a racecar but it picks up pretty decently..i dont need a fast car..i had alot of tickets when i had one;/

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Originally posted by alure

you keep going at that rate your dick is gonna fall off!! you better be wrapping that shit up!!

i found a condom wrapper in my pocket the next day... that's what made me ask people if anything happened...

turns out half the bar saw me stumble into the bathroom with some girl...

no one knows who the girl is tho...

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I am going to buy that '72 Dodge Dart Swinger....and not even for 200 bucks......hahaha....how about 100 bucks and used Players pool cue---I fired up the engine and it runs so smooth that you can hardly even hear the motor----the bodywork however....it going to suck---it needs a left front fender and a left driver door,peices for the grille,lower valance and possibly a bumper and a dent popped out of the right rear quarter panel(which is easy)---it's ocean blue with a white vinyl top and white and blue interior.....needless to say---I'm kinda hyped to work on it.anyways,peace.....I have to work tomorrow.

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Originally posted by 455

I am going to buy that '72 Dodge Dart Swinger....and not even for 200 bucks......hahaha....how about 100 bucks and used Players pool cue---I fired up the engine and it runs so smooth that you can hardly even hear the motor----the bodywork however....it going to suck---it needs a left front fender and a left driver door,peices for the grille,lower valance and possibly a bumper and a dent popped out of the right rear quarter panel(which is easy)---it's ocean blue with a white vinyl top and white and blue interior.....needless to say---I'm kinda hyped to work on it.anyways,peace.....I have to work tomorrow.






so me and a few friends have aplan...

it's not happpening till next month, when we all have money, but we're going toi play a little game called "99 bottles of beer on the wall"...


we are going to attached 99 bottles of beer to the wall (either with super glue or by building narrow shelves) and we are gonna have enough coke to spell out "99 bottles" in lines...

there will be 5 of us...

we will take a bottle down, pass it around, and when it's done we'll take another one do2wn...

all in all it comes to about 20 beers each...

it will be fully doccumented...

it will be awesome...

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